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This is a story that interests me. We don't have the "sin bin" at our level, only at Step 5 and below. It's a 10 minute time penalty, but it ends at the final whistle regardless of whether the full 10 minutes has been served. Much like sudden death kicks from the penalty mark: if one team is a man short and all their eligible players have taken one, the cycle begins again without the other team's eleventh player taking a kick.

I recall an incident in a Capital Cup game away to Fulham at Motspur Park when Rosie Stone was sin binned late on in the game, a game that was decided on penalties. Fortunately it was decided 5-3 in the Hamlet’s favour but I can’t recall if Rosie was allowed to take a penalty kick or not.
It’s used for dissent isn’t it? Part of the “stop the riffraff swearing at the authority figure” pearl-clutching campaign. Certainly there was a player at Peckham the last few years who was regularly binned for swearing. (And for the refs (un)conscious bias).
I don't see the point in targeting these sorts of measures solely at the grassroots game. All the tedious nonviolent misbehaviour (dissent, time-wasting, simulation etc.) surely trickles down from the highest level. Why don't they start with the Premier League?
Ten instances of a player being reported for spitting onto the pitch and it's season over for the team.
Wtf? Are they going to issue handkerchiefs all round?
Just a thought. If referees are worried about being called out for being shite they could spend their time practising and getting better instead of dreaming up bollocks like this.
Refs are such sensitive souls! Booked last season after the final whistle in an FA Cup tie for saying to the referee “Thanks for turning up” in an apparently overly sarcastic manner! 🤦🏻‍♀️ A similar thing happened to one of my teammates in a league game at Denham though can’t remember exactly what she said. Daft thing is these same refs don’t get the cards out for foul play.
Wtf? Are they going to issue handkerchiefs all round?
Just a thought. If referees are worried about being called out for being shite they could spend their time practising and getting better instead of dreaming up bollocks like this.
For my sins, I've seen a lot of step 5 and 6 football over the last couple of years. I've yet to see a player sin binned who wasn't behaving like an utter prick. Sure, you get some pretty poor officials at that level, but I don't think the quality is much lower than the players. The sort of shit they get sin binned for would often probably earn a red card at higher levels of the game.

Maybe I'm getting old, but watching a bunch of fat-arsed cloggers, who wouldn't particularly stand out at a high standard of Sunday football, constantly laying into refs to distract from their own massive shortcomings on the pitch has got mighty tedious.
For my sins, I've seen a lot of step 5 and 6 football over the last couple of years. I've yet to see a player sin binned who wasn't behaving like an utter prick. Sure, you get some pretty poor officials at that level, but I don't think the quality is much lower than the players. The sort of shit they get sin binned for would often probably earn a red card at higher levels of the game.

Maybe I'm getting old, but watching a bunch of fat-arsed cloggers, who wouldn't particularly stand out at a high standard of Sunday football, constantly laying into refs to distract from their own massive shortcomings on the pitch has got mighty tedious.
I agree totally. Refs shouldn't have to put up with aggressive gobby cunts bellowing in their faces.
It will be interesting to see how SE Dons develop. Switching from a Sunday team with a big youtube following to Saturday non league after merging with Forest Hill Park FC and currently playing under that name in Southern Counties East Football League Division 1 (Step 6) at the Ladywell Arena . Just been reading about their big plans to through the divisions and buy their own ground. They are currently top and get about 150 to 200 fans at the the ground which they share with Lewisham Borough from the same league
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For my sins, I've seen a lot of step 5 and 6 football over the last couple of years. I've yet to see a player sin binned who wasn't behaving like an utter prick. Sure, you get some pretty poor officials at that level, but I don't think the quality is much lower than the players. The sort of shit they get sin binned for would often probably earn a red card at higher levels of the game.

Maybe I'm getting old, but watching a bunch of fat-arsed cloggers, who wouldn't particularly stand out at a high standard of Sunday football, constantly laying into refs to distract from their own massive shortcomings on the pitch has got mighty tedious.
My experience of the rule is seeing often old and always white referees turning a deaf ear to abuse from white players, but sinbinning non-white players for the same or lesser “offence”. For reasons we all know.
My experience of the rule is seeing often old and always white referees turning a deaf ear to abuse from white players, but sinbinning non-white players for the same or lesser “offence”. For reasons we all know.
Unfortunately part of the reason we still have these older referees, who were never good enough for a higher level in the first place, officiating matches for the beer money is the number of younger officials who just give up due to the levels of abuse.
I agree totally. Refs shouldn't have to put up with aggressive gobby cunts bellowing in their faces.
I think on occasion someone can lose their shit, sport being an emotional thing. But the level we're talking about here I think tends to be about what a player thinks they can get away with. The thing in the Euros just gone, where only captains could approach the ref, seemed to work - the other players were well aware if they didn't abide by that then they'd get a yellow and be walking a tightrope.

As is mentioned elsewhere, there's a shortage of refs because people can think of more fun ways to spend their time than being subjected to the aggression of cosplay footballers who can barely trap a ball. The less refs there are to choose from, the lower the standards will become. And the downward spiral continues.
Tell you what. Find me one instance of punk being so deferential to authority and I’ll buy you a Twix.
Punk bands seemed to have no problem submitting to the authority of the Top of the Pops studio, dutifully miming on request.

+With the exception of The Clash, of course.
Cracking pivot to defend a daft comment. Well done.

I have seen enough of Peckham Town playing in the Kent County League to know that this is entirely valid. Apart from maybe one, I don't think the referees are deliberately racist, but many are definitely unconsciously biased. The tone and manner to non-white players is often in stark contrast to how white teams from Kent are treated. The swearing and gesticulating opposition teams from Kent get away with is incredible compared to how our team is treated. Mary has to tell the team consistently you know who on our team can talk to the officials and who can't. The worst example was a referee telling one of our players unconscious in the box to stop faking it and get up. He played on and the opposition rolled the ball into the net, as our keeper rushed to our player who was not moving. He regained consciousness, was taken to hospital and spent several days there with heart issues. The match was abandoned, but not once did the referee apologise or admit he made a mistake after the match.
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