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General Dulwich Hamlet chat

Here. Go through all the photos and tell us how many people you see drinking from a 'fucking wine GLASS' compared to people drinking from fucking CANS and PLASTIC GLASSES and let's see how your argument shapes up.

You would never normally see that a lower league game even once is my point. Do you have just one fan who eats caviar canapés as well? I mean, as long as it's only one.
How many lower league games do you go to every month?

You're weird.

1. I have a season ticket for Rayo so none.
2. Not really. Sorry you're upset about this. Hamlet looks loads of fun. It just seems fair to mention it looks a bit posh.
I've now seen it....nothing wrong with being a Millwall fan, unless you judge everyone by stereotypes. But his article was an absolute pile of shite. He's what would be known as dahn the Den as a 'right muggy caaant!"
I used to work at the BBC, and I used to run into Liddle a fair bit. Even back then, when he edited the Today programme, he looked like a walking mid-life crisis in a leather jacket.

It says something about people when they condemn not acting like a dick as being "right on" and "middle class".
To be fair..with the crowds we get..we do have some 'right on dicks'...law of averages.
It's fair enough to ask. Sorry, but I've read loads of posts about DH being "real football" and then when I take the time to look there's a photo of someone sipping a glass of fucking white wine on the touchline.
More likely Prosecco straight out of the bottle.
1. I have a season ticket for Rayo so none.
2. Not really. Sorry you're upset about this. Hamlet looks loads of fun. It just seems fair to mention it looks a bit posh.

I am sure there are more racists at rayo than posh people at dulwich.
i think the reason why it seems so white is that historically terrace culture hasn't been very welcoming to POC. if you look in the stand on match day there are dozens of black and brown faces. That's where the families and the older fans tend to hang out and they're a lot more diverse than the rablle are. The rabble is just one aspect of the support. whatever you dislike you can see in the range of support at champion hill.
I drink wine at the Hamlet. I don't like beer. I've never liked beer - it tastes rank. This is not a class thing: I've hated been since I was a teenaged street drinker.

But out of a proper wine glass? Not quite sure how that happens. The bar serve it to you in a plastic tumbler, just like everything else. Glass glasses strikes me as a bit dangerous.
Anti-racism is a massive big deal at the club. Google "rayo contra racismo" or something if you like. I don't need to argue about it. It's all documented.

Anti-racism is a big deal at DHFC, would I find some racists if I asked people their views. Very probably. I am sure there are none at Rayo though.
Rayo is basically what DH seems to want to be.
Except you haven't a fucking clue about Hamlet, what with you never ever actually seeing them play and then busying yourself throwing around laughingly ignorant stereotypes based on one - yes ONE - photo. Great work!
Except you haven't a fucking clue about Hamlet, what with you never ever actually seeing them play and then busying yourself throwing around laughingly ignorant stereotypes based on one - yes ONE - photo. Great work!

Editor. Would you say the support of DH is pretty middle class compared to other non-league clubs. Simple question.
So this is just the usual "My football club is better than yours" arsery then.

I got asked a question which got a snarky answer about me not attending non-league football when I said which club I saw regularly. It therefore seemed salient that there some similarities about the politics between Rayo and DH. The difference being that while Rayo is nominally bigger, it is a working class club in a working class area. My original question was about class and DH, which is a perfectly okay thing to bring up I feel, and is therefore pertinent.
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