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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Any help with debunking this

would be most gratefully received. Yeah, I've got into a FB argument with a "friend" who is happily spewing this propaganda, and I feel inclined to engage with it at least for a short while...

If that shocks you..have a look at this.
There's some debate about whether the boy is actually Libyan.......but whoever he is his dad kisses him and praises him after he managed to fire the rocket. Way to go towards a peaceful future :( :(

Surely you can just say it's no different from the Donald Duck etc propaganda cartoons of old that taught kids to punch blacks and Russians? Probably to shoot them too. The only difference is it wasn't as blatant as the video shown here but still the same point was being put across.
I was wondering more about its provenance - Googling the title yields scads of the usual suspects in terms of .il propaganda sites, and suspiciously little about the clip itself - it's as if it has zero Net footprint outside of its use as propaganda, which makes me slightly suspicions.

Yeah, I've just challenged him on avoiding sensible debate by spewing propaganda, but it'd have been great to actually deconstruct this shit on-thread, if I could :)
I think Israel is a very frightened nation. That is why they are striking hard and fatally at Gaza. With what is happening in Syria and Iran they fear that the radical Islamists will form a massive coalition big enough to strike at Israel with more than a few puny home made rockets. It is fear that drives Israel to extremism; they know that their propaganda machine only works in America and Britain at the top political level in right wing circles. They know that the independent internet media are not fooled and that the word is out.The world's playground bully is frightened and dangerous.

Isis is the bastard child of Saudi Arabia, the zionist entity's new best friend. I guarantee that the zionist entity is getting daily briefings about Isis from the Saudis. It wouldn't surprise me if they were involved in its creation to counter Shia influence in the region.
I was wondering more about its provenance - Googling the title yields scads of the usual suspects in terms of .il propaganda sites, and suspiciously little about the clip itself - it's as if it has zero Net footprint outside of its use as propaganda, which makes me slightly suspicions.

Yeah, I've just challenged him on avoiding sensible debate by spewing propaganda, but it'd have been great to actually deconstruct this shit on-thread, if I could :)

Try youtube.
Type in Hamas brainwashing children.
Plenty clips like it.

I was wondering more about its provenance - Googling the title yields scads of the usual suspects in terms of .il propaganda sites, and suspiciously little about the clip itself - it's as if it has zero Net footprint outside of its use as propaganda, which makes me slightly suspicions.

Yeah, I've just challenged him on avoiding sensible debate by spewing propaganda, but it'd have been great to actually deconstruct this shit on-thread, if I could :)

I actually think I saw it before last time Israel attacked Gaza and like you I've not seen it since. You can't verify how true it is or not, how often this sort of thing takes place on Palestinian TV, if at all, if it did there would be hundreds of examples of it I should imagine. If true it could be a one off thing and the person got a bollocking for it, who knows? As you say it's irrelevant to the topic really. I just had a row with someone saying 'yeah, but it's illegal to be gay in Palestine' to which I replied it's illegal to be gay in India too and we still trade with them, what's your point? It's the constant need to deflect and say things like 'well what about ISIS?' It's just deflection and that usual focus on everyone else's crimes and not the one's you're complicit in.
Isis is the bastard child of Saudi Arabia, the zionist entity's new best friend. I guarantee that the zionist entity is getting daily briefings about Isis from the Saudis. It wouldn't surprise me if they were involved in its creation to counter Shia influence in the region.

The Israeli military supports ISIS and the FSA in Syria against Hamas and the secular Syrian govt.

I think Israel is a very frightened nation. That is why they are striking hard and fatally at Gaza. With what is happening in Syria and Iran they fear that the radical Islamists will form a massive coalition big enough to strike at Israel with more than a few puny home made rockets. It is fear that drives Israel to extremism; they know that their propaganda machine only works in America and Britain at the top political level in right wing circles. They know that the independent internet media are not fooled and that the word is out.The world's playground bully is frightened and dangerous.

If Iran can get nukes, it will change the balance of power, no more genociding the Palestinians, the game will change in the M.E. Americas power in the region will be totally diminished. Their carrier groups worth fuck all. Logically there should be an Iranian/Russian alliance as there is with Syria.

Looks like the game is already changing, piss off Russia at your peril.



Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning to soon visit Iran to further consolidate this new era in relations.
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Translation: "Not interested in being taken seriously"

Couldn't really care less about this sort of comment.

Like I said...I posted the first clip.
I watched a few more of them. Some going back 7 years. Some clearly on Palestnian tv.
There are plenty of them.
But I won't be posting them....
If Iran can get nukes, it will change the balance of power, no more genociding the Palestinians, the game will change in the M.E. Americas power in the region will be totally diminished. Their carrier groups worth fuck all. Logically there should be an Iranian/Russian alliance as there is with Syria.

How would Iran getting nukes benefit the Palestinians in any way?

Because Israel will no longer be the dominant military power, it will have a loaded gun pointing at it, that kind of pressure will mean they have no come to a resolution, the public hysteria in Israel would make that a certainty.

Look at how they react to a few fireworks fired at them.

Why do you think Israel and wants America to bomb Iran ? Its paranoid Iran is getting nukes, Israel already bombed Iran in 85.


“The US is still doing the bidding of the Zionist bankster oligarchs who are the real power behind the Western throne. And those oligarchs – or at least the hawkish among them – are still pushing for world war,” the analyst said.
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You post stuff from Glenn Beck and other wingnut propaganda outlets, you lose credibility. Not hard to understand why.

Like I said...
I posted the first clip on the page.
There are plenty others. They may be propaganda or may not. Maybe you can source one that isn't propaganda.
..I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.
People are well able to search the internet for whatever information they want.
I never said they would nuke a carrier group, brinkmanship takes many forms.

There wouldnt be any brinksmanship - if anything, an Iranian nuke would probably lead to a general calming down of US - Iran relations because both sides would realise that a bit of regime change was no longer a viable option.
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