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Former Billericay owner Glenn Tamplin takes over Romford FC

What is wrong with some of these people .
Some of these berks should really put the keyboard away and read a book or something.
Someone is looking after you and you put them down with these type of comments.
Just seen this on the local news and here
Came on to say ricay won at Dorking 1-0:mad:
Lucky buggers yet another late goal 10 mins from the end
Yep, £500k a point if they win by 4
and at the end of the day history will record two teams promoted
so proud the team pushed Billericay to the last week of the Season
a hell of an achievement - when you havent even got a home

likely play off semi finals
Dulwich Hamlet V Leiston
Folkestone I V Hendon
The players have been asked to sell advertising boards to their contacts. If they don't he isn't going to pay for them to visit Vegas, which they are going to if they go up.
Congratulations (albeit through teeth more gritted than Dog Kennel Hill in the snow) to them, so their HMRC (albeit unwittingly) sponsored roller coaster ride will continue to Vegas then !
We can await the next episodes of team bonding fisticuffs and willy holding etc with anticipation !
Must admit I'm surprised our official twitter account hasn't congratulated BTFC on winning yet. It looks a bit bitter from us, especially if we are tweeting and commenting about them not having any class.
Must admit I'm surprised our official twitter account hasn't congratulated BTFC on winning yet. It looks a bit bitter from us, especially if we are tweeting and commenting about them not having any class.
Whats to congratulate, they spent a vast amount of money on some titles. I'm marginally less impressed with that than I am with the fact that Prince Williams penis still works and he has sired another benefit scrounger.
Whats to congratulate, they spent a vast amount of money on some titles. I'm marginally less impressed with that than I am with the fact that Prince Williams penis still works and he has sired another benefit scrounger.

Yes they spent a shitload of money and still almost cocked it up, but they did manage to win the league, league cup and essex cup and had a decent run in the trophy which is not bad (especially having to deal with Tamplin as manager for most of it).
Yes they spent a shitload of money and still almost cocked it up, but they did manage to win the league, league cup and essex cup and had a decent run in the trophy which is not bad (especially having to deal with Tamplin as manager for most of it).
But they suddenly had SO much more money and resources than everyone else that any victory can only feel hollow. It's like boasting that you managed to hurt someone from 10 yards when you had a gun and they had an apple.

And with their Sun-loving clown of a manager relentlessly bragging and boasting about it (and trying to belittle their opposition), they've managed to become the most hatred club in the division.
Yes good comparison editor - Corbyn was 3 hours and I presume no tweets sent in the meantime, while it's almost a day now and our account has probably tweeted 10 times.

Even if you don't mean it, best to send a congrats tweet, or you come across a bit bitter.
I really don't agree. I'm not even sure where this compulsory congratulations thing became enshrined, but any time up until the end of the season seems reasonable to me. There's no reason why we should pretend that we like them and rush out a tweet.
Must admit I'm surprised our official twitter account hasn't congratulated BTFC on winning yet. It looks a bit bitter from us, especially if we are tweeting and commenting about them not having any class.

Absolutely not. They can fuck off. I'm glad we haven't joined the ranks of obsequious creeps tweeting their congratulations. It's not about whether they won it or not, it's about objecting to the disgusting manner they've done it in. Tamplin's promised to smash everyone he came up against (which he didn't), he's posted derisory tweets about mental health, threatened players who refused to terminate their contract early and we all know his money didn't come from this nigh-on mythical steel empire that he owns. Added to that they've got an overt racist in midfield. To congratulate them is to say that they deserve it. You only have to look back through these 50 odd pages to see that they don't. They've behaved in ways that utterly contradict everything our club stands for but you want us to tweet congratulations because they've managed to win a league in which most club's have less than a fifth of their weekly budget?

I hardly think we can compare their moronic arrogance to our silence. Far be it from classless, I actually think ours is a dignified silence. Their hopelessly short-sighted bravado, however, most certainly is.
Congratulating Billiericay would be a bit like that toe-curlingly vacuous practice seen at Apple stores on launch days, when staff wildly applaud someone for having a £1,000 to drop on an iPhone X. Well done! You've bought something others can't afford!
Obviously none of you watched the video he put out where it was disclosed that him being a big floppy cock was just a big misunderstanding.
I hardly think we can compare their moronic arrogance to our silence. Far be it from classless, I actually think ours is a dignified silence. Their hopelessly short-sighted bravado, however, most certainly is.

One man's dignified silence is another man's bitterness ...
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