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Godzilla vs Kong 2021

Just watched it.

For a non spoiler review what i'll say is this.

Imagine you put the first godzilla reboot on one end of the grim and gritty spectrum, King of the monsters about two thirds towards the lighthearted side, and Skull island about three quarters access to the crazy b-movie side.
Godzilla vs Kong 2021 is doing a nose grind along the spectrum while snorting coke as it goes.

It manages to be utterly dumb while managing to realise that what we are here to see is a wrestling match. The human characters are just the managers of the wrestlers doing ring side skits to warm up the crowd until one monster throws the other monster off the top of the case and through the announcers table.

Serious took a fucking holiday in this one and I kind of love it because of that.

This film obviously watched a bunch of godzila films but then followed it up by watching pacific rim and some anime*.

Watch one the biggest screen you can with the bass turned all the way up.

*notably episode 8 of evangelion
I'm hoping for Skull Island with all its glorious silliness, and not the po-faced seriousness of the first 2 Godzillas.
You will be happy.

This scores a zero on po-facedness.

This does not feel like it is set in the same universe as the first godzilla movie.
It is radically different in tone to the second movie. Kinda in the same universe but kinda not.
This almost feels like a soft reboot.
Just watched it.

For a non spoiler review what i'll say is this.

Imagine you put the first godzilla reboot on one end of the grim and gritty spectrum, King of the monsters about two thirds towards the lighthearted side, and Skull island about three quarters access to the crazy b-movie side.
Godzilla vs Kong 2021 is doing a nose grind along the spectrum while snorting coke as it goes.

It manages to be utterly dumb while managing to realise that what we are here to see is a wrestling match. The human characters are just the managers of the wrestlers doing ring side skits to warm up the crowd until one monster throws the other monster off the top of the case and through the announcers table.

Serious took a fucking holiday in this one and I kind of love it because of that.

This film obviously watched a bunch of godzila films but then followed it up by watching pacific rim and some anime*.

Watch one the biggest screen you can with the bass turned all the way up.

*notably episode 8 of evangelion

From the position of not having seen the subject of the OP, I was with you till Pacific Rim.
You will be happy.

This scores a zero on po-facedness.

This does not feel like it is set in the same universe as the first godzilla movie.
It is radically different in tone to the second movie. Kinda in the same universe but kinda not.
This almost feels like a soft reboot.

Am good with that. Not a purist who demands that characters/films/franchises never change, hell, even enjoyed the Roland Emmerich version.

As an aside, most of the Godzilla (originals) are on our Netflix but no subtitles. Boo!
From the position of not having seen the subject of the OP, I was with you till Pacific Rim.
This one has some of the colour pallet of the fights but turned down a bit and some of the camera placement and movement.
It doesn't feel that tonally similar to Pacific Rim.

Personally I quite like some of what pacific rim was going for but found the execution flawed.
I can confidently say this was the worst thing I've ever seen. Even Pearl Harbour was oscar material compared to this.
Kermode putting it slightly more diplomatically than me.

The best actor was the deaf/mute one, because she couldn't speak the unspeakable script :D

I agree with him, Skull Island was pretty good, a massive budget movie hijacked by an auteur, a bit like Thor: Ragnarok was hijacked by Taika Waititi.
I can confidently say this was the worst thing I've ever seen. Even Pearl Harbour was oscar material compared to this.

Were you expecting any different? :D

I've not seen Godzilla vs Kong myself but i think i could have guessed from the title it would be bad! :p
The only bright spot was seeing that the kid out of Hunt for the Wilderpeople (one of my fav films) is forging a highly unlikely career in Hollywood. Not even attempting an American accent - eat your heart out Crowe, Gibson, Pearce... Just go for it.
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