There's no way you could get a house like that in Falmouth for less than 350-400k I reckon. The girl done good.
It was verging on boring as there were no dramas, no running out of money.....
I used to love Kevin, but now I just find him annoying
He always looks alternately at people's chests and eyes when he speaks to them.
Don't know him in person, but I used to subedit his articles for Grand Designs magazine and exchanged emails a few times. He's alright – not a great writer, but not precious about his work either.
That's nonsense - I don't know anyone in that age group who lives with their parents. Most people just have to rent for longer before being able to buy, that's all.
He was an idiot.
A brave and creatively talented idiot but an idiot nevertheless who put his wife through hell and his kids at risk for an ego project.
1. Starting a project when not all the funding is in place? Ever heard of the phrase don't count your chickens? Criminal enough on a build that isn't your home but when you are going to have to live in the unfinished result should it go pear shaped! Idiot.
2. His project management didn't have a critical path to limit distruption to him and his family. Instead he tried to do it all at once and fixated on the ego nicey new things like the roof and the extention.
The sensible thing to do would to have concentrated on the main part of the house first and tack the extention on after (money permitting). Get the kitchen storted as soon as possible before anything else.
3. From the inside that roof was horendous with all those ugly bolts and things. That was without being able to see the rust and stuff he was on about.
Good design. Crap project management.
It was a project that should never have been started.
He probably was hoping to let the extention out as holiday accomodation. That didn't work out so well afterwards did it?
Earthship type thing, built in same aesthetic as usual with these people, and with slave labour. They just can't help themselves with the niches and bottle walls. Personally I'd rather not feel like I'm living in a Moroccan theme restaurant. It would be nice to see someone do something self-build, off-grid and using recycled materials that didn't look like that. There's no particular reason it has to.
They didn't play up to too many Brighton stereotypes either.