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Great Pottery Throwdown

Wonder what the qualification process is to get on this, there seemed quite a difference between the doggy one, which was class compared to Ara’s or the skull and crossbones, maybe just a bad day at the wheel.
Wonder what the qualification process is to get on this, there seemed quite a difference between the doggy one, which was class compared to Ara’s or the skull and crossbones, maybe just a bad day at the wheel.

They are usually fairly competent potter's, though some are more handbuilders and sculpters than throwers, but the pressure and timing must really fuck them up. You can see the timing issue clearly in the pirate illustration piece, it'd need another couple hours work to fully complete.
Love this show, Keith is so passionate and emotional.
An old friend of mine is a potter, got her workshop at the bottom of their garden. She manages to sell some of her work locally. I tell her she should give this programme a go, but I think she is too shy.
Second time ever watching this and I love it.
That brick challenge was fascinating. And as for the building business, blimey. Such skills. I think both judges are delightful.
What a treat.
I didn't see the first series, but I absolutely love this. They're all so sweet.

It's just such feel-good TV, isn't it?

My favourite tonight was the mushroom castle, and also the Cornish tin mine. And Aron did a great job with the bricks, didn't he!
I love it. I did an art course a few years ago that included an introduction to ceramics and I've been fascinated by the process and technicalities ever since and would love to have another go and learn some more.

This show's not only very entertaining - Keith's ever so lovely and so glad they made under-sung hero Rick a judge this season - but also interesting and informative. And I love how the different skillsets of the contestants get an opportunity to shine through, with some being better at throwing or slab-building or sculpting, so they often get a chance to redeem themselves in different challenges if a previous one hasn't gone so well. And it's great to see such imagination and creativity as well as skills.
I didn't see the first series, but I absolutely love this. They're all so sweet.

It's just such feel-good TV, isn't it?

My favourite tonight was the mushroom castle, and also the Cornish tin mine. And Aron did a great job with the bricks, didn't he!
You can still watch last year’s series on All4 when this one finishes :)
I didn't see the first series, but I absolutely love this. They're all so sweet.

It's just such feel-good TV, isn't it?
It really is. If you can find the previous series you should. The second (BBC) one was my fave.

I'm watching this week's on catch up now :)

AnnO'Neemus I completely agree about lovely Rick, I'm so glad he's a judge although I miss Kate Malone a lot.
Jodie to me looks like Frances McDormand of The Valleys.
Excellent programme, loved all the Raku designs. So pleased no one went home.
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