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10 Great Films

Total Recall - in your face, action packed mind fuck sci-fi. Arnie and the mutants take down a hyper-capitalist dystopia whilst exploring profound philosphical quesions inbetween fireballs, exposions and flying bodyparts. Plus the most Arnie line ever - "consider this a divorce".

Quadrophenia - has there been a better depiction of working class youth sub culture? brilliant sound track too.

Pulp Fiction - tarintino re-wrote the rule book. mean, lean, flash and faultless from start to finish - dialougue, editing, soundtrack, performances, pace - not one shot, not one word wasted.

Battle of Algiers - uncompromising and utterly gripping. Despite its revolutioanry intent - it refuses to tell the audience what to think and feel - presenting the stark reality and choices for both sides.

Das Boot - puts the "fucking hell!" into claustrophobia. Brilliant and gripping study of men up agasint it - the pressure gauge keeps climbing way past the hulls limit, the metal groans, the bolts pop, you chew your own fist off ... (kind of a sibling to 50s brit war film "the cruel sea" - also a great film)

Pan's Labyrinth - peak del torre. Dark fantasy side by side with brutal fascist reality. Brilliant.

Apocalypse Now - a visonary, epic, journey into hell. Transcends its vietman setting to become .. dunno .. some kind of mythic cinematic poem. Amazing set peices and takes conrads orginal story and makes it so much more.

The Godfather - one of most written about and rated films ever. With good reason - its a masterpeice. The logic of Michael Corleone's journey from clean-cut war hero to ruthless mobster is brilliantly told - and the cinimatography is just breathaking. Copplla eh ? (see above)

Casablanca - small film with huge heart and a big message. wit, heroism, humanity, anti-fascism and some of cinemas greatest ever lines melt self serving cynicism for the win.

Brighton Rock - darling dickie attenborough as pinkie the snarling, proto-punk hoodlum . He out-brandos brando - before brando! gripping, violent and disturbing brit noir.

Not saying they are the 10 greatest ever - but 10 great films I never tire of. Hard to whittle down to ten.
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