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Florida woman jailed for handing husband's guns to cops after domestic violence charge


How fucked up is America and guns?

The arrest of a Florida woman who turned in her estranged husband's guns to police after he was held on domestic violence charges has provoked uproar.

A Florida state congresswoman has asked prosecutors to drop the case against Courtney Irby, who was jailed for six days on theft charges.

Democratic lawmaker Anna Eskamani said charging Mrs Irby, 32, would set "a scary precedent" for victims of abuse.

Prosecutors say they have not yet decided whether to pursue the case.

On Monday, Ms Eskamani shared the letter she sent to State Attorney Brian Haas on Twitter, saying: "Ms Irby was seeking help from the Lakeland Police Department and taking action to protect herself and her children.

"We should be outraged by her arrest and I am requesting that your office not prosecute her."
On 14 June, following a divorce court meeting, Mr Irby was arrested for domestic aggravated battery after he allegedly ran his wife's vehicle off the road and hit her car with his own, the Lakeland Ledger reported.

Mrs Irby told officers she feared for her life during the incident and had requested restraining orders on Mr Irby in the past. She was subsequently granted another temporary restraining order.

The next day, Mrs Irby went to her husband's apartment, gathered up the firearms and brought them to the Lakeland Police Department.

When asked by an officer if she entered the apartment without her husband's permission, she said she had. The officer asked her to confirm that she had "committed an armed burglary".

"Yes, but he wasn't going to turn them in so I am doing it," she replied, according to the officer.
US woman jailed for handing husband's guns to cops

Domestic violence suspects are told to surrender their guns, but "it's kind of hard to enforce, really." This guy sounds like Chief Wiggum.

Polk County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Brian Bruchey explained that there is no automatic enforcement mechanism to take guns away from people who have been ordered to hand them over as part of a pre-trial release.

“We really don’t have authority to take firearms from people unless they are surrendered or there is a court order,” Bruchey said. “We can’t do anything, unless they willfully do it — release them to us.”

Technically if the person does have firearms they are in violation of the injunction or pre-trial release but it’s one of those things — it’s kind of hard to enforce, really. You’d have to have somebody to say ‘I know exactly where they are’ … and you’d have to get a search warrant for it. It’s one of those things you hope people do the right thing and surrender their guns,” Bruchey explained.
Florida has particularly fucked up gun laws. No coincidence that this is the state of such high profile gun murders as Trayvon Martin, Parkland, Orlando, those two Brits who took a wrong turn into the wrong neighborhood...

It's stupendously hot and humid there too. I genuinely don't see the attraction.
It's stupendously hot and humid there too. I genuinely don't see the attraction.

No tax on income, and their sales and property taxes are low in comparison to other places. Its also a great place to go if you are involved in a lawsuit with the possibility of a division of property. You can protect your assets better there than nearly anywhere else in the US, with the possible exception of Delaware.
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No tax on income, and their sales and property taxes are low in comparison to other places. Its also a great place to go if you are involved in a lawsuit with the possibility of a division of property. You can protest your assets better there than nearly anywhere else in the US, with the possible exception of Delaware.

Yeah but also, alligators, swamps, tropical storms, gun crime, drug cartels, Trump, too hot/humid to go outside half the year.
Kkk apprantly do great bbq Dade county its more of a racist rotary club than an actual terrorism:hmm:.
Given Its the US gunnuts will claim DV accusations are thrown about as a tactic so the police take your guns as a precautionary measure and if it turns out to be unfounded the police either dont give your guns back or wreck them.:(
an american writes:
this should, and may just, be dropped. however, technically she did burgle his place.

You can protect your assets better there than nearly anywhere else in the US, with the possible exception of Delaware.

delaware. i'm not sure our british friends know that that means.
and you know from where biden is senator ...
delaware. i'm not sure our british friends know that that means.
and you know from where biden is senator ...

To explain for our British friends, Delaware is a very friendly state to banking, insurance, and credit card companies. When you have a dispute with them the state where the company is based is the venue who's rules apply. You basically have no chance of winning if you have a credit card based in Delaware, no matter how awful their actions. Another state that is very friendly to banking interests is South Dakota. If you ever get a credit card in the US, you'll find that the company is based in one of these states.

And yes, Joe Biden was a senator from Delaware. I sincerely hope he's not the Democratic nominee for a number of reasons, and his ties with big business is just one. His record of race issues is pretty bad. He has no understanding of technology. He has no understanding of the issues young voters face. And he has a tendency to stick is foot in his mouth on a regular basis.
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