Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered
The KKE will be happy then. A KKE Mp, Liana Canalis (sp) was on tv last night condemning the referendum, rather wittily as it's like 'being asked if you want to be killed or to die', and demanding an election. So, so-called revolutionary KKE demanding the return to bourgeous democratic politics and an election.... What then if a pro-austerity government wins?!
You know the answer Fed. But for others. KKE are a pro-austerity party.
It joined a national unity government in 1989 (led by tory backbencher Zanis Zannetakis, with the conservatives the main party) to impose new restrictions on the right of trade unions to be recognised. It got the justice and home office ministries and as a means of "putting the past behind us" destroyed secret police files from 1967-75 which could have been used to prosecute the thousands of torturers in the Greek police and army. ΚΚΕ Εsoterikou - the main part of the Syriza today - was also a part of that coalition.
This has become known to Greek leftists as the Vromiko 89 - the dirty 89 (compromise).
Today's KKE says it was against the coalition just betrayed by unreliable people at the top - but the ideology, habits and slogans - 'against monopoly capitalism, for a strong national economy' - are all the same. It's Eurocommunism - it's the same in the Die Linke, the NPA in France, the CPB's pro-Labourism here.