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Former Billericay owner Glenn Tamplin takes over Romford FC

And continuing to be Trølled by a major company...
read the whole thread - Victor's going for it...
Muy delicioso, muy sabroso :
Yes, I was greatly concerned when I saw the posts, probably about a thousand posts ago now, discussing closing the thread. This is why we mustn't stray into defamatory territory, or offer idle speculations on the subject matter or the thin-skinned Subject Himself.
Defamation Act 2013

This is the best source of information on the BTFC situation on t'Internet - honourable mentions to Tony Kempster's forum and the Digger Dagger thread, of course. This is the only one, particularly of the various Football Clubs' fan forae, which treats the subject more with humour than vitriol.
Whilst I mention them, poor Dagenham, they just lurch from crisis to crisis over there.
Even said - t'was a lucky escape for them in the Autumn of 2016, though, eh?

Like I said, I'm delighted to contribute [I haven't even started yet, BTW] and I'm pretty sure it was this thread in which I placed my first post when I first got here...
Not obsessed with you at all, I must add for the benefit of BTFC Fanboiz and Glenn himself; I've done this sort of thing for decades and in various different Jurisdictions & languages. It only took me part of a Saturday morning whilst sat in a Irish pub to work out what had been going on, a long time ago, whilst waiting for kickoff time.
During the course of three or four pints of Guinness, if I recall correctly.

As to 'Hunts', there is a Mark Anthony Hunt in the mix.
HUNT, Mark
Mark HUNT - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
HUNT, Mark Anthony
Mark Hunt has acted as a Director and Shareholder in various of the enterprises.

Whilst on the point of the various failed businesses, my personal favourite is the scaffolding company that morphed into a hot food place via another completely different SIC Industrial Classification altogether. And mostly filed Dormant Accounts...
THE HOT SPOT FOOD COMPANY LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)
Having worked in the hospitality trade and advised Clients in the industry, I will point out that it is a cash industry.
Many is the time I've gotten finicky with My Clients who've treated it as a flexible funding model - and dumped them in a heartbeat.
Just saying.

Anyway, back to Mr Hunt. Two of my favourite stories in the whole saga relate to him, involving the AGP Steels name, and Liquidations in unusual circumstances - ones which, frankly in 30 years' experience, I've never quite come across before!

AGP Steels Ltd [07119557] / AGP Steel Structures London Ltd [08793555]
The Administrator for one of the many failed companies [07119557 AGP Steels Ltd, b.2011 d.2014] sold the AGP Steels trading name and the associated Goodwill in the Company to Mr Hunt for £1k +VAT, only to find that Mr Tamplin, as a Director, sometime Creditor, Landlord & sometime Shareholder of the Company in Liquidation, had already established [what Mr Tamplin purported to be] rights over the same through a new company, AGP Steel Steel Structures Ltd [Co.Reg.No. 08793555, 2013-date].

View attachment 130889
Excerpted from the Liquidator's Final Report, Filed 27/02/2014. Greater detail on the issue may be discerned from the other Filed Reports.
AGP STEELS LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)

Hence the 'AGP Arena', downalong Blunts Wall - Mr Tamplin has paid £1k +VAT to continue to use the name, so he's jolly well going to get his money's worth out of it.

Plus, it would be too easy a target of rhyming slang if the traditional name of the venue was retained.
I would suggest that 'Cunts Fall', in my reasonable opinion, would have been used - nota bene et caveat that : no apostrophe, of course...

Complete Steel Services Ltd [04888331] / Complete Steel Ltd [06366750]
Another great little story was when the Administrator [Mr Tamplin's Liquidations have generally been handled by the same person, Mr Nedim Ailyan, who is well known in the trade - perform your own Due Diligence on that, if you will] assessed the value of Vehicles, Goods, Plant & Machinery under the Clear Title of Complete Steel Services Limited [04888331].
COMPLETE STEEL SERVICES LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)

Mr Tamplin, sometime Director, Creditor [£196,396 con ferre infra], Landlord & sometime Shareholder of the Company in Liquidation, had exercised his Right as a Landlord [as was his wont] to take Walking Possession of the Company's Plant & Machinery, tools, &c.

Walking Possession is when a Bailiff enters a Property and starts putting stickers on things and making a list, prior to those Possessed Goods being sold off - it's this process which you will have seen on one of those many ghastly morning TV programmes y'all seem so fond of over here.

At that time, prior to CRAR coming onto the Statute Book, a Landlord had a number of other, additional, Remedies in respect of Rents Owed : Distraining Goods, Detinue, Levying Distress, &c.

Some of these barbaric, ante-modern, Remedies still exist - they arrived in these Celtic Lands via the Normans, hence their harshness towards those in effective fealty.
In normal circumstances, that is.
As we will see, these are not *quite* normal circumstances.

After the replacement of the original Liquidator, Mr Tate [old Liq], with Mr Ailyan [new Liq], the newly inserted Liquidator's Report, which was Filed on 27/06/2012, contained the following paragraph:

View attachment 130891
con ferre supra, Mr Tamplin was a Creditor in the sum of £196,396 amongst Unsecured Creditors of £1,769,310.87 with a Net Crown Claim of £41,636 at that time.

As the report says, it was a VALID Bailiff's Distraint, in the opinion of the Liquidator. I'll point that out for the record and because I'm fair.
Just as I'll point out that all files pertaining to the Liquidation were [Lawfully(!)] destroyed one year after it was completed.
As I will also point out that Mr Tamplin was a repeat customer who provided so much custom that he may as well have had 'frequent flyer miles' offered in return.
Mr Tamplin's actions are elsewhere described as the taking of a Walking Possession. As I've said, the timeline is very interesting, in my longstanding experience, and somewhat peculiar, in my honestly-held opinion.

Mr Hunt was not a Director of 04888331, Complete Steel Services Limited.
I just thought I'd share that particular story so that readers note the address, namely 3 Spilsby Road / Unit 3 / Units 3a & 3b, Harold Hill in Romford.

It will crop up again.

I decline to speculate on the possibility of a connection between Mr Mark Hunt [b.1974] and Mr David Hunt [b.1961], who hails from a large family as one of 13 siblings.

With his myriad of past and present companies, none of which seem to have made a huge amount of money, I would have thought Glenn is a prime candidate/target for one of the new Unexplained Wealth Orders.
With his myriad of past and present companies, none of which seem to have made a huge amount of money, I would have thought Glenn is a prime candidate/target for one of the new Unexplained Wealth Orders.

I would agree 100%.
As would Queensway & Edinburgh, I imagine - I couldn't possibly comment.
Certainly not on an 'Ongoing Investigation' I knew nothing about, whatsoever, until Glenn himself piped up about it on Phoenix FM...

#1579, BTW, for those that missed it.
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And here's another on the same site from September last year about Tamplin which I think was posted earlier in this thread:
Billericay Town: The Only Way Isn’t Necessarily Essex | Twohundredpercent

Yeah, the "estimates of his “personal net worth” as £45m, as “certified by a Chartered Accountant,”" wasn't a 'Certification', by any stretch.
It was a 'comfort letter' offered to the Daggers to support Tamplin's intended acquisition of them back in Autumn 2016.
The source :
Insight Tax Advisers 1.png
I just love an Accountancy Practice sited upon an industrial estate.
Sure speaks money to me.

The sign itself is just pure, distilled Tamplinomics :
Insight Tax Advisers 2.png

"Make more profit"

"pay less tax"

Fuck me gently, if he paid any less tax he'd be getting rebates from the Government.
Hmmm. Rebates.

Note the address, Towerfield Road - you'll need that for later.
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God what a nuisance. Although I may say back home in Romania, he would be considered a good owner by our standard! Such be life and football!
If anyone doesn't know what to buy the man who has everything (well, a letter saying he has £45m in liquid assets) for Christmas, I thoroughly recommend this book.
Delivery to HMP where?


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That's a good read.

It is right and proper that we should laugh at the misfortunes of Glenn Tamplin. He has financially doped this club to a point at which anything bar winning the league title at a canter can only reasonably be a failure on his part. He made the Premier Division of the Isthmian League feel as though it was going to be a one-horse race for much of the season, with only his club’s own implosion preventing that from being the case. On top of that, he has behaved with such colossal arrogance that he has made his club amongst the most hated in the whole of non-league football. Now, such was the amount of money being poured into the club that Billericay Town were always likely to become unpopular, but the extent of animosity thrown at the club over the course of this season has surely only been further amplified by Tamplin’s conduct over the course of the season. And no, maybe the club doesn’t need the goodother will of other clubs right now, but it might well do one day.

We should be absolutely clear that the Isthmian League Premier Division title remains Billericay’s to lose. Should they win their five games in hand, they would still leapfrog Dulwich Hamlet and assume a seven point lead at the top of the table. But then again, what else should we reasonably expect? Glenn Tamplin has turned up for a banger race in a Formula One racing car. Small wonder, then, that those with more modest interests in the race should be unable to stifle their giggles when he stalls the car on the starting line. But there is a serious point to be made here. Regardless of the specifics of what happened at Silver Jubilee Park yesterday afternoon, if there’s one word that best sums up Tamplin’s attitude over the course of the season, that word is “petulant”, and it is this petulance combined with hubris entirely of his own making that renders his club so unlikable today. Good luck the three or four hundred who were there before he arrived and will still be there long after he goes away. It’s increasingly difficult to avoid the conclusion that they may well end up needing it.
Wonder if Glenn made the evening performance at zippos on blackheath common to enhance his management skills, the real reason for his departure.

Of course he fucking did. Had all the rig with him, hence the trackie top & bottom.
Ready to change in an instant. Military. Always prepared, our Glenn!
Tamplin & a Toblerone.png

Ahh, Glenn Tamplin in a Clown's Wig - suitable for all occasions...
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An exciting weekend for the Hobbits of Lower Essexshire and their mighty leader, the Veiny One.

Let's recap, in Tweets :

2018-03-21 Nathan Tansley, fanboi.png

2018-03-22 Panini Cheapskates.png
[NB: not actually a BTFC fan,
merely indicative of player excitement & optimism]

2018-03-24 Paul Jennings, satisfied customer 3.png

2018-03-24 Ian King, 200%-1.png

2018-03-24 Ian King, 200%-2.png

2018-03-24 John L, Happy Customer.png

2018-03-24 missing BTFC support.png

2018-03-24 Fantasy & Reality.png

2018-03-24 o'Hara, beater of children.png

2018-03-25 @2104 Magnus Slingsby.png
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This post and the ones immediately following form part of an attempt to fathom this bizarre ejaculation from The Veiny One.
Mr Tamplin looks much younger, skinnier, less ragged around the edges, much less of a Chubbster, Red Bull in hand, full bull from mouth.
All is normal, when he makes a quite remarkable comment to the deliciously Dyer Danny within this clip :

"It's good really 'cos when I first met Vic the business was probably doin', I dunno, £7-£8 million turnover, it's up to about £20 million now and you don't do that sort of turnout with, out people like without people like his name behind ya." [sic]

The unfathomable comment is peculiar, given that none of the firms have achieved anything like those kind of turnover figures.
It's what we in the trade are now calling 'Tamplinomics'.
[from an actual Glenn Tamplin Tweet. WTF?]
Mr Tamplin has held so many Directorships, with so many Companies, that the online Register with CoHo is both incomplete & spread over multiple userIDs.
Consequently, they are placed here in one nice, neat package for ease of reference.

04035635 Wakefield Fabrications Ltd
2000-2006 [Dissolved, 3 sets of Accounts Filed in 6 years]

04888331 Complete Steel Services Ltd
2003-2014 [Insolvent Liquidation]
COMPLETE STEEL SERVICES LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

04895955 Complete Steel Scaffolding Ltd
2003-2006 [Dissolved, 1 set of Accounts Filed in 3 years]

05610917 Trade Price Merchants Ltd
2005-2007 [Compulsorily Struck Off, no Accounts Filed]

05646046 Complete Group Services Ltd
2005-2014 [Insolvent Liquidation]
COMPLETE GROUP SERVICES LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

06366750 Complete Steel Ltd
2007-2013 [Insolvent Liquidation]
COMPLETE STEEL LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

06584032 The Hot Spot Food Company Ltd
2008-2012 [Compulsorily Struck Off, no Accounts Filed]
THE HOT SPOT FOOD COMPANY LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

06714903 SAL (London) Ltd
2008-2010 [Struck Off, no Accounts were ever Filed]

07323257 Joy Steel Ltd
2010-2017 [Tamplin purportedly 'left' 6yrs before Striking Off]
JOY STEEL LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

07588718 CM Structural Steels Ltd
2011-2012 [Struck Off, no Accounts were ever Filed]

07812628 TLC Solar
2011-2012 [Struck Off, no Accounts were ever Filed]

07485819 Rehab TLC Ltd
2011-2013 [Compulsorily Struck Off, no Accounts were ever Filed]
REHAB TLC LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

07674652 Surrey Steels Ltd
2011-2018 [Compulsorily Struck Off, no Accounts Filed]
SURREY STEELS LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)
NB Surrey Steels rebuilt BTFC's ground at the New Lodge, aka the AGP Arena

2011-date 07750672 Surrey Steel Structures Ltd
SURREY STEEL STRUCTURES LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)
NB Majority owner 'on paper' is Bliss Ellie Tamplin, Glenn's Mrs

07753078 24HrSteel.com Ltd
2011-2012 [Struck Off without Accounts ever being Filed]
24HRSTEEL.COM LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

07119557 AGP Steels Ltd
2011-2014 [Insolvent Liquidation]
AGP STEELS LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2012-date 08167865 Chase Equipment Solutions Ltd
CHASE EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2013-date 08793555 AGP Steel Structures London Ltd

AGP STEEL STRUCTURES LONDON LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2014-date 09170125 CE Steel Ltd
CE STEEL LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)
NB Majority owner 'on paper' is Bliss Ellie Bishop, Glenn's Mrs, under her Maiden name

09950604 Chase International Executive Recruitment UK Ltd
2014-2016 [Compulsorily Struck Off, no Accounts were ever Filed]
CHASE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT UK LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2014-date 08833842 Flag in the Sand Lifestyle Ltd

FLAG IN THE SAND LIFESTYLE LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2015-date [curr. subject to Striking-Off Action, Opposed] 09779807 BGT Trading Ltd
BGT TRADING LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2015-date 09866886 Chase International Executive Search Ltd
CHASE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE SEARCH LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

09950916 Chase International Executive Technology Ltd
2016-2017 [Compulsorily Struck Off, no Accounts were ever Filed]
CHASE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2016-date 09990454 AGP Steel Fabrication Ltd
[the company formerly known as Dagenham & Redbridge FC 2016 Ltd]

AGP STEEL FABRICATION LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2001-date 04172587 Billericay Town Football Club Ltd
[acquired by Mr Tamplin during Autumn 2016]

BILLERICAY TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

2017-date 10932638 Billericay Social Club Ltd [no Accounts Filed]
BILLERICAY SOCIAL CLUB LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)
NB Majority owner 'on paper' is Bliss Ellie Tamplin, Glenn's Mrs

2017-date 10932650 Billericay Events Ltd [no Accounts Filed]
BILLERICAY EVENTS LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

Tamplin facepalm.jpg

/partial list, 28 Legal Persons = the activities of 1 Natural Person

A FULL list of Tamplin's Companies and related Entities will appear here in due course.
What appears here is on the Public Record and there is nothing Actionable, from a Legal perspective, whatsoever, nor is any Disparagement, per the meaning given to it by UKPGA 1988 ch48, either intended or Actionable.

The Facts & Figures :
of the 28 Legal Persons/Companies/Legal Fictions,
5 were Dissolved following Insolvent Liquidation
10 were Struck Off, without having Filed their Accounts

No companies have ever filed any Accounts which were over the 'Small Companies' Thresholds, as follows:
Turnover, not more than £6.5m [£10.2m since March 2015]
Balance Sheet total, not more than £3.26m [£5.1m since 2015]
This is at odds with Mr Tamplin's statement to deliciously Dyer Danny, as shown in the video clip at the top of this post. S01E03 was broadcast in 2008.
"Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men" Vic Dark (TV Episode 2008) - Release Info - IMDb
Thank you for your patience & please remember to check back later!
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OK, so I mentioned it above in post #1672, but I'd like to go into a little more detail into something wonderful, "The Hot Spot Food Company Ltd" [Reg.No.06584032, b.2008, d.2012] because it is probably the most illustrative of Mr Tamplin's many, many failed businesses, it's easy to get your head around and because it's actually quite Short & Simple - of course that still means several thousand words for me because I'm a pedant with OCD.
THE HOT SPOT FOOD COMPANY LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)

Company number 06584032 started out life at the beginning of May 2008 with a 50% ownership split each between Ms Carly Davies [of Thugg Life Mansions, Chase Meadow, Abridge in Lower Essexshire - b.1979] & Mrs Karen Crawley [of anonymous suburbia, Worcester Park - b.1967], who both acted as its Directors from the time of Incorporation through to 09/06/2008, when both Appointments were Terminated.
Carly Davies ceased to act as Secretary, Karen Crawley ceased to act as Director.

Back in those halcyon days, during the summer of 2008, the Great Recession had yet to properly begin to spread beyond its Autumn 2007 origins in the USA and actually reach the unsuspecting British shores. That would happen during the Autumn of 2008.

Back in those halcyon days, the Company's name was "City Southern Scaffolding Ltd", until it was abruptly changed on 15/07/2008 to "City Profiles Ltd".
It is to be assumed that the 'Profiles' in the company name, refers to either 'profile roofing', which isn't a million miles away from the original intent of a scaffolding company, or to 'plasma profiling' a structural steel process which is a million miles away from scaffolding. Irrespective, little turns upon this point.

A week later, the Company's Registered Office was moved from Chingford to 3 Spilsby Road, Harrow Hill, Romford.
That's the address I told you to note back in post #1672, which is actually a residential road. It looked like this in June, 2017 :
2017 Spilsby Road.png
The various signs state "We are moving" and variations upon that theme.

Going around the corner, into Ashton Road, brings a scene such as this :
2017 Ashton Road annotated.png
Also note the sign for 24Hrs Steel [b.2011, d.2012]. We'll put a pin in that one and come back to it at a later date. But, as a taster :
24HRSTEEL.COM LTD - Overview (free company information from Companies House)

Anyway, this edifice became the Registered Office for "City Profiles Ltd' on 21/07/2008.
A few weeks later the Appointment of Carly Davies as a Director was Terminated, on 4 September.

The company was actually in Technical Breach of the Companies Acts at this point, as it had no Directors sitting in Office, although it is somewhat de minimis for the purposes of any potential Prosecution because 24 hours later Mr Glenn Tamplin became a Director, on 5 September 2008. This was the first occasion upon which his name appears in any connection with the Filings for this particular company.

It is my honestly-held belief that the previous persons were acting as Nominees for Mr Tamplin, more of which later. Certainly, at the least, Carly Davies gave Mr Tamplin's Thugg Life Mansions in Abridge, Essexshire, as being an Address for Service.

Carly Davies was also reappointed as Secretary, less than two months after Ceasing to Act - you'll have to get used to this, Glenn likes a 'revolving door' policy on Appointees [much like Herr Drumpf, to whom he has frequently been compared], even if they are the same person doing the same job.
Eh, Bliss?
Bliss BISHOP - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
Bliss Ellie BISHOP - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)
Bliss Ellie TAMPLIN - Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House)

Anyway, so much for the boring stuff - the preamble, if you will.
Here's where it gets quite interesting - well, from the the perspective of us Corporate Lawyer & Financial Investigation types, at least.
This has fuck all to do with football, other than the potential destruction of a Venerable and Ancient Foot-Ball Club.
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The Hot Spot Food Company, continued
Following the Filing which Notified the Registrar at CoHo of Mr Tamplin's Appointment to Act, as a Director, the next Filing at CoHo was the first Annual Return of what was by now known as "City Profiles Ltd".

This contained 3 points of note :
1. An SIC Classification Code of 7487 -
"other business activities not elsewhere classified"
2009-06-30 06584032 AR01 Co Details.png

2. The Service Address for both Officers of the Company was the Thugg Life Mansion aka Chase Meadows, Abridge
2009-06-30 06584032 AR01 Addresses.png

3. That Mr Tamplin was now in complete ownership of the Company, at 100%
2009-06-30 06584032 AR01 Shareholding.png

There was no Filing with CoHo for an Allotment of Shares or the requisite Cancellation of Shares; therefore there must have been a Transfer of Shares from the two 50% Shareholdings of Carly Davies/Karen Crawley to Mr Tamplin.
As excerpted from the initial Incorporation Filing :
2008-05-02 06584032 Incorporation Shareholdings.png

The first Notification to the Registrar was contained within the Annual Return.
Both the 1985 Companies Act and the 2006 Companies Act contain provisions that place an Obligation of a Duty to Notify the Registrar of a Transfer for such Shareholdings which Mr Tamplin had undertaken, as evidenced by the Annual Return.

Now, I can't be arsed to place the hyperlinks for this Obligation because at this point in time there was a transition between the 1985 Act and the 2006 Act coming into force. The 2006 Act was, at the time, the longest piece of Legislation in the history of English Law [1,300 Sections & 16 annexed Schedules] and was thus phased in over a number of years with parts of it not coming fully into force until after 2009.

There were no Filings appertaining to any Transfer of Shares between the Incorporation, 02/05/2008, and the Company's 1st Annual Return, 30/06/2009.
vide :
THE HOT SPOT FOOD COMPANY LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)
et con ferre, supra.

Just know, dear reader, that there was a Duty to Notify and that Duty was left unfulfilled. We will come to see this exact scenario recur time after time, amongst Mr Tamplin's businesses - whether or not they actually failed. See my post on BTFC, #1678 above, as an example of the same which is ongoing - one decade after the instant case which we are looking at in this post.

On the 20th of August 2009, the Company's name was changed for a second time.
Upon this occasion it went from being "City Profiles Ltd", to being "The Hot Spot Food Company Ltd" - a somewhat abrupt change of tack.

This is, apparent to outward appearances at least, the first time that one of Mr Tamplin's companies was non-industrial in its individual outlook. It seems to represent a strange change of direction for him, but I do love the new name - The Hot Spot Food Company is much more catchy than City/City Southern and all the other nondescripts involving 'Steel' and suchlike.

And I do like spicy food, so I like to imagine something muy caliente.

The take-away Points [pun intended] :
At any rate, the reason for going into such depth on this is as follows :
1. note the un-Notified changes of ownership & con ferre the BTFC situation.
2. note the use of close kin & trusted partners as nominees for Mr Tamplin.
3. note the Termination & subsequent re-Appointment, for no apparent reason, of such nominees.
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The Hot Spot Food Company, continued
During the Autumn of 2009, a number of personnel changes occurred at the Company.
According to the Filings at CoHo, the following was the sequence :
03/09/2009 Keiron Peter Butcher was Appointed Secretary
03/09/2009 Keiron Peter Butcher was Appointed Director
14/10/2009 Carly Davies was Terminated as Secretary, for the second time

However, when one examines the Filings appertaining to these Appointments the following dates appear :
06/08/2009 Keiron Peter Butcher was Appointed Secretary [28 days after Appt = 14 days late]
06584032 2009-09-03 288a KP Butcher Sec.png

06/08/2009 Keiron Peter Butcher was Appointed Director [28 days after Appt = 14 days late]
06584032 2009-09-03 288a KP Butcher Dir.png

06/08/2009 Carly Davies was Terminated as Secretary [2.5 months after Appt = very very late]
06584032 2009-10-14 TM02 Carly Davies.png

As I said earlier, there was a transitory period between the 1985 & 2006 Acts, occurring during this particular time.
I will draw your attention to the following part of UKPGA 2006 ch46, at section 167 :
Companies Act 2006
[easiest version to read and understand]
Companies Act 2006
[illustrating dates, &c.]
In case Mr Tamplin were to claim an unfamiliarity with Duties Owed the 2006 Act, here is the relevant part of UKPGA 1985 ch6, at section 287, paragraphs (2) & (4) :
Companies Act 1985
As can easily be seen, the Duty to Notify the Registrar is the same, irrespective of the Legislative regime.

A Criminal Offence most certainly occurred in respect of each of the Filings, that much is indisputable. They are inherently Defective because the dates which they contain are more than 14 days outwith the period of the requisite Notice to the Registrar.
There are two possible reasons as to why each of the foregoing Filings was Defective, per the following :
1. Someone, or other, simply forgot and sent in the forms late,
2. Someone deliberately back-dated the Filings.
It should be noted that the two reasons are not mutually exclusive. Irrespective, the Filings were later than the purported dates of Appointment & Termination which they contained. Hence, multiple Breaches which are termed 'Technical Offences', in the parlance.

On 7 November 2009 The Hot Spot Food Company, or rather its Landlord [c2c Rail Ltd], entered a Charge against the Company in the form of a Rent Deposit Deed in respect of Southend Central Railway Station for the sum of £3,060. This Charge Secured all Sums due to the Landlord under a Lease entered into on 4 November 2009 and indemnified the same against all Service Charges and suchlike, together with Demesne Profits in respect of the Demised Premises or any such otherwise-related costs in the case of the Lease being Forfeited by the Landlord.
The full document is found here :
View PDF Particulars of a mortgage or charge / charge no: 1 - link opens in a new window - 6 pages

All pretty standard stuff, really, although it's rather unusual to see such a Filing for what is a relatively small sum - clearly the Landlord did not feel greatly inspired by the creditworthiness of the Company.
In my experience, this is usually because the Directors have refused to grant a Personal Guarantee of the Sums due under the Company's Lease in case of things going awry. Hence, Registration of the Charge against it with CoHo.

At any rate, the date is important because it means that [at least from 04/09/2009, when the Lease was entered into] The Hot Spot Food Company was demonstrably trading, or otherwise acting in the Course of Business.

On 22/05/2010, two Filings were made for the Directors - each being for a Change of Details. In both cases, the Filings state that the actual Change of Details occurred on 01/05/2010. In both cases, this was outwith the prescribed 14-day period for Notifying such changes to the Registrar - again, each Breach is classified a 'Technical Offence' in the parlance, con ferre supra.

The Company's 2nd Annual Return was Filed at CoHo on 22/05/2010, the same date as the two CH01 Filings in respect of Changes of Details for the Directors. This document is notable for two things :
1. The SIC Classification Code was now 5530, 'Restaurants'
2. Mr Glenn David Tamplin was now a 50% Shareholder of the Company and still resident of Thugg Life Mansion, Chase Meadow, Abridge, Lower Essexshire.
3. Mr Keiron Peter Butcher was now a 50% Shareholder of the Company.
4. No date of transfer for that 50% is mentioned within the AR01 Filing so I am unable to comment further upon that issue, which covers points 2-4.
06584032 2010-05-02 AR01.png

Kindly note that, once again, given that there was no Notification to CoHo of a Transfer of the ownership of the 50% Shareholding [this time to Mr Butcher], con ferre supra in respect of the Legal Requirements for such Transfers as previously discussed.

There is nothing else which is particularly untoward in the AR01 Filing, I just wanted to give a nod towards 2Pac once again and say "Thugg Life, bitches".
For those that haven't seen it [where the fucking hell have you been for the last 18 months], this is why I refer to Chase Meadow/140 London Road as Thugg Life Mansion :
Thugg Life Mansion.jpg
Copyright, Sunday Mirror
Inside favourite room of millionaire who rebuilt home 'exactly how he wanted'
Billericay Town's Glenn Tamplin shows off his stunning £18m mansion

The Take-away points [pun intended] :
1. Multiple instances of repeated Criminal Breaches in respect of the Duties owed to Notify the Registrar of Changes of Officers, pursuant to the Companies Acts of both 1985 & 2006, as amended
2. Multiple instances of repeated Criminal Breaches in respect of the Duties owed to Notify the Registrar of Changes to Officers' Details, pursuant to the Companies Acts of both 1985 & 2006, as amended
3. Multiple instances of the use of Nominees [then-Lawful, during this particular period in time - since frowned upon and attempted to Legislate against]
4. Multiple instances of a failure to Notify in respect of Transfers of Shareholdings, pursuant to the Companies Acts of both 1985 & 2006, as amended
5. Glenn doesn't like to personally Guarantee Rent Sums

and, of course :

6. The man has no taste
7. Thugg Life, bitches

PS you will note that I do not add "alleged" or "allegedly" Criminal Breaches/Offences.
This is because the Offences in question are Completed by the Defect in the Filing.
It is not as in a case of whether or not someone was at the scene of a crime, be it a burglary or an assault - which might give rise to an allegation of an Offence. Rather, with 'Technical' Breaches/Offences, they are Completed by their inherent Defect.
Kindly note that I use the terms Breach/Offence, as is appropriate - I do not ever state that Mr Tamplin has been Convicted of the same, which would of course be Defamatory if untrue.
It's well-known that Mr Tamplin has currently unspent Criminal Convictions, notably the recent Illegal Dumping & Speeding Convictions - which have been well reported.

And, once again, for the benefit of Glenn's Lawyers and the reassurance of the Moderators, here are the Statutory Defences afforded by UKPGA 2013 ch26 :
Defamation Act 2013

PPS of course, any lawyerly types will know that Defamation is the Tort of besmirching one's good name - poor old Glenn has already besmirched his own name, so let's not waste anyone's time with unnecessary and misdirected issuance of Pre-Action Protocols for Defamation.

I'll knacker your career for ignoring the stipulations of Practice Direction 53 and drag you up before the Bar/SRA before the ink's dried on your worthless pieces of paper, so don't even waste the printer ink.
Just a friendly warning, chaps & chapesses.

Nothing 'Actionable' to see here, so off you fuck.
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And, after a dramatic pause for the info to percolate through, & circulate amongst, BTFC fans ahead of the Wingate & Finchley Fixture, it's back!

The Hot Spot Food Company, continued and completed - thank the Lord!

OK, so if you’ve sat through and read the last three posts, firstly - well done. Secondly, you’re probably wondering what the point is of all the waffling and technical points.

Yes, I know, I’m a waffler. But, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I did write, right at the beginning, that I could take a simple case and extend it over thousands of words.

Well, The Hot Food Spicy Wings Saga is [in a nutshell] thoroughly indicative of Mr Tamplin’s modi operandi when it comes to running his companies. Each of those modi are detailed at the end of each of the posts. All of the take-away points can be transposed to each and every one of the companies he’s set up.

Except, of course, those which were directly Sydney-Harboured.
Wait, what? You don’t know what Sydney Harbouring is?
Bottom of the harbour tax avoidance - Wikipedia
Yes, I know - it’s Wikipedia, but I can’t be arsed to type out a full explanation.

The most common form of Sydney Harbouring in the UK is for a company to trade for a certain period and then not file its Accounts or Annual Return so that Companies House automatically issues a Section 1000 Notice, before the firm is then Administratively Dissolved.

Administrative Dissolution is a different form of ending to the life of a company, compared to a Dissolution which ensues from Insolvency.

A company, which in Law is called a ‘Legal Person’ as opposed to a ‘Natural Person’ such as you or I, is a ‘Legal Fiction’ that is given its soul or life by virtue of a piece of paper - its Certificate of Incorporation.

If I can explain by way of analogy, Administrative Dissolution is akin to the plug being pulled from the life support machine because you forgot to pay your Medical Insurance [in the USA & CH] or in the UK, it is akin to the NHS pulling the plug from the machine because you forgot to post of your voter registration to appear on the Electoral Register.

This is much different to Dissolution following an Insolvency Event, which is akin to organ failure in the patient, or a Voluntary Striking Off - in ‘Legal Persons’ this is analogous to the suicide of a ‘Natural Person’.

On the other hand, Administrative Dissolution can be a useful way [cheap & simple - you don’t have to lift a finger or even pay an Accountant - as a matter of fact, it may even be the result of not paying an Accountant] of avoiding, by way of example, accrued Tax Obligations. This is because there are simply too many Incorporations each year to track them all individually and Tax Authorities are reliant on being informed of a situation arising. This gap in the Law, between Collection and Administration, is when so-called 'Sydney Harbouring' can occur.

Why not have a look at Post #1700 and see how many of Mr Tamplin’s many, many failed businesses have been Administratively Dissolved following an s1000 Notice? Not that I’m saying that this is what’s happened each and every time, of course - in fairness, sometimes a company just isn’t used, or isn’t needed any more.


Anyway, back to the Hot & Spicy.

The Rent Deposit Deed & surrounding situation, in re Trading
In between the Rent Deposit Deed of c2c Rail Ltd, with the concomitant entry of a Charge against the Company on 07/11/2009, and its Annual Return on 22/05/2010, the Company Filed its 1st set of Accounts. These are also the only set of Accounts which the Company actually Filed at all.

On 21/01/2010 it Filed a set of Accounts, made up until 31/05/2009, which showed that it was Dormant and had not Traded in the Course of Business. This may well be true, of course, but it was certainly Trading from November 2009 onwards - we have already looked at the Rent Deposit Deed which shows it was Trading from at least that date onwards. Therefore, it may be reasonably said that the very latest date by which it had begun Trading was November 2009. On the papers, there may be a period between May & November of 2009 in which it MAY have been trading.

In May 2011, because the Company had not Filed any Accounts and its Annual Return was overdue, the Company was issued with a Notice that it would be Compulsorily Struck Off the Register of Companies, pursuant to s1000. Effectively CoHo was saying that unless it was "shown signs of life", then the patient would be euthanised [incidentally the italicised part of the foregoing is how CoHo describes it, rather than my own words].

This prompted movement from the two Shareholders, Messrs Butcher & Tamplin, each of whom held 50%.

On 18/07/2011, the Registered Office was changed once again - moving the Company from Mr Tamplin’s Steel Empire in Howard Hill to an address which appears to be Mr Butcher’s private dwelling. Although the Presenter is given as Mr Butcher, it is apparently the signature of Mr Tamplin which is on the AD01 Filing itself.
001 AD01 signature.png

Original Document :
View PDF Registered office address changed from 3 Spilsby Road Harold Hill Romford Essex RM3 8SB United Kingdom on 18 July 2011 - link opens in a new window - 2 pages

Other examples of Mr Tamplin’s signatures from various CoHo Filings :
002 Sig 2003-10-14.png

003 Sig 2004-09-30.png

004 Sig 2005-07-01.png

005 Sig 2005-09-15.png

cf Post #1685 for the pictures of Mr Tamplin's former dwellings, which he occupied during the course of the foregoing signatures - those former dwellings are the ones named in the Filings, supra.

NB that the above signatures of Mr Tamplin are not Redacted in the original Filings, nor is there a lawful obligation for either myself or the hosts of this fine website to redact them from this particular published instance given that the subject matter is the signatures themselves - i.e. the veracity, or otherwise, of a signature which appears within a Filing [the AD01 Filing of 18/07/2011] that purports to have been undertaken by Mr Butcher.

The originals are found here :
COMPLETE STEEL SERVICES LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)
Having studied the evolution of Mr Tamplin’s signature over the course of two decades, it has become more and more flattened out and less representative of his surname during that period.

More of the 'Glenn', less of the 'Tamplin', as time has passed - ironically, given the penchant for self-promotion during the most recent times.

A few days later, on 21/07/2011, Mr Tamplin’s Directorship was Terminated by an electronic TM01 Form. The Filing was backdated to 27/03/2011, almost four months before the TM01 was received by CoHo. This was therefore either late or backdated and the two are not mutually exclusive.
006 TM01 2011-07-21.png

Once again, and for the record, this is what UKPGA 2006 ch46 s167 clearly states must be done in respect of any and all Changes of Office :
Companies Act 2006

When Companies House received the Annual Return on 05/08/2011, the Compulsory Striking Off Action was Discontinued. The two Shareholdings of 50% each, held by Messrs Tamplin & Butcher, are as shown :
007 AR01 2011-08-05.png

On 07/09/2011 the Company Filed its Accounts, which were made up to 31 May 2010. These showed a loss of £388,640 compared to the previous Account Filing, which stated that the Company had been Dormant, per Clause a.:
008 Dormant Accts.png

con ferre :

Companies Act 2006

From the papers before me, it appears that the substantial losses were accrued in a six month period [Nov. 2009-May 2010]. I find that hard to believe and would aver that in my Professional Opinion, the Company must have been trading during the period in which it Filed Dormant Accounts.

In any case, on the papers and taking them at face value, The Hot Spot Food Company Ltd either :

a) traded for a six month period and lost over £60k per month,
b) traded over the period of a year and lost over £20k per month.

On the evidence before me, which is limited to that which is contained within those papers as Filed, my preference is for the former rather than the latter.

One other point of note, which is also contained within the only live Accounts which were Filed, is that Mr Tamplin loaned the Company £318,314.
009 Accts-1.png 010 Accts-2.png
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The Hot Spot Food Company, continued and completed
Fuck fuck & fuckity fuck, this fucker won't fucking die.
I was not aware that there was a 10,000 character limit, hence this continuation.
I was, of course, aware that I am a dribbling dicksplat, but there we are and there we go...

Leaving aside the somewhat peculiar sets of dates attaching to the Accounts which HAVE been Filed, the Company then failed, once again, to File its Annual Return and Accounts. Accordingly the Registrar Served Notice that unless evidence was shown to the contrary, the Company would be Struck Off. The Company would have received an initial letter stating that same Notice prior to CoHo taking Action itself.

The Company took no action to Remedy the Defect, as required by the Registrar.
Mr Tamplin, who was purportedly owed a six-figure-sum, took no action.

Following that Notice, on 29/05/2012, an Advertisement was placed in the London Gazette for a Compulsory Striking Off of the Company from the Register of Companies. No response was made and on 11/09/2012 the Company was Struck Off, pursuant to Section 1000.

At that point any assets held by the Company which had not been disposed of [including the Equipment, Plant & Machinery, the Lease at Southend, assuming it hadn’t been Forfeited and, of course, not forgetting Mr Tamplin’s entitlement to the repayment of his £318,314 loan] would revert to The Crown in bona vacantia.

The Take-away points [pun intended] :
1. note the multiple Breaches giving rise to Technical Offences.
2. note the discrepancy in signatures and the florid, dashed-off signature of Mr Tamplin. It is my honestly-held belief that Mr Tamplin placed his own signature upon the document and then purported to CoHo that Mr Butcher was the Presenter.
3. Sydney Harbouring happens all the time, whether inadvertently or deliberately - this is a grave issue facing revenue-collecting Authorities worldwide. It is not limited to the UK, but the UK’s system of Administrative Dissolution unnecessarily aids and abets the unscrupulous, who would take advantage of the process which is enshrined in Statute.

4. What on earth happened to the £318,314 loan, Mr Tamplin? Even you would have noticed that missing from your Bank Accounts.

My Personal Opinions :
5. Legal Persons should not have the same rights at Law which extend to Natural Persons. This absurdity is, frankly, ridiculous. It’s called the Human Rights Act, not the Legal & Natural Persons Act. The Legal situation of today was not envisioned by the Limited Liability Acts of the Victorian Era and is cannot have been foreseen by the then-Legislators, whose purpose was to stop Debt Bondage. If ever there were an illustration of the Law of Unintended Consequences, then the recent emergence of the TTIP proposals is it - at least Herr Drumpf was right on that point and right to stop it, although that wasn’t his actual reasoning…

6. Glenn likes a company that makes losses - you would have to ask him as to the reason why.

Here endeth the lesson on the Hot & Spicy Company and in dealing with Mr Tamplin in the course of business, which apparently nobody has learned - other than the Supporters of Dagenham & Redbridge.

Of course they then immediately lurched headlong into yet another crisis, fucked off their new Sugar Daddy and sunk deeper into the mire. That, however, is not the title of this here “HellThread”.

If you made it this far, thanks for your efforts - you deserve a pint!
And to the new user [as of this morning], 'Garamondus', I see what you did there...
I'm not suspicious, not suspicious at all...
Defamation Act 2013
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Back to the Trøll-a-LOL...

2018-03-06 o'Hara, Pedlar of Crypotcurrencies.png

Jamie o'Hara, is he :
a) a highly respected Financial Adviser
b) a peculiar pedlar of obscure Cryptocurrencies, peculiarly
c) a striker and former Big Brother Contestant [I will not deign to say 'Celebrity']
d) a striker of children [allegedly, but well - fuck it, we all saw the tapes & photos]
e) a snivelling lickspittle whose nose is suspiciously brown
or f) one or more of the foregoing
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2018-03-07 GDT, Big Gun copy.png

I'd say Saturday was an Epic Fail, personally.

I am also of the firm belief that all photographs of Tamplin which are henceforth published should now be forced to bear a Clown's wig, by Law.
Forgive me for asking but where are you going with all of this? I like your attention to detail and it makes interesting reading and we all know that Glenn is a crook.
Short answer:
to the 4th Floor of Cannon House, Queensway, Birmingham.

Long answer:
Simple, this is the best source of information there is.
It will always be there, for posterity - whenever anyone looks, it will be there.

Including The Veiny One.

It'll also come in handy when they come to do the film/book of this Season - in addition to a trouncing of Meadow, DHFC® will have *LITERALLY* seen off the bad guys.

Oh, that will happen BTW. Make sure you get the Rights sorted, too - six figures.

You say "crook", but for most people that's simply a feeling they have, it's something which they can't quite put their finger on, or for which they may not know the Law well enough - this thread explicitly says precisely how and why he's done certain things which may or may not be unlawful, as the case may be.

And also, I've seen this HellThread grow and blossom into something lovely. I'm delighted to help nurture it. C'mon, you know The Veiny One will be reading this at some point, don't you?

I derive great pleasure from knowing that BTFC Fanboiz [for whom I have zero sympathy & have behaved disgustingly thus far, as opposed to the real fans] plus of course the fact that both he & his Lawyers will do so, in addition.

And that there's nothing that they can do about it, because, well - bottom of Post #1703. It's all perfectly legit...hehe...PD53, bitches...nowt ye can do...
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Hmm. Bad news, gents. Glenn the Bellend is nowhere to be seen, and Wheeler and some money-grabbing shitbag have been named as the managers for tonight's game v Wingate & Finchley. Interestingly, Alan Julian, Rob Swaine and stropper-in-chief Nick Wheeler have re-emerged and find themselves in the squad.

I have a bad feeling about tonight.
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