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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

I define "Normal" as follows:

Flawed assumptions. :)
This spat has raised an interesting point about how we treat people who are perceived as "vulnerable" in some way. Do we treat with kid gloves and walk on egg shells around certain subjects? Treat them as poor little victims? See, I don't think the person concerned here is a passive victim. I think she is actually robust enough to deal with people raising stuff that she herself has volunteered. The fact that certain people want to pile in to defend this person from Blagsta the big bad male oppressor speaks volumes. She's perfectly capable of dealing with this and defending herself.
My assumptions are always flawed, but fortunately I also provide three pages of caveats explaining why they are flawed, why this isn't my fault and why nobody can sue me for the fact that the answer is consequently meaningless.

They teach you that at actuary school.

(Recognise the formula now, by the way?)
It's normal distribution, isn't it. Should have recognised it, but I didn't.

The flawed assumption normally is that something is a normal distribution.
This spat has raised an interesting point about how we treat people who are perceived as "vulnerable" in some way. Do we treat with kid gloves and walk on egg shells around certain subjects? Treat them as poor little victims? See, I don't think the person concerned here is a passive victim. I think she is actually robust enough to deal with people raising stuff that she herself has volunteered. The fact that certain people want to pile in to defend this person from Blagsta the big bad male oppressor speaks volumes. She's perfectly capable of dealing with this and defending herself.

You're missing the point entirely. I already addressed why I posted and what I consider to be your problem.
It's normal distribution, isn't it. Should have recognised it, but I didn't.

The flawed assumption normally is that something is a normal distribution.
Indeed, although if you are aggregating enough distributions, the central limit theorem becomes your friend.

Not that I ever, ever, ever use it in professional life, mind. It's totally useless for anything financial.
This spat has raised an interesting point about how we treat people who are perceived as "vulnerable" in some way. Do we treat with kid gloves and walk on egg shells around certain subjects? Treat them as poor little victims? See, I don't think the person concerned here is a passive victim. I think she is actually robust enough to deal with people raising stuff that she herself has volunteered. The fact that certain people want to pile in to defend this person from Blagsta the big bad male oppressor speaks volumes. She's perfectly capable of dealing with this and defending herself.

Not saying that Eds needs defending, she's tuff enough to look after herself; more a comment on the frankly appalling stance you chose to take back there. Tis all.
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You're engaging in exactly the shit you accuse me of. Far easier to sling mud than to think innit.

I told you - I thought about this a lot and my conclusion is that you're the type of person who thinks nothing of shutting a woman down by reminding her that she's a woman. That she's done stereotypically female things; been a whore, been spiteful, been a bitch.

I don't understand why you can't see it.
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Not that I ever, ever, ever use it in professional life, mind. It's totally useless for anything financial.
I wish everyone thought that. I was reading the other day about various economic theories that were in use right up to 2008 that assumed normal distribution of risk on financial instruments. Mandlebrot back in the 1960s warned that this was not the case, and that extreme events were in fact more likely than in a normal distribution. He was largely ignored. :(
I told you - I thought about this a lot and my conclusion is that you're the type of person who thinks nothing of shutting a woman down by reminding her that she's a woman. That she's done stereotypically female things; been a whore, been spiteful, been a bitch.

I don't understand why you can't see it.
You're doing exactly that - accusing me of misogyny to shut down debate.
This spat has raised an interesting point about how we treat people who are perceived as "vulnerable" in some way. Do we treat with kid gloves and walk on egg shells around certain subjects? Treat them as poor little victims? See, I don't think the person concerned here is a passive victim. I think she is actually robust enough to deal with people raising stuff that she herself has volunteered. The fact that certain people want to pile in to defend this person from Blagsta the big bad male oppressor speaks volumes. She's perfectly capable of dealing with this and defending herself.

Pretty much the liberal left in a nutshell - people are passive objects that are there to either be used by capital or the left, to be pitied, patronised, spoken for, unable to play a role in their own fightback - anything but the active subject that they actually are (as that would rob the liberal left of its role in life)
Yep. Accusing a man of misogyny. That well known argument winner. You going to accuse me of being hysterical next?
Far easier to sling mud as I said. God forbid that anyone could actually think about why the person concerned is ok with me, yet her self appointed defenders are having me lynched as woman hater of the year.
Far easier to sling mud as I said.

What mud? :confused: I am pointing out to you what you don't seem to realise. You're textbook, and it's also textbook to jump up and down calling me spiteful instead of going away and having a little think about what you've done.
What mud? :confused: I am pointing out to you what you don't seem to realise. You're textbook, and it's also textbook to jump up and down calling me spiteful instead of going away and having a little think about what you've done.

Now you're being hysterical. Go back to conducting hate campaigns on Facebook. It suits your personality.
Now you're being hysterical. Go back to conducting hate campaigns on Facebook. It suits your personality.

Why insult me instead of considering the slightest possibility I might be right? I'm not insulting you, I'm trying to help you.
Oh HOLD up. That's way out of line.
It's clearly a response to how stella operates. She accuses me of wanting to call her hysterical, so I thought I'd oblige. There's only so much abuse I'm gonna take before I sling some back. Don't forget, it was Stella who started a hate foxy red group on Facebook. Hardly the feminist she's painting herself to be here.
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