Even outdoors, with no walls to bounce the sound around?
Edit: Sorry, chap. Misread your post!
Great idea for a thread
Even outdoors, with no walls to bounce the sound around?
Dunno, but he's using SSE MB4 monitor wedges.
Who's that onstage though?
I worked at a marquee branded place which had 4 empty marshall cabs taking valuable stage space, I don't see the point, then again, I'm not a metal head.
38 x 2.5 = 95k
Q1: why?
Q2: why the wheels inside?
The band is called Immortal.
http://gizmodo.com/5644585/the-concert-speakers-are-a-lie?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: gizmodo/full (Gizmodo)
Note: I used http://www.tineye.com reverse image search to find other websites carrying the same image. Very handy tool!
Boomcase from http://blog.theboomcase.com/boomcases/
they are in the US by the looks of it
And by the looks of it too. Those things are HUGEthey are in the US by the looks of it
ooooh!!It is a little screen!
...a little eq would be good...i wonder if thats what the screen is...
So who came up with this first FM?
Some dude built this and im quite jealous of his l33t skills
Speakerplans forum thread: http://forum.speakerplans.com/meta-system-pics-from-shambala_topic56502.html
Build Blog: http://www.metaacoustics.com/wordpress/?p=150
pixels, shirley