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Glade 2007 20-22 July

Music til 4 is fucking pathetic. The restrictions in this country really get on my fucking tits.
I dunno - if you are out dancing all day, say from mid-afternoon, music till 4am sounds ok to me...at least this way you've got a chance of getting a bit of kip...

Are you going Onket?
Onket said:
Music til 4 is fucking pathetic. The restrictions in this country really get on my fucking tits.

a lot of places don't have such restrictions - it's because the site is quite near residential areas and is a nature reserve so the licence is a strict one. It's a lovely site so it's worth making some sacrifices for.
immic you werent allowed bonfires last year, so they provided communal ones - which they lit after dark and put out 15mins before all the music finished, effectively making sure everyone went back to their tents.
Dubversion said:
as posted elsewhere, prod crew confirmed:

Pootle and Mr Pootle

What was the selection process? Clearly it wasn't advertised and carried out fairly under current employment legislation!!! :mad:

Onket said:
Details please.

So I can think about where to go next year.

well Glastonbury has plenty of music all night, for a start. as does Endorse it, there's two off the top of my head.
dont go to any festivals that have an 'arena' and a camping area because ime they all shut at night and thats the end of the music.
Dubversion said:
well Glastonbury has plenty of music all night, for a start. as does Endorse it, there's two off the top of my head.

Oddly enough I was thinking about doing Endorse It this year.

/derail over (?)
wiskey said:
dont go to any festivals that have an 'arena' and a camping area because ime they all shut at night and thats the end of the music.

Or worse... they're like TiTP. Which is really a beer festival with pissed up Scottish heed the baals burning tents :(
wiskey, derv, jtg, dub, pootle, mrs pootle, saaam, crustychick, myself, moggy, ouchmonkey and um catinthehat??
tbh i'm all packed and ready to go . . . just killing time now.

have totally failed to organise a lift so we'll be training it tomorrow morning from bristol. want to be on site by mid afternoon.

FunkyPhil said:
I can't go now due to a bereavement :( I have one boy ticket avail. If you are interested, please PM me for details. :cool:

oh sorry to hear that :(

are they non refundable?
Moggy said:
I've not packed. Or organised anything. Whoops :oops:

Best start getting myself together then :D

I didn't know I was going until five hours ago.

Sorry to hear of your loss, Phil.
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