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General Dulwich Hamlet chat

You just said you haven't been this season, so I'm not sure you've seen anything recently. Do you actually still support the club, or are you just a troll these days?

I'm not an apologist for the club. Criticism can be constructive, or it can be ludicrous and irrational, and I don't like people standing outside the tent pissing in.

For reasons mostly linked to poor health I've been unable to attend a first team mens game so far (or a youth team game despite me asking repeatedly for details). Going on your statements there, that must mean I'm no longer a supporter, that Champion Hill is not for me.

If I want to know who we're playing three weeks in advance I just type 'dhfc fixtures' into my search engine and voila.

Apparently, there's an excellent Google calendar that helps with tracking fixtures, which you can add to your phone to save you doing this. Not surprised you don't know about it though, as it's not linked from the official website, which is frankly outrageous.
I could be wrong here, but the 12th Man scheme is separate from the club.
It has no contractual obligation to the club, and conversely, it is not down to the club to advertise anyone to "take over" the 12th Man scheme. I believe it's main function was that Gav could approach the 12th Man scheme for funding for a targeted player(s).
Considering we are financially healthy with a decent playing budget (compared to many others in the NLS), the 12th Man being on a hiatus is not really a major issue.
Happy to be told I'm talking out of my backside!
Hi all, Neil here - haven’t posted on Urban for a long time but was alerted to some chat on here about the 12th Man so thought I’d come on and reply.

Firstly, Burty is spot on - the 12th Man was set up as a fan led initiative to help DHFC through some hard times, and has never been run by the club. It was always entirely volunteer led, and has raised in excess of £80,000 for the club over eight years, always to fund specific additional players in times of need. I’ll always think back fondly of signings like Chico Ramos when big Phil got injured in the season‘s run-in, and of course Danny Carr when we had the chance of signing a young striker previously on the books at Reading, but the club couldn’t stretch the budget to meet his wages.

Eight years on from starting the initiative, it’s fair to say the club is in a very different place now and as a result I’m not sure the 12th Man has a place at this current time.

The 12th Man bucket, our most visible fund raiser, used to raise £200-300 on matchdays back in the days of the Ryman League from crowds of less than 1000. These were all pure donations, added to the bucket mostly in small change from fans that had been coming from years and saw the need for extra playing budget. As the crowds grew, donations fell, and in the season pre-COVID we were struggling to raise £100 a game. A few reasons for this in my opinion - firstly, the crowds swelled but not with the sort of people who would hand over money for nothing to help the club. As numbers grew to 2000+ the stand would simply get lost in a swarm of people, and when we occasionally explained to someone what we were doing the standard response would be “why does a non league club getting gates like this expect me to hand over a cash donation?”

We tried to move the focus from the bucket to selling items, like the excellent Unison card wallets, and various books donated by fans. However to be brutally honest there’s only so much you can make from 2nd hand Kevin Keegan biographies and it did give the stand something of a charity shop feel!

The other thing that has changed with the two promotions since we started the scheme is of course the professionalism (or semi-professionalism 😀) of the club. In the Ryman South, a couple of hundred quid and went a long way to helping the playing budget. Without wanting to disclose any numbers, in the National South, um, not so much.

The 12th Man bank account is still there and I will continue to monitor the finances, and I would like to say a big thank you at this point to everyone that still contributes by standing order. I guarantee that every penny raised will continue to be used as it was intended - to help with the playing budget in times of real need. But from the contributors I have spoken to, we generally agree, that time is not now - especially as an offer of help I made to the chairman at the start of the season did not even garner a reply.

Happy to chat if anyone is serious about wanting the scheme to continue this season, but it does seem like some of the comments above have been made without any real understanding of what the 12th Man is or any of the issues we’ve faced in recent seasons.

Apologies for the long post, but hope that has provided some helpful context!
I've been absent from this thread for a while so missed the furore I caused.

Firstly, an apology to Neil and Shaun. The comment was not a criticism of them. They have run the 12th Man scheme for years and are fully entitled to step down. Their work made a big difference over the years and they deserve thanks.

I felt it was interesting at a time when the club is facing a fair chunk of criticism that 12th Man didn't seem to be able to find a volunteer.

No, Fisher are not selling a booklet about the Hamlet. I wouldn't have agreed to that and doubt DHFC 12th Man or Fisher would either. It's the history of a Nunhead based club who were the pioneering professional football club in Surrey, until then a hotbed of amateurism.

It's a story I felt should be recorded. It was printed at the same time as 'Before the Hamlet' and was due for release a month or so later, but Covid happened.

As it's not about DHFC it was a much smaller print run but I could still do with getting them out of the house. I agreed with 12th Man the best solution was to pass them to the nearest similar scheme to Nunhead.
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I've been absent from this thread for a while so missed the furore I caused.

Firstly, an apology to Neil and Shaun. The comment was not a criticism of them. They have run the 12th Man scheme for years and are fully entitled to step down. Their work made a big difference over the years and they deserve thanks.

I felt it was interesting at a time when the club is facing a fair chunk of criticism that 12th Man didn't seem to be able to find a volunteer.

No, Fisher are not selling a booklet about the Hamlet. I wouldn't have agreed to that and doubt DHFC 12th Man or Fisher would either. It's the history of a Nunhead based club who were the pioneering professional football club in Surrey, until then a hotbed of amateurism.

It's a story I felt should be recorded. It was printed at the same time as 'Before the Hamlet' and was due for release a month or so later, but Covid happened.

As it's not about DHFC it was a much smaller print run but I could still do with getting them out of the house. I agreed with 12th Man the best solution was to pass them to the nearest similar scheme to Nunhead.
Will copies be available at Dulwich, I’ll be buying a couple?
There's no plan to do so as there's no-one available to sell them. (I no longer live in London and tend to go to away games on my occasional visits.)

If other people are interested in buying copies please send me a message through the message facility - to avoid bunging up this thread. If there is demand I can do a small reprint and try to work out a distribution method, even if it ends up being by post.
There's no plan to do so as there's no-one available to sell them. (I no longer live in London and tend to go to away games on my occasional visits.)

If other people are interested in buying copies please send me a message through the message facility - to avoid bunging up this thread. If there is demand I can do a small reprint and try to work out a distribution method, even if it ends up being by post.

The Mega-Container has a selection of books that are for sale. I'm sure DHST would be happy to stock and sell it given the subject.
If the relevant person from the Trust wants to contact me, off the forum if possible, I'm happy to discuss sorting some copies for them.
For anyone not going to Braintree, Hitchin Town are at home on 23 October. I mention this because they are remembering former players, officials, fans and friends of the club who have passed away over the last couple of years - and in that fourth category was Mishi who was very supportive of Hitchin's campaign to keep football at Top Field rather than a superstore. Details are in the enclosed link:
Random one for when St Albans gets rearranged….
Spent a very pleasant afternoon at this St Albans bottle shop yesterday. (A mate moved up there a few months ago and we’d had the date in the diary to meet up, so stuck to it even though the game got moved.) Would recommend it. Has about ten beers on tap (1/3, 2/3 and pints) hundreds of cans/bottles to drink in, very very friendly staff, and some cheap deals on near-to-date items.

Beer Shop | St Albans
01727 568030
Random one for when St Albans gets rearranged….
Spent a very pleasant afternoon at this St Albans bottle shop yesterday. (A mate moved up there a few months ago and we’d had the date in the diary to meet up, so stuck to it even though the game got moved.) Would recommend it. Has about ten beers on tap (1/3, 2/3 and pints) hundreds of cans/bottles to drink in, very very friendly staff, and some cheap deals on near-to-date items.

Beer Shop | St Albans
01727 568030
Yep, and their other shop in Hitchin is also recommended. The staff chop and change between the two shops. Also try the Mad Squirrel taproom in the shadow of the cathedral.
Random one for when St Albans gets rearranged….
Spent a very pleasant afternoon at this St Albans bottle shop yesterday. (A mate moved up there a few months ago and we’d had the date in the diary to meet up, so stuck to it even though the game got moved.) Would recommend it. Has about ten beers on tap (1/3, 2/3 and pints) hundreds of cans/bottles to drink in, very very friendly staff, and some cheap deals on near-to-date items.

Beer Shop | St Albans
01727 568030

Any cask ale on?
Fairly sure no. Another reason to recommend it. 😉
Very limited space. 10-12 lines behind the bar were all CO2 powered or whatever it is. They did have a good line (well it looked good to me) in “traditional English ale” in bottles though. Several shelves.
Totally agree. Admittedly a newbie to attending DH games I was looking forward this away fixture. Will probably take a days holiday from work. Hope to get to Braintree this weekend. I assume we can pay on the gate?

Looking forward to St Albans? You really are new. :D
Nah, you're right, it's a brilliant away day. It's easy to get to via Thameslink, loads of good pubs and a cracking ground. Only downside is the entrance price, so you just have to find a weak point and jump in!
I believe that EDC just followed some people on the freeloaders list in through the gate next to the turnstiles at the park end (probably not called the park end) last time out.

I think I'm right in saying that end is only for pre-bought ticket holders now. So maybe worth doing that to avoid a longer walk from the station.

I'd like to boycott it because of their pricing but, being a man of weak principles, I can't resist an away 'day' where I only need one train to get there that goes from a 5 minute walk from my flat.
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