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Gerry Adams exposed , his lies demolished at brothers rape trial

You'd think, but GA is TD (not MP) for Monaghan now. It might threaten him at the next election, but Irish voters - especially in places like Monaghan - are notorious for reelecting even flagrantly corrupt people on the principle that "our local man is being attacked by the big city sophisticates in the Dublin media". To get people on your side like that, though, you need to be a good constituency TD - you can't get clients without being a patron.

Does GA spend a lot of time and effort on his constituency work?

he was MP for west Belfast for over a quarter century and left the place pretty much as he found it, a grossly deprived shithole . Thats despite having regular access to the corridors of world power .

hes a td in louth, which is near Monaghan . And hes not a local hes a blow in . Who parachuted in over the local candidate Jimmy Sharkey . What might bite him there is his brother worked in Dundalk as well as a youth worker . And naturally he didnt warn anyone in louth or the gardai...he can have no excuse for that. And what really takes the cake is that in the late 90s Liam Adams is actually quoted in a Dublin paper warning he as a local yout worker had the details of a high level pedo ring operating in the area . Gerry seems not to have been reading the papers that day . Ill dig out the link .
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that Irish Times story is a prime example of the soft soap treatment large sections of the Irish media and establishment are giving this swine. Its unreal . If he was a bishop hed be annihilated . That claim he went to police and helped is ridiculous . He met them first after many cancellations back in 2007 soon after he learned Aine was going public, it was to save his own neck . The police report states he spared them only 40 minutes of his time after repeated cancellations. 2 years later he realised hed slipped up and went to them again himself, giving them an account of a confession his brother allegedly made to him back in 2000 that he seemingly forget to include in his first statement. How anyone could remotely forget the day your own brother admits to you hed been abusing his own daughter doesnt stand up to any scrutiny . As far as I can make out his solicitor at the time was Barra McGrory, the guy whose the cheif prosecutor these days .
that Irish Times story is a prime example of the soft soap treatment large sections of the Irish media and establishment are giving this swine. Its unreal . If he was a bishop hed be annihilated . That claim he went to police and helped is ridiculous . He met them first after many cancellations back in 2007 soon after he learned Aine was going public, it was to save his own neck . The police report states he spared them only 40 minutes of his time after repeated cancellations. 2 years later he realised hed slipped up and went to them again himself, giving them an account of a confession his brother allegedly made to him back in 2000 that he seemingly forget to include in his first statement. How anyone could remotely forget the day your own brother admits to you hed been abusing his own daughter doesnt stand up to any scrutiny . As far as I can make out his solicitor at the time was Barra McGrory, the guy whose the cheif prosecutor these days .

What's really surprising about the soft soap is that many sections of that media were quite happy to monster him back in the day.
Can't help wondering how many in the top echelons of SF knew what was going on?

id doubt any knew, he seems to have kept this a strictly Adams only affair . The only other sinn fein member who the victim mentions having met her is another Adams brother . Whats for sure is when this first came out Adams lies were exposed by a number of photographs showing him canvassing happily in the company of his brother who he claimed to be estranged from and had dumped from sinn fein . The others who were photographed during that canvass..namely Fra Browne and Owen Hanratty both from Dundalk went public with their disgust that theyd been parading around town with a child rapist in tow, inviting this man into their houses and regularly being in his company . They however had parted company with sinn fein over policy . So their criticisms were discounted as disgruntled dissidents.
But since it coming out the senior echelons of sinn fein have circled the wagons round the boss . One, former Louth TD Arthur Morgan backed up Adams lies about his brothers role in sinn fein until they were exposed . That kamikaze action saw him resign soon after . Gerry Kelly and others seem to be backing the boss, McGuinness is staying silent .

Unbelievably Adams was in west Belfast yesterday addressing the party faithful and lambasting the unionist politicians for remaining silent about sectarian attacks on catholic homes. I dare say a few choked over their tea on that one .
What's really surprising about the soft soap is that many sections of that media were quite happy to monster him back in the day.

mmmm..and very popular that monstering made him too among his own constituency ...youd have sworn the british establishment was terrified of him and McGuinness the way they went on . He wasnt standing for election in Finchley though , or Ballsbridge.
ive just read there that his former legal representative McGrory has now asked the Attorney General to review the decision not to prosecute Gerry Adams . He might be in a bit of bother here . This seems to be the bit , from the first trial, which might have him in schtuck .

Ms McDermott said it appeared that Mr Adams and his solicitor had withheld information from the police between June 2007 and October 2009 about Liam Adams’s alleged confession.

“Not only were you withholding information from the police but your solicitor, it appears, was withholding information for two years and four months,” she said.

“You went to the police on this occasion [October 2009] because you knew that the question of your withholding information was going to become a matter of public debate,” added Ms McDermott.


could well just be McGrory passing the buck but if theres a prosecution id say his career could be over . I take absolutely no satisfaction in the manner of that ever happening . The barbs hes facing on this one are fashioned from the pain of young child and as much as i despise him i cant derive any satisfaction from his current predicament with that thought in my head .
some more developments

The PPS has now confirmed , as I suspected, that DPP McGrory was indeed Gerry Adams solicitor in 2007, so that could get very messy indeed . Because as Liam Adams lawyer pointed out at the first trial

“Not only were you withholding information from the police but your solicitor, it appears, was withholding information for two years and four months,”

Possible here that McGrory could be in trouble for witholding evidence as well . No surprise at all the prosecution didnt want GA on the stand second time round .

Meanwhile the PPS has also confirmed Barra McGrory QC was Gerry Adams' solicitor in 2007 when he was first interviewed by the police about his brother.

A spokesman said that because Mr McGrory now is Director of Public Prosecutions "it wouldn't be appropriate for him to comment on any communication he had with a former client".


more background here, turns out the attorney general once represented Adams as well. Although hes nowhere near as close to him as McGrory is


Im struggling to get my head around this one. Surely if theres any likelihood Adams committed an offence then the current DPP stands every bit as implicated in the same offence . The 2 of them could be in hot water here


how the hell can the DPP even consider bringing charges for an alleged offence he..on the face of it...is identically implicated in ?
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One thing people mightnt be aware of hear is Adams brazenness, which borders on the psychotic . As someone who personally witnessed his antics close up at Brendan Hughes funeral and a few other incidents itd be highly unlikely for him to resign here unless hes dragged kicking and screaming .

The DPP however could be another matter .
One thing people mightnt be aware of hear is Adams brazenness, which borders on the psychotic . As someone who personally witnessed his antics close up at Brendan Hughes funeral and a few other incidents itd be highly unlikely for him to resign here unless hes dragged kicking and screaming .

The DPP however could be another matter .
sorry, what happened at brendan hughes' funeral?
as brazen as it might sound after what Adams said about Hughes, when BH died whatever voice it is inside Adams head decreed that he would be cheif mourner at the funeral, or at least seen to be . Many people simply couldnt believe it . But he set to work on the hughes family in much the same way hed pressurised Aine Dahlstrom. Some of whom werent political and others whod been out of the country for years and werent aware of the bitter gulf between the 2 men, which had become deeply personal and not just political.
So when Brendan Hughes slipped into a coma Adams got himself to the hospital and right beside the bed as if all had been forgiven and the 2 reconciled, even though hughes had no knowlege of his presence. He and his entourage packed the wakehouse sticking to the family like glue. Then on the day of the funeral it really took out. I was sitting just a few pews behind the louse in the chapel. As soon as the mass started he immediately got up from his seat and walked up and down the side aisle as if he was taking a call on his mobile. Then he walked the length of the chapel right up behind the altar, wandered round a bit there and went into a side room for a few minutes, right in the middle of the mass. Because of the controversy over his attendance all eyes were on him and he knew it, it was a performance . Then he came back out of the room, wandered behind the altar again for a bit and then returned to his seat halfway through an ongoing funeral mass, no respect whatsoever.
During the priests homily for Hughes the priest referred directly to Adams scurrilous accusation that Brendan Hughes was responsible for the deaths of ten hungerstrikers, an accusation the priest called beneath contempt and calculated to mentally torture brendan hughes who did blame himself in ways and suffered awful personal demons over. Those demons drove Brendan Hughes to an early grave in many ways. He didnt name Adams but everyone knew who he was talking about.
So 15 minutes later Adams took his revenge on the priest. As he was leading the coffin down the centre aisle Adams waited until he was level with his pew before deciding to get up and go out the door, barging the preist out of the way pretty much, the preist had to stand aside or hed have been knocked over . And the little entourage had to follow too. Adams then made a bolt for the front door of the chapel as thats were the cameras and the photo opportunity were when the coffin came out the door. He had to be centre stage.
And the finale, he spots the tv cameras again up at the falls road just outside the sinn fein centre and thats when he signals the son to run. The 2 of them took off like hares running up Divis street to be seen carrying the coffin . And then wangles it so the garden of rembrance gates are closed behind the coffin and he goes in with the family as cheif mourner for the reflection period while everyone else stays outside. The guy chairing the funeral later admitted he just didnt have the backbone to stand up to Adams pressure at the time and deeply regrets permitting it .

so like i said the guys brazenness has to be seen to believed, and sadly ive seen it . More than once.
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I feel a bit guilty now for once giving someone a framed signed photograph of Adams for christmas many years ago.

Why were you at his funeral if you dont mind me asking?
fucking hell! i knew he had a brass neck, but not that it was so shiny.

Adams knew that BH agonised and tortured himself over the decision to call off the first hungerstrike when Sean McKenna had gone blind and into a coma and there was a deal apparently just at the gate. He did it to save McKennas life and because he thought the deal was there . He was half dead himself. Adams went on a hungerstrike documentary a few years before BH died, around the same time BH was raising serious concerns about the shinners trajectory, and pretty much blamed Hughes in public for the deaths of Bobby Sands and 9 other prisoners . He knew precisely were BHs weak spot was and were to personally hurt him the most .
To be turning up at his funeral and almost taking it over was beyond brazen . It was evil . And like I said earlier when a personality like that sends a rape victim a book dedicated to her rapist its unlikely to have been an act of forgetfulness. Just as reporting her mother to the social was unlikely to have been an act of concern .
his twitter account this weekend after all thats gone on is just bizarre too.
His feed has always read like that I think - just a really anodyne mix of middle-aged family man stuff, sports comments, nature photos, "I've been on a lovely walk" type tweets, with occasional dustbins-and-dogshit local politics stuff.
sorry, what happened at brendan hughes' funeral?

theres more background here thats a bit more eloquent than i could put it


It highlights how the shinner whispering machine actually put it about that BH had asked to see Adams just before he died in order to apologise for his criticisms. And how the funeral antics and their desperation was an attempt to convey to a useless media that BH had indeed been forgiven and welcomed back to the fold . Its how pathetic that top table is.
Adams was extremely fortunate that day that the man who was supposed to chair the funeral, Ivor Bell, suffered a heart attack at the last minute and was hospitalised. Bell had almost succeeded in removing Adams in the mid 1980s. Adams had him under a suspended death sentence for many years afterwards. Essentially Adams rode to power on the coat tails of Bell and Hughes.


theres another account that bears out what i claimed to have witnessed above

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His feed has always read like that I think - just a really anodyne mix of middle-aged family man stuff, sports comments, nature photos, "I've been on a lovely walk" type tweets, with occasional dustbins-and-dogshit local politics stuff.

make no mistake, every last word there is carefully chosen. Its an act. Who the fuck tweets about their lovely breakfast on the day their brother gets sent down as a pedo.
make no mistake, every last word there is carefully chosen. Its an act. Who the fuck tweets about their lovely breakfast on the day their brother gets sent down as a pedo.
Well, quite! I just meant that no matter what clearly important things have been happening out there in the world, if you were to peek into his shopfont, all you would ever see is some chintzy window display or other. Never any indication of what he thinks or believes or anything.
its almost like hes trying to tell the world..look..im normal..im not a twisted, maniacal, egotistical, vengeful, spiteful,egotistical, treacherous,egotistical, hate filled, backstabbing, egotistical, sell out, social snitching, nonce protecting state agent afterall. Honest. Look at me everyone, im totally normal. All of the time.
Are we to take it that Gerry's brother was a known nonce to the british security forces for all them years? Because if he was is there any doubt that they would have used this leverage to have him play mole?

which would have been tres classy but then, y'know. dirty war.
Are we to take it that Gerry's brother was a known nonce to the british security forces for all them years? Because if he was is there any doubt that they would have used this leverage to have him play mole?

which would have been tres classy but then, y'know. dirty war.

they would have known the second his daughter walked in and made the statement to the RUC . According to her and her mothers account almost right away they tried to recruit them,which led almost just as immediately to them withdrawing their statement to extricate themselves from situation, so you can only imagine what they were at with him .

and his previous behaviour which led to him being shot by the IRA doesnt exactly point to any great strength of character .
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