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Drabblewrimo 2021

Day 26 – Medicine

Grape juice concentrate
Calcium carbonate
Non-vegan material (fish bladders, egg whites, bentonite clay, mammal proteins and plastics)
Sulphur dioxide
Powdered tannins
Potassium sorbate
Potassium metabisulphite
Carbon dioxide
High blood pressure
Body-wide inflammation
Domestic and social violence
Korsakoff’s syndrome
Foetal alcohol syndrome
Road traffic incidents
Heart disease
Heart attack
Liver disease
Liver failure
Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, oesophagus, larynx, liver, colon, and rectum

God, I’m dying for a drink.
For medicinal purposes only, you understand.

The doctor and the observer had come.

They have passed the ethics requirements, but she must be asked once more and she nods – her eyes certain, smiling.

They are playing her favourite show tunes and they had moved the bed downstairs so she could see that the rose garden had come out beautifully even with his inexpert help this year.

He’d laughed when they asked if she wanted any spiritual or religious advisor there – she, the staunchest atheist he’d known. ‘I’ll be gone and that’s OK.’

Though as her grip slackened, he thought he saw her for a moment, her face turned to the roses.

This time she was going to do it. The kids were in bed and they slept well these days, Tim was in Leeds delivering training, no distractions. She turned the lights down, had a glass of wine, put on some indistinct tinkly music and got out the ‘magic wand’. She had almost given up - everyone said a rampant rabbit would bring anyone off in 30 seconds. Not her.

It was noisy, she turned the music up again, and applied. Oh yes. Waves. Concentrate on the waves of feeling. Oh God, might this be…

‘Muuuuuum!’ a plaintive voice.

‘Coming…. darling.’
Day 27 - Concentration
  • Order new router
  • Fix shed
  • Make muffins
  • Write drabble
Do NOT log onto Facebook. I’ll just work my way through, one job at a time, and tick them off.

Right, router. New tab.

28 notifications! 3 birthdays, 4 updates, 5 from that meme I shared last week. Algorithms are wank! 10 from marketplace. Unfollow. Why’s he liked that? I don’t even look like that anymore.

Ok, router. Another like for yesterday’s drabble! Bit windy to fix the shed now. Why are Virgin so shit? I can’t even find the

Mmm, muffins. Etymology of ‘muffin’? Ha, fancy that. German.

Another like!
I like that we've all managed not to have any death or murder in today's drabbles (unless krtek or xenon have ones to post?)

Dear all

I hereby tender my resignation because, during our team-building session, I turned into a cat.

The hypnotist instructed us to concentrate on what we truly wanted to be, and apparently I truly wanted to be a ginger tom called Jasper.

Fortunately I have no money worries, as Jill from HR is now the world's richest woman, and is supporting me and Donna from marketing, who is Claudia Schiffer.

Oh - keep an eye on the news for taxes on cycling shorts, because the Chancellor is now Bob from accounts, and you know he's always hated them.


Jasper (Cat)
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‘She’s good but she hasn’t much experience.’
‘Don’t you think she’s a little… strident? Rubs people up the wrong way, opinionated.’
‘She’s great at her job, but honestly most guys are only going to think about one thing when looking at her… don’t be like that Brian, I bet you do too.’
‘So really we come back to Richard.’
‘There was the Feng Wa deal…’
‘Ancient history, I mean, he was just starting out, everyone has a slip up.’
‘Has a decent average on the green.’
‘Safe pair of hands. Shall I break the good news to him?’
Day 28 – Leadership

Acting Captain’s Log
Stardate 2811.21

It all started when Jim left for Risa. Scotty fell ill and left the apprentice in charge of the warp core reactor.

When Johnny said that he could actually change the laws of physics, I did not believe him. I concluded that he was comedically subverting an often-repeated phrase of Scotty’s.

Unfortunately, Johnny’s claim was genuine. The crew have been turned inside out, and are unable to operate the bridge consoles.

Due to my telepathic abilities, I am able to commit the events to this log. I take full responsibility for the debacle.

Spock out.
Day 29Surprise

‘How To Make Your Dreams Come True’ was a series of BED Talks, subliminal podcasts designed to work on your brain whilst you were asleep, similar in design to the ‘how to learn a foreign language in your sleep’ Duolingo tapes. There was a long-running debate over their efficacy, but I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, so when I saw the podcasts on Spotify, I downloaded the lot.

I wasn’t expecting them to work that well, if I’m honest.

Waking late after a restless night though, I was horrified to find my pillow strewn with bloodied teeth.

It began quietly online. Rumours, the sick were healed, He was come. His name was John Randall and he spoke with the voice of God, He was back to save America, the Real America, and the world.

In Washington troops kept well apart the mass of Randall’s followers and the questioning counterprotest on the other side of the river.

Randall’s rousing speech demanded whether anyone questioned the will of God, his status as the True Messiah. On the other side of the bridge, a black woman stood up and began walking across the waters of the Potomac.
My final one was exactly 100 words (not intentionally, just came out that way!)


‘It was a nice try’ the shadowy figure said.

‘Lasted a good deal longer than the other ones, a good innings.’ replied the glowing figure.

‘I got rather fond of them.’

‘So did I.’

‘Fractious bunch, though.’

‘But I tell you this – they’d probably laugh to hear it – an awful lot of them did love very well.’

‘Very well indeed.’

‘They all go more or less the same way though.’

‘Can’t help themselves can they, once things start going well and they get too comfortable?’

They shook their heads as they packed away the smouldering remains of the blue planet.
Great stuff Cloo . I have to say a massive THANK YOU to scifisam for introducing me to drabbles. They are insanely addictive, and really tapped into my deep love of the short story. I've had an absolute fucking ball writing these, and intend to write the first 3 that I missed, then publish a pamphlet of them to sell at gigs.

I've also thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone else's - there has been so much variety, intense creativity, and genuinely excellent writing. The prompts were fantastic too, just perfect springboards. I've got a few people into writing them and they've loved them too :cool:

Yay! Let's do it again next year :D
And here's my final one.

Day 30 – Flawed

Some people thought he was funny, but no one laughed now. We just stood and stared at the fluff-haired buffoon on the big screen, making his excuses, telling us he’d return once this ‘official visit’ was over.

We watched as he boarded the plane, leaving death and destruction in his wake, hospitals clogged with corpses, ambulances abandoned, shops looted, useless empty cars overturned, and the Houses of Parliament on fire.

The best laid plans of mice-like men. Who said that? Might have been the pilot of the private jet, patting his suicide vest, seconds before take-off. We’ll never know now.
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