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General Dulwich Hamlet chat

Ben Clasper did as much as anyone to save this club. I have no idea why given the shit he gets from some quarters, but I trust him. He has and no doubt will continue to fuck up from time to time. But his heart is slap bang in the right place.
maybe because we are promoting tories and royals :thumbs:
While many can be singled out for the work in saving the Club from oblivion, I believe strongly without Ben's leadership we would still be playing games at Tooting to crowds if we were lucky of 500

He is a volunteer just like everyone else he isn't paid to take on this huge responsibility and from what I have seen at great personal cost

People have ample opportunity to voice constructive criticism and that should be welcomed, but

as one great man said

"Ask not what your club can do for you – ask what you can do for your club" (well I paraphrase)
The club isn't, nor should it be, a reflection of your personal politics. To expect it to be so is very odd. This was not a political event. It was about football.
I don't expect it to be... but I also don't expect it to be fawning to an archaic system and thanking people who are destroying local communities...
Annoyed that a Royal who is President of the FA was at Champion Hill in front of an LGBT+ banner and supporting more fan involvement in running clubs ?
haven't seen the people at the Winter Palace or the Aurora yet ?
(A Red Republican)
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So if something is used by something it cant be used by others?

Oh, I didn't realise the Hamlet were founded by metal workers and farmers and it was an intrinsic part of the club history (or is that West Ham)? Still, it's a chance for me to learn, what association does that have that isn't Soviet Russia and the countries it squatted on? Who else uses it?
Oh, I didn't realise the Hamlet were founded by metal workers and farmers and it was an intrinsic part of the club history (or is that West Ham)? Still, it's a chance for me to learn, what association does that have that isn't Soviet Russia and the countries it squatted on? Who else uses it?

Maybe try wikipedia. You sounded like an expert a minute ago. Saying it had no place at at football ground.
Oh, I didn't realise the Hamlet were founded by metal workers and farmers and it was an intrinsic part of the club history (or is that West Ham)? Still, it's a chance for me to learn, what association does that have that isn't Soviet Russia and the countries it squatted on? Who else uses it?

And while you are being indignant about history. Prince William’s family members were Nazis but lets all sit down and have a chat about drinking alcohol at non-league.
I’m not a royalist at all but view them as a kind of quaint olde England tradition kind of thing. I don’t think he has any input on the future of football at all, it’s just a bit of publicity for the club. I’m a lot more bothered about the Crouch thing.

As for selling out, we’ve had some dodgy people owning us….
As a shareholder who is quite removed now I have no idea whether Ben is the right man going forwards. I do know the accounts I have seen suggest without Ben we wouldn't be here now.

I'd also ask why I have just signed over the follow up the booklet to Before the Hamlet to Fisher's 12th Man. This was done with agreement of the people who used to run Hamlet 12th Man. They have no-one available to sell the booklet so we agreed I would sign it over to Fisher instead.
As a shareholder who is quite removed now I have no idea whether Ben is the right man going forwards. I do know the accounts I have seen suggest without Ben we wouldn't be here now.

I'd also ask why I have just signed over the follow up the booklet to Before the Hamlet to Fisher's 12th Man. This was done with agreement of the people who used to run Hamlet 12th Man. They have no-one available to sell the booklet so we agreed I would sign it over to Fisher instead.
So Fisher are going to be selling a book about the Hamlet or have I misinterpreted?

Whilst the 12th man doesn’t appear to be in operation this season, we have a shop that things like that could be sold in?
If someone wants to step up and volunteer to run the 12th Man then I'm sure that would help.
Likewise with day to day running of the club. Especially needed are local tradesmen to help keep the cogs turning so everyone can watch football.
If someone wants to step up and volunteer to run the 12th Man then I'm sure that would help.
Likewise with day to day running of the club. Especially needed are local tradesmen to help keep the cogs turning so everyone can watch football.
The club should appeal to its extensive social media following for these things rather than relying on volunteers publicising it on this forum which is probably not as widely followed by those interested in DHFC than the various official social media outlets are.

I’ve seen posts about a camera operator required, but nothing about the suspension / end of the 12th man, or tradespersons required to help keep the ground operational which is more important. Clearly some of these types of requests are getting through to the media team, but some aren’t or they’re being ignored.
There does need another push for all volunteers, but anyone that's been going to the club for any length of time will know it always needs help and that's not just DHFC but all non league clubs.

I could be wrong here, but the 12th Man scheme is separate from the club.
It has no contractual obligation to the club, and conversely, it is not down to the club to advertise anyone to "take over" the 12th Man scheme. I believe it's main function was that Gav could approach the 12th Man scheme for funding for a targeted player(s).
Considering we are financially healthy with a decent playing budget (compared to many others in the NLS), the 12th Man being on a hiatus is not really a major issue.
Happy to be told I'm talking out of my backside!
Peter Taylor is Welling's new manager having presumably found himself at a loose end. This despite zany owner Mark Goldberg himself presiding over an impressive 6-0 home defeat to Dartford on Saturday.

This probably doesn't go here, does it? I couldn't find a thread specifically about egocentric club owners appointing well-known managers of yesteryear.
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