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fraud and error department dwp

I did move last year about the same time as my daughter left 6th form. I called them up told them my new address, also informed them my daughter started a part time job. They asked for wage slips which I sent off.
They then took quite a substantial amount of of my esa as I was not I entitled to SDP anymore as my daughter had left full time education..

Do you get the EDP now? I've only done some quick searching but it looks to me that if you were entitled to SDP before your daughter turned 18, you'd be entitled to EDP subsequently (assuming your circumstances are the same).

It's significantly less (£16.80 p/wk as opposed to £65.85) but I'm just wondering if it might actually be that you ought to have been getting that once the SDP stopped? :hmm:
Do you get the EDP now? I've only done some quick searching but it looks to me that if you were entitled to SDP before your daughter turned 18, you'd be entitled to EDP subsequently (assuming your circumstances are the same).

It's significantly less (£16.80 p/wk as opposed to £65.85) but I'm just wondering if it might actually be that you ought to have been getting that once the SDP stopped? :hmm:
Hi, I’m not sure to be honest. I will try and dig out my last award letter..
Thank you
Thank you. I literally can’t think of anything that I haven’t reported.
It’s a horrible feeling..
One of the best publicized error problems that they've had recently has led to many people being paid a load of backpay from long-standing ESA underpayments. Errors can be in your favour.

That said, this just looks like a generic review.
SDP/EDP aren't an either/or thing, you can get both at once so losing your SDP when your daughter turned 18 shouldn't have made any difference to whether you get EDP. (Eligibility criteria for both here. If your award letter says "Extra money because of the Disability Income Guarantee" that's the same as EDP)
Thank you both..
Dug out my award letter and I seem to be getting everything I should.
Living expenses £73.10
Extra money because you are in the support group £37.65
Extra money because of the disability income guarantee £16.40
So it shouldn’t be about me not receiving the correct amount of benefits..
I will just have to wait and see.
Thank you both..
Dug out my award letter and I seem to be getting everything I should.
Living expenses £73.10
Extra money because you are in the support group £37.65
Extra money because of the disability income guarantee £16.40
So it shouldn’t be about me not receiving the correct amount of benefits..
I will just have to wait and see.

It's really difficult, and takes some practice to sit with uncertainty. It ain't plesent that's for sure. But these days so much of life asks us to do this.

There's some techniques for it.. I'm not sure if you can access this forum yet ( I think you have to make 50 posts so that you can) but there's some good advice & instruction about how to keep calm in that space here :) https://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/mental-health-wellbeing-toolkit-thread.305451/
It's really difficult, and takes some practice to sit with uncertainty. It ain't plesent that's for sure. But these days so much of life asks us to do this.

There's some techniques for it.. I'm not sure if you can access this forum yet ( I think you have to make 50 posts so that you can) but there's some good advice & instruction about how to keep calm in that space here :) https://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/mental-health-wellbeing-toolkit-thread.305451/
Thank you very much.
SDP/EDP aren't an either/or thing, you can get both at once so losing your SDP when your daughter turned 18 shouldn't have made any difference to whether you get EDP. (Eligibility criteria for both here. If your award letter says "Extra money because of the Disability Income Guarantee" that's the same as EDP)

Ah, gotcha - I hope I didn't confuse the issue there Tiredtoad

I'd not be one to tell you not to stress about it, cos it'd make me feel really anxious, too - but just hold on to the thought that if nothing has changed then you have nothing to answer to.

I do remember a good few years ago getting a scary call where I had to go through my IS claim, with lots of questions which felt like they were attempts to trip me up, but which was just some random verification bollocks they'd started doing (although undoubtedly the actual point was to try and weed out people who may have been making a fraudulent claim), so it sounds like it may be something like that.

It really makes me sick - the pressure/fear they put people under when they're already ill and/or vulnerable, or even *just* living on a pittance.

You just hold tight and think ahead to the point that it's done and you can properly breathe again - and do keep posting for support in the meantime, too.
Ah, gotcha - I hope I didn't confuse the issue there Tiredtoad

I'd not be one to tell you not to stress about it, cos it'd make me feel really anxious, too - but just hold on to the thought that if nothing has changed then you have nothing to answer to.

I do remember a good few years ago getting a scary call where I had to go through my IS claim, with lots of questions which felt like they were attempts to trip me up, but which was just some random verification bollocks they'd started doing (although undoubtedly the actual point was to try and weed out people who may have been making a fraudulent claim), so it sounds like it may be something like that.

It really makes me sick - the pressure/fear they put people under when they're already ill and/or vulnerable, or even *just* living on a pittance.

You just hold tight and think ahead to the point that it's done and you can properly breathe again - and do keep posting for support in the meantime, too.
No you didn’t confuse the issue, and thank you very much
Ah that's good news! They really are fucks though for the way they approach it. Interesting that they put a deadline on it now, I bet they were forced to do that, I will let people know if they get a similar letter.

Hope you can get something nice with the little bit you got back. :)
Ah that's good news! They really are fucks though for the way they approach it. Interesting that they put a deadline on it now, I bet they were forced to do that, I will let people know if they get a similar letter.

Hope you can get something nice with the little bit you got back. :)
Thank you. Yes I brought some paint for my kitchen. It so badly needed doing.
Ah that's good news! They really are fucks though for the way they approach it. Interesting that they put a deadline on it now, I bet they were forced to do that, I will let people know if they get a similar letter.

Hope you can get something nice with the little bit you got back. :)
£21.06 doesn't really get you much these days, but at least he's not having to repay anything (which shouldn't happen. If we have to pay back overpayments - with interest - then MPs should have to do the same when they're caught abusing expenses, that costs the taxpayer far more than benefit overpayments and benefit fraud. It isn't the claimant's fault the DWP fucked up, why should they be punished for a mistake which had fuck all to do with them…? MPs who fiddle expenses know precisely what they're doing; I remember IDS once claiming for a £1 pack of Flash wipes in almost every category. It was absolutely blatant, he didn't even bother to change what he was claiming for! Time the system was changed and MPs expenses were audited and scrutinised by an extra-parliamentary body. You cannot trust MPs to police themselves). Sorry, rant over. :mad::snarl:
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