Yes, if it is eventually confirmed all this surreal circus was just her having to undergo a serious and intrusive surgery that required a long recovery time, good luck to her on her recovery and I can’t fucking blame her for wishing the particulars of her ailment being made public.
But if that’s the case, Bucks Palace’s PR machine is as toxic and controlling as is fucking useless. They’re clearly still operating on the principle that the more mysterious and otherworldly the Royals are, the more appealing and sellable the brand remains. Whereas a refusal to disclose any particulars of her surgery would have always triggered some people, going to such lengths as doctoring photographs to what now looks increasingly like a collage of people who weren’t there at all, is the pinnacle of fucking stupidity.
And one doesn’t need to be anywhere near the conspiraloon end of the social spectrum to know that there’s no fucking way that a) Kate doctored the photograph herself, and b) that the subsequent ‘mea culpa’ tweet was written by her on impulse, let alone being something she would have wanted to claim or be happy with being claimed in her name.
I hope all the fucking dickheads in this country, both media commentators and members of the public including a few on these very boards, who have absolutely demonised Meghan Merkle for literally nothing more than wanting to escape the odious, bullying, hideous environment life in the Royal Family clearly is for those marrying into the firm, and rightly bringing it to the spotlight, might now realise what prize cunts they’ve been all along and what toxic culture they have helped sustain. But frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if saintly Kate would instantly become Meghan 2.0 if she were to spill some beans.