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Give your electricity/gas supplier an up to date reading before 1st April 2022

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Just a little reminder to inform your current electricity supplier of your meter reading either today or tomorrow this ensures that as little as possible / none of the electricity you use will be charged at an estimated usage rate and at thud new prices

Artificially boosting told reading is fraud however you maybe tempted to round up

If on a prepaid key (?) it maybe worth, if you can afford it, loading up your account to the max as prepaid electricity should be charged at the old rate until you have exhausted what has been preloaded - check with your provider

And whilst the temptation to stop paying by direct debit maybe great the extra cost in doing so may not be worth it

This guidance comes from Martin Lewes "The Money Saving Expert" check either youtube or his Web site for and clarification or confirmation

He also suggests not changing suppliers for the time being but again check TMSE our other sources you trust
Just a little reminder to inform your current electricity supplier of your meter reading either today or tomorrow this ensures that as little as possible / none of the electricity you use will be charged at an estimated usage rate and at thud new prices

Artificially boosting told reading is fraud however you maybe tempted to round up

If on a prepaid key (?) it maybe worth, if you can afford it, loading up your account to the max as prepaid electricity should be charged at the old rate until you have exhausted what has been preloaded - check with your provider

And whilst the temptation to stop paying by direct debit maybe great the extra cost in doing so may not be worth it

This guidance comes from Martin Lewes "The Money Saving Expert" check either youtube or his Web site for and clarification or confirmation

He also suggests not changing suppliers for the time being but again check TMSE our other sources you trust
Re prepayment meters, apparently Martin Lewis and his team checked with utilities companies and there was only a Scottish company, iirc, that said they wouldn't honour the current price if someone 'stockpiled' their prepayment meter, all the others said that the 'hack' (why is everything a hack nowadays?) would work.

But Martin Lewis has updated this to say that some of the other energy companies might not now honour the current price, they might still charge the new higher rate, so there might, or might not, still be an advantage to doing this. Apparently, it's more likely to work if you have a dumb (as opposed to smart) prepayment meter.

Re direct debits, I get that it's savvy to pay by direct debit because you get a discount for doing so. He says the extra cost means it might not be worth doing.

For a long time, utilities companies have offered a discount to customers who pay by direct debit. (Although I've just tried to check how much Eon offers and their website says something about no discount but they charge lower prices, Hmmm...)

For some people it might make sense and might be financially prudent to pay by direct debit because you get a small discount, maybe £5-10, whatever? But for others, it's worthwhile missing out on that discount in order to keep control of your finances.

There have been so many horror stories of people with direct debits who get notified that their monthly payments are going up by, from eg £50 to £80 or whatever, and when you take into account increases for both utilities, it's a lot when they just start taking money out of your account. I think Martin Lewis is failing to take account that many people don't have a financial cushion, they can't afford for the utilities companies to just start helping themselves to more money from their bank account.

Also, the problem is that utilities companies have a propensity for randomly increasing direct debits with the result that there's a massive overpayment accruing. There's some sense in overpaying a bit in summer to help counter increased useage in winter, to pay a set amount each month rather than low bills in summer and big bills in winter, most people would rather even out those peaks and troughs so that they can budget better. But the problem is that the utilities companies take the piss and overestimate usage and then some customers end up with their accounts in credit.

Check how much your account is in credit. Sometimes they let accounts accrue credits of £hundreds. That money's better off in your account than theirs.

I don't like that they can just change the amount and take more money out of your account with direct debits, when you can set up a standing order that enables you to dictate the amount and if they're wanting more money, you can challenge them before agreeing to pay more.

Of course it's in their interests, for their finances and business plans to be in control and to be able to just change the amount and grab more and more and more money from their customers' accounts. It's the closest thing to a licence to print money, other than the National Mint. So to me, it's worth the extra £5-10 a year to be in control of my bank account and to know that they can't just dip into it and grab more money as and when they feel like it, which might fuck up my precarious finances.
I had literally just plunked-in my readings before firing-up Urban and seeing this thread!

If I can, I'll update them tomorrow night of course but it did occur to me that by tomorrow all their online and phone reading systems could be under rather heavy demand and might not let you submit.
One thing that pissed me off recently was that my provider snuck-in a change in the T&Cs that now requires anyone submitting a reading to make a payment within seven days of getting the bill. Previously you could have submitted regularly to keep yourself up to date but were only required to pay a couple of times a year.
Npower changed my direct debit at least 3 times with no notice. Each time a did a redemption claim with my bank and got the money back.

My late mother was with them and they kept hacking-up her DD to utterly unsustainable levels. As she was deaf in her later years, all letters and online attempts she made to contact them proved fruitless, so I had to be named as a stand-in on her account and £2700 was the largest sum I got them to pay her back and got her DD reduced to a manageable level but they just started all over again despite agreeing that £400 was the maximum they would hold in credit for her account. After the first time, I was punctilious about submitting her readings for the rest of her life. Cunts..!
One thing that pissed me off recently was that my provider snuck-in a change in the T&Cs that now requires anyone submitting a reading to make a payment within seven days of getting the bill. Previously you could have submitted regularly to keep yourself up to date but were only required to pay a couple of times a year.
You could always pay some of the bill and then ask to set up a payment plan to pay the rest.
Npower changed my direct debit at least 3 times with no notice. Each time a did a redemption claim with my bank and got the money back.
This is what concerns me. If I set up direct debits and then they just started helping themselves willy nilly to more money out of my bank account, they might severely fuck me over, because most months there's something, at least one extra item of expenditure that's pretty close to busting my household budget.
This is what concerns me. If I set up direct debits and then they just started helping themselves willy nilly to more money out of my bank account, they might severely fuck me over, because most months there's something, at least one extra item of expenditure that's pretty close to busting my household budget.
The money does come back pretty quickly, I think max 48 hours.
Tbh, we were in dispute with npower and we’ve never had issues with other companies.

We do direct debit because we’re shit with money and don’t save so quarterly bills would be disastrous for us.
I've just checked the current state of our balance, and due to on-going over payment / direct debit theft - we find ourselves with a positive balance of over £250, which has now been halved and the money returned to our account

This will be repeated monthly going forward. I've now, finally, got a good handle on our energy usage and feel comfortable taking this level of control
You could always pay some of the bill and then ask to set up a payment plan to pay the rest.

True - it only requires that something be paid, not the full balance, so a partial payment would be the way forward for someone struggling but it is more of an imposition than their previous regime.

I generally try to get my full payment out of the way as soon after the beginning of the month as I possibly can, along with other outgoings, Then I know what I have left.
I loathe speaking with utility companies and will avoid as much as possible. I moved to my house January 2021 which had PAYG meters with different suppliers & requested to not be PAYG however Scottish Power failed to turn up so I’m still PAYG for electric & have put £300 in which will last 6 months. Gas it was SSE now Ovo which I swapped to a smart meter & DD going up from £87 to £150. SSE set me up 2 accounts in 2 names that were not mine which I wrote to them to change as I got nowhere on the phone & last week they sent my house two bills to the occupier with 2 different amounts but same account so I have written to them again.

I work in healthcare so ‘lucky’ that I have access to extra work.
Scottish Power! You have my sympathies. I was with them years ago and it was constant bother due to their near-complete inability to credit my payments to the right month or even year, which led to regular referrals to their "recovery" people and all the threats/grief that entailed.

Which were usually resolved by them discovering that they actually owed me money - but it took quite some effort to get through to someone with the access to the past payment records to see where the money had gone!
Bumpity bump bump bump

Today's the day folks - if you haven't given a reading recently then make doing one your job for the day

I don't usually bump threads unnecessarily but for today only I may well give this one the occasional little nudge to act as a memory jog
Scottish Power! You have my sympathies. I was with them years ago and it was constant bother due to their near-complete inability to credit my payments to the right month or even year, which led to regular referrals to their "recovery" people and all the threats/grief that entailed.

Which were usually resolved by them discovering that they actually owed me money - but it took quite some effort to get through to someone with the access to the past payment records to see where the money had gone!

Scottish Power once switched my energy supplies to them without my consent (seems most likely that a door to door salesman for them was fraudulently putting through switch-over contracts for houses where they got no response, I believe it happened to a number of people), I knew nothing about it until they wrote to me about something. I was utterly fucking fuming and kicked up a stink with the Ombudsman, took a while to sort out though.
Scottish Power once switched my energy supplies to them without my consent (seems most likely that a door to door salesman for them was fraudulently putting through switch-over contracts for houses where they got no response, I believe it happened to a number of people), I knew nothing about it until they wrote to me about something. I was utterly fucking fuming and kicked up a stink with the Ombudsman, took a while to sort out though.

Yup - I remember that. It happened not long after I finally fucked-off from them but that didn't stop them making a few absolutely futile attempts to get me back.

If any change had been made without my consent, I would probably have gone postal on their nearest office, such was the level of regard I had for them at the time.

IIRC they ended-up being fined very, very heavily for that episode. Possibly the largest fine that the regulator has ever imposed on a supplier?
Yup - I remember that. It happened not long after I finally fucked-off from them but that didn't stop them making a few absolutely futile attempts to get me back.

If any change had been made without my consent, I would probably have gone postal on their nearest office, such was the level of regard I had for them at the time.

IIRC they ended-up being fined very, very heavily for that episode. Possibly the largest fine that the regulator has ever imposed on a supplier?

Aye, I think that's right. Basically committing large scale fraud.
I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them, if they offered utilities at half the price of other companies right now I still wouldn't touch them with a ten foot bargepole.
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