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Favourite veggie sausage?

What's the best banger?

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I just use TVP rehydrated with veg stock, herbs (Thyme/Oregano), dash of lemon juice, paprika, pepper, pinch of nutmeg.
Once all liquid absorbed and mixture allowed to cool, I add a tbsp of oatmeal and an egg, mix together and put in the fridge for 30 mins.
Then I lay out pieces of clingfilm and for each piece I lay out a tbsp of the mixture, wrap the clingfilm around it and twist the ends to form a sausage shape.
Once you’ve used up all the mixture, place your sausages into a colander, put a saucepan lid on top then place this on top of a pan of boiling water and steam your clingfilm wrapped bangers for about 20 mins.
Once removed from the colander, allow to cool before unwrapping and you should have a sausage that will keep its shape while it fries,

Voila! 🙂
That's a lot of work!

I'll stick to buying them.
My favourite is Linda McCartney rosemary and red onion.

ETA: The above are my favourite sausages to have in a veggie full English or toasted sausage sandwich with brown sauce. I've recently become quite addicted to Quorn cocktail sausages though. I bought some intending to make a cassoulet-type stew, because they're pre-cooked, but I ended up snacking on them, and since them I've bought more and snacked on them some more. They're really nice.
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We got some Birds Eye Meat Free Sausages (and some burgers) yesterday, haven't tried them yet but will report back when OH has eaten them (I'll have a bite too, they are mostly pea protein so I might enjoy them better than the quorn or soya ones we usually get!)
I tried the little willies (ha ha) today, they were reduced in coop.

as a meat eater, I didn’t really notice the difference which I guess may be an issue for some? They were quite nice with some red onion gravy
I ve changed my mind about my favourite veggie sausage cus today I had some beyond meat/beyond sausage and it was delicious, but proper meaty preferred it to the moving mountain ones.
I’m a big fan of ‘little willies’ & more recently Richmond ones. I did like Cauldron many years back but find them too dry. I have been veggie nearly 30 years & don’t tend to seek out meat replacement.

Little Willies are expensive though & being skinny don’t go far.
Well we haven't had the sausages yet, but the Birds Eye Meat Free burgers were deemed "too meaty" with a thumbs down from the OH. So not holding out much hope that he will like the sausages. I might eat them however :D
This weekend my week-old veggie stew is being pepped up with Linda Mc C's red onion and rosemary and I won't bother again.
Relatively chewy, not particularly flavourful.
I may have to brave the deli next week for some Cauldron ...
I tried the Tofoo Sizzlers yesterday. Their only redeeming feature was the flavour which was nice and herby. They had a soft texture, which i didn't like though, plus they fell apart whilst cooking and managed to get stuck to a non-stick pan. I don't recommend.
My girl turns her nose up at anything but Cauldron and Naked Glory.
Actually she had these very recently, which got the thumbs up (although she said they tasted like tea :hmm: ) -


I still really miss Cauldron's mushroom burgers!
I tried the Richmond ones today and liked them. They're a very close copy of a meat sausage so not suitable for cheaty sort of vegetarians like moose who don't like meat anyway. Nice crispy skin. If you were really missing a trad FEB you would be happy with these and a fried egg or two.
Oh forgot to report back. Surprisingly, and despite the burgers getting the thumbs down for being too meaty, OH did like the Birds Eye Meat Free sausages. They are a bit expensive for regular use for us but would have again. I tried one and it was quite nice, I thought it had a slightly oaty taste which was good for me, as a soya/quorn hater.
Tonight's sausages are "Vegan Bites" Sage & Marjoram ...

... :hmm: ...

I can't say it's lighting up my world this weekend as a stew addition ... I wish I could get Cauldron near me ...
Just tried the Moving Mountains ones. They are bigger than I was expecting, decent taste and texture. Thumbs up from me.

The only downside was that when I fried them, there was lots of spitting. Will try another cooking method next time.
Just tried the Moving Mountains ones. They are bigger than I was expecting, decent taste and texture. Thumbs up from me.

The only downside was that when I fried them, there was lots of spitting. Will try another cooking method next time.
Im not keen on the skin. I thought they were the best and then I found the beyond sausage, sausages, but they are really expensive....but the best ime.
I had some of the Gro ones from the co-op the other day and they were the best I've tried so far - very good texture, solid but not rubbery, not dry but not too greasy either, and decent taste to them. If I had a criticism it would be that the outsides weren't quite crispy enough, but I was grilling them and might try frying them instead if I buy any more.

I say "if I buy any more" because they are £3 for six regular price it seems which tbh is quite a lot of money. IIRC I got them when they were reduced, which is pretty much the only time I buy veggie meat-a-likes.
I can't get massively excited by Aldi's "Plant Menu Red Pepper and Butternut Squash Sausages" as a weekend "cassoulet"-style perk-up for my 6 and 7 day old bean stew - not quite spicy enough to make a difference...

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I had the cauliflower masala variety tonight, also from Aldi. While I didn't dislike them, they suffered from not tasting or having the texture of a sausage. So it didn't really fit my expectations. I'd have been far happier with the contents inside a samosa / pasty however. Probably won't buy again, as it won't work as well with the sausage based meals I cook.

Speaking here as a meat eater who sometimes buys veggie sausages.
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