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Films you admire, but don't like

Another kubrick - Clockwork Orange. Its beautifully made and shot and all that cal, but - as with all his stuff - its detached and cold whilst the violence is nauseating, gratuitously graphic and makes for uncomfortable viewing. In the book you are distanced from it as its told through Alex's narration - but the film gives you no such protection.
Oh yeah - I guess "Triumph of the Will" is probably a good fit for the thread title.
I admire Terrence Malick simply because he's managed to pass himself off as a director for all this time despite possessing zero ability to make watchable films.
Another vote for Lord Of The Rings.

Can’t argue with the mass appeal and the technical feat of the project but the whole genre bores me senseless. See also The Hobbit, Game Of Thrones etc

Just watched all the Hobbits and extended Lord of the Rings films again over the last few weeks, they are better films than the books are at being good books I reckon. I can't name a fantasy film that is better than the 1st Lord of the Rings, but plenty of books better than the books. Hey ho.

Off the top of my head, films I admire but don't like are No Country for Old Men, the most boring and least human of the Coen Brothers films, and also perhaps Fargo. The two least watched of Coen's films for me, but the ones most critically acclaimed, weirdly.

Also Apocalypse now as others have mentioned. Full Metal Jacket too, for similar reasons. Eye's Wide Shut too. Probably a Kubrick thing, but then the Shining is wonderful, it's got the right level of spook I suppose.

Oh, and Hunger, the Bobby Sands film. Was great artistically, but the subject matter is uncomfortable watching, especially as it's based on truth. Plus I watched it nursing a stinking hangover. :thumbs:
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I remember watching 21 Grams in the cinema and thinking "this is a Good Film but I'm not enjoying it". Haven't watched it again and have no idea what it was about beyond people crying lots :D
I was supposed to review the DVD, but I only managed about 5-15 minutes; I found the overacting and crying just too tedious to bear.
I still have my review copy (in those days they were supposed to be returned, and supposedly traceable).
Strongly seconding Birdman. It popped into my head for a possible rewatch candidate cuz while I deeply enjoyed the design and camerawork and a few of the performances (Merrit Weaver <3) I can’t stand the middle-aged man studio wankfest plot. Every woman’s life revolves around a couple of dickheads :confused:
Strongly seconding Birdman. It popped into my head for a possible rewatch candidate cuz while I deeply enjoyed the design and camerawork and a few of the performances (Merrit Weaver <3) I can’t stand the middle-aged man studio wankfest plot. Every woman’s life revolves around a couple of dickheads :confused:
Couldn't even get through the first half, Edward Norton's character was such a wanker that I gave up...
I’m completely unable to sit through Citizen Kane.

I quite liked Goodness, Gracious Me, though.
High-Rise was a recent one I admired without liking. It was very well made in every way, it just didn't have that sense you get from reading Ballard where you feel like you're being let in on a joke at the characters' expense but you don't know what the joke is.
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