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Favourite TV show theme tunes

Dark Season (early 90s sci-fi drama) starring a young Kate Winslet and Brigit Forsyth written by Russell T Davies

(From approx 45 seconds in)

Never heard of it. . . . And oh my, its solid wall to wall 'cringe' as the kids would say.

Whicker's World.

This sounded like the glamour and romance of a jet-set lifestyle. :cool:

Very much not sounding like the Ryanair or easyjet lifestyle that I grew up into. :(
Personally, I consider the old skool BBC Nine O’Clock news theme to be the gold standard of TV news themes. The way it holds your suspense while the headlines are announced and then BAM the percussion kicks in like gunfire to draw the intro to a crescendo before a calming resolve. It’s mint.

Jonny Briggs was another favourite from my childhood, apologies in advance to Suplex if it’s not one he’s heard of and therefore not valid on the thread :rolleyes:

In 1984, the Minutemen wrote a song about visiting Mexico and witnessing the poverty and exploitation brought about by capital and imperialism; about 15-20 years later, it became famous as the theme tune for a show about men injuring themselves and each other in inventively stupid ways. Life's a funny old thing.
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