tallulahj said: ↑
No, but considering a trusted staff member (who is about to be promoted to manager), several regulars, and the landlord felt like kicking his head in, i feel inclined to trust their version of events.
Didnt sound like a joke to me - casual racism is serious - in fact the attempted downplaying of it is more serious than what was said, in my opinion
(post edited slightly)
. . . but nobody was 100% sure what he was saying. Just because they felt like kicking his head in at the time does not make anybody right.
I wasn't there, neither were you, nobody who ever posted on this thread was, nobody ever heard exactly what he was babbling on about 100% clearly.
I don't think setting up a lynch mob is a very good idea.
As I have said before, he could have been acting like the biggest racist dickhead ever, but we simply don't know if he was or not.
Saul's explanation seems plausible enough, and in the light of no other no other information shouldn't we give him the benefit of the doubt?
I am not defending people being dickheads in pubs or casual racism, but I am suggesting that casual racism might not have even taken place (there was almost certainly some dickheadary).
To accuse, in the way this thread has done, without any direct evidence sets a dangerous president, one that I think is just as bad as suggesting that flippant racisam can be dismissed as "hey it was only a joke mate". It's how misguided lynch mobs start, and I don't think it's fair.
Didnt sound like a joke to me -
It didn't sound like a joke to you, but in actual fact it didn't sound like anything to you because you didn't hear it.
I also don't appreciate the insinuation that I do think casual racism is a joke that can be easily brushed aside. It isn't, and is something that I encounter more than I would like in rearguards to my direct family. "Hey I was only making a joke, lighten up", I hear it way too much.
casual racism is serious - in fact the attempted downplaying of it is more serious than what was said, in my opinion
(post edited slightly)
More serious than what was said? Even though nobody here heard what was said, nobody at all clearly heard what was said, and it could easily have been taken out of context (and was according to Saul)
Misguided? Dickhead? Yes probably.
I am getting sick and tired of being told that I am making excuses for racists.
Casual racism is serious, I am not downplaying it.
But wading in with "so and so said something to so and so about what so and so said" . . . you've got to be kidding me?
You would rather go with the version of events of the bar staff? Even though that is all hearsay on this thread, the whole matter was resolved to their satisfaction ages ago.
I thought you were going to go with their version of events?