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Gerry Adams exposed , his lies demolished at brothers rape trial

the rules of sinn fein were very clear on the matter, any member with info on a nonce, a rapist or even anyone within the party engaged in sexual harassment had to report it to the top table . The beard didnt . Theres also been plenty of examples were certain people were told to hand themselves in and green lights given for victims to give evidence. He had options. Sinn fein had a vigorous womens department that he was very close to at the time. They worked closely with other womens groups and the Belfast rape crisis centre, there was plenty of experience and advice there on these issues if he wanted it .

And anyway his own 1996 autobiography makes very clear he held his nonce brother in very high regard, dedicated to him in the foreword for helping him write it . Fond references to him in it no less than 11 times despite his claims he believed the allegations in 1987. That looks to me like a man who had no real personal difficulty with his brother being a nonce, other than the possibility others might find out about it .
the rules of sinn fein were very clear on the matter, any member with info on a nonce, a rapist or even anyone within the party engaged in sexual harassment had to report it to the top table . The beard didnt . Theres also been plenty of examples were certain people were told to hand themselves in and green lights given for victims to give evidence. He had options. Sinn fein had a vigorous womens department that he was very close to at the time. They worked closely with other womens groups and the Belfast rape crisis centre, there was plenty of experience and advice there on these issues if he wanted it .

And anyway his own 1996 autobiography makes very clear he held his nonce brother in very high regard, dedicated to him in the foreword for helping him write it . Fond references to him in it no less than 11 times despite his claims he believed the allegations in 1987. That looks to me like a man who had no real personal difficulty with his brother being a nonce, other than the possibility others might find out about it .
he's gone from hero to zero after the revelations about the hunger strike and now this
by links with the british govt do you mean being released from internment for talks at cheyne walk?
That was the start so their was a relantionship he was seen as somebody who could be talked to. What was open knowledge and what was really going on were two completely diffrent things.
The "war" was still ongoing so lives were actually at stake
That was the start so their was a relantionship he was seen as somebody who could be talked to. What was open knowledge and what was really going on were two completely diffrent things.
The "war" was still ongoing so lives were actually at stake

oatley referred to him back then as a man we can do business with. And he certainly was .
Deserves credit for finally helping to bringing the murderous farce to an end.
But no credit from trying to protect his brother and even less if the social worker accusation can be proved thats the action of a scumbag.
Deserves credit for finally helping to bringing the murderous farce to an end.
But no credit from trying to protect his brother and even less if the social worker accusation can be proved thats the action of a scumbag.

thats one way of looking at it but theres another . He utilised all out militarism in the beginning as he ousted an IRA leadership that wanted peace, lambasting them over their 2 ceasefires and pushed the long war strategy . Keeping the murderous farce going from the mid 70s onwards was..seemingly..his idea. And it was kept going so long and so aimlessly under his leadership that most Irish people were frankly sick of republicanism by the time it ended . He fucking destroyed it as an ideological concept . And they got nothing in return worth speaking of, except bribes for the inner circle.

the social worker thing was revealed in court, ill try and find a link . Some are difficult to find as his mate the DPP imposed some pretty bizarre reporting restrictions .
Tbf the "long war" was always a stupid plan the british goverment was never going to lose sleep over a few dead squaddies and if you ramped it up the provos would run out of gunmen before the british army did.
Given the nature of unionism sein fein was stuck republicanism was never meant to be a purely catholic cause once it was portayed as a sectarian cause it rather loses its point.
You cant with that one as the orange order had so much more practice at being stupid :).
It cmes down to a numbers game we can outbread the huns is never really a good political arguement:facepalm:
So the bloke is either way more stupid than he looks or is such a cynical bastard he,d even make the spooks take a deep intake of breath and go thats cold :eek:.

You know when a spook says we can do buisness with someone they are an utter bastard:facepalm:

The sad thing is the unionist side only seems to produce stupid bigots:( And the british goverment never really gave a shit one way or the other
Tbf the "long war" was always a stupid plan the british goverment was never going to lose sleep over a few dead squaddies and if you ramped it up the provos would run out of gunmen before the british army did.
Given the nature of unionism sein fein was stuck republicanism was never meant to be a purely catholic cause once it was portayed as a sectarian cause it rather loses its point.
You cant with that one as the orange order had so much more practice at being stupid :).
It cmes down to a numbers game we can outbread the huns is never really a good political arguement:facepalm:

with resources and learning curves only one winner would be likely . The libyan thing might have made a difference but the top level squealers put paid to that . And the entire point of it was to create a situation were some day the British side would have to address the issue of sovereignty . The British side seemed to be aware though that the provos would one day abandon the sovereignty position, so knew theyd never lose if Adams stayed in power . He had abandoned that issue . The tricky bit was how he could get his people to follow suit, often without them even realising it .Thats why the thing dragged on interminably, as did the talks and the talks about talks after that . To permit him to inch his side over the line..inch by inch .
Tbf the "long war" was always a stupid plan the british goverment was never going to lose sleep over a few dead squaddies and if you ramped it up the provos would run out of gunmen before the british army did.
so they were going to stay like in aden where it took all of er 36 dead squaddies
So the bloke is either way more stupid than he looks or is such a cynical bastard he,d even make the spooks take a deep intake of breath and go thats cold :eek:.

You know when a spook says we can do buisness with someone they are an utter bastard:facepalm:

its a bit of both . He genuinely seems to belive theres a good bunch of spooks...the likes of Oatley presumably..and a bad bunch with completely different agendas who are having this secret battle . Hes come out with some pretty bizarre statements on a number of occasions alluding to this . It seems a deeply held belief. They probably persuaded him of that in the beginning..help us ..the good guys...and well fix our bad guys...now just help us fix a few of your bad guys too .
I think Oatley actually persuaded him Britain wanted to leave but couldnt be seen to be embarassed and they had to work together to get were they both wanted. Oatleys real agenda is online in the archives now and its clear they never had that intention at all.
And as cold goes what do you make of a guy that sends a book dedicated to a child rapist to the child rapists victim as a fucking present . Thats ice cold .


in my view Gerry Adams is someone who has always been very psychologically distrurbed and damaged, just like his brother except that disturbance manifested itself in different ways . His fathers reign of abuse is most likely the cause of it all .
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there was a breif transcript in one of suzanne breens articles the other day of G Adams appearance at the first trial..its absolutely toe curling . If i cant find it online Ill type it out by hand .
There were some pretty bizarre reporting restrictions put in place by his DPP mate, bearing in mind the victim had gone public and waived all anonymity . For instance it wasnt permitted to identify him as the Sinn Fein President . Aine Dahlstrom has revealed how shortly before going to the media with her story Gerry Adams phoned her over 20 times in a single day in an attempt to stop her going to the media . At meetings with her he was trying to convince her the media would just use her and urged her to apply for a reporting injunction on the trial . Of course keeping the thing hushed up would benefit himself immensely .
Theres also an issue surrounding a formerly well known preist Fr Aiden Troy who was central to holy cross school dispute . Aine Dahlstrom claims Troy showed up on her doorstep one day acting as an internediary for the Adams clan in an attempt to reconcile her with her abuser and stop her going public . Withholding this information by the preist was of course a crime . And as soon as Aine went public the preist legged it to France . Denies it had anything to do with that though .
By keeping sctum and protecting his brother Adams is equally guilty imo and sending the bairn his book?? Prick doesn't even begin to cover it :(

its really hard to understand this . He never sent her birthday cards or christmas cards or anything like that , there was no contact or even phone calss. Then out of the blue he sends her that....wtf. It had to be a dig at her from a man who is sick in the brain.
Adams' response:

Mr Adams has been criticised within his own party for not making a complaint to the police in the North until 2009 despite knowing about the abuse since 2000.

He told RTÉ Radio’s Morning Ireland programme that his niece Áine first went to the police in the North with the allegation in 1987 when she was a minor. “I never had that detail,” he said.

Mr Adams said that when his niece followed it up, she was an adult and capable of making here own case against her father.

All she wanted was for her father to acknowledge that he abused her, Mr Adams said, adding he tried to facilitate that but did not succeed.

He said he gave a statement to the PSNI with the DPP and evidence in court on her behalf and against his brother. He said some of the criticism was valid, but others were “politically opportunistic”.

But unbeknownst to them, shortly after Liam Adams wife kicked him out of the family home a very nasty minded person who had heard the child caught nits went to social services and reported the young single mother for having a dirty house and unhygenic children . That lowlife snitch as it turned out was none other than Gerry Adams . A man who contacted social services about a few nits but kept completely silent about a child rapist working in 3 youth clubs .
Where`s the evidence that Adams reported this incident (above) that you mention? ....
I would have thought that reporting someone to social services would be a very confidential matter
and the person reporting anything would be kept confidential??
Not that im any friend of Adams mind you....
Any other mp for this would be so far gone they be asking gary glitter on tips on rebuilding a career:(

You'd think, but GA is TD (not MP) for Monaghan now. It might threaten him at the next election, but Irish voters - especially in places like Monaghan - are notorious for reelecting even flagrantly corrupt people on the principle that "our local man is being attacked by the big city sophisticates in the Dublin media". To get people on your side like that, though, you need to be a good constituency TD - you can't get clients without being a patron.

Does GA spend a lot of time and effort on his constituency work?
Where`s the evidence that Adams reported this incident (above) that you mention? ....
I would have thought that reporting someone to social services would be a very confidential matter
and the person reporting anything would be kept confidential??
Not that im any friend of Adams mind you....

theres a mention of it in that article


the local sunday paper has more detail on it but I cant find the online version. Ill quote direct from the paper i have in front of me .

But the cold calculating relationship he has with his niece and her family in reality emerged in court. While he didnt report his brothers rape confession to police for 9 years he did report Aines mother to social services having a dirty house and poor hygiene with her children . Sally Campbell was aghast when she heard for the first time what her then MP brother in law had done . She told the jury that while she hadnt much money or fancy furniture ..and her children like many kids at the time may have picked up nits at school...she had kept a clean and happy home.
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