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Fat White Family & various offshoot bands (Moonlandingz, Insecure Men, Warmduscher, Pregoblin etc)

I'm hoping for a dedication at the Manchester gig for this.

ftr my current favourite is "Is it raining in your mouth?" :cool:
It doesn't matter what you think "banning behaviour" is because you don't run the pubs concerned.

The bottom line is that you made up the claim that he was banned from both pubs, and that makes me wonder why you'd do that.

Apologies. He was banned from the Grosvenor. He seems to be unbanned, something not mentioned earlier on this thread. Why was he unbanned? If the complainant wants to stand by her allegations I don't know how or why you would unban such a person.

A senior member of staff from the other pub has mentioned he has personally witnessed the guy making questionable comments in his pub, so rather stupidly, I'd assume that was grounds for banning (old pat once banned me and my mate for having our feet up on the chairs ffs :D). Fair play though. Let's talk about this life-changing music instead.
gabi much as I think you were a lot hasty to put 2 and 2 together to make 7 I did think you were being totally sincere and passionate so for that I respect you. Come see them with me next time yr in london... talk to them... I think you will soon see what theyare about is something really good. They're doing a show in December at 100 club with The Rebel of the legendary Country Teasers which is a top line up.
Or do you think his/their racism is genuine. You fucking dick.
I only know one album, which didn't have anything like that on it, nothing o read about them has mentioned it either. I merely said they were legendary, not that I know all their stuff. Please do start another thread on them if you like.
Ps your invite to the show from me has been rescinded.
The rebel even nicked the name from johnny rebel,who's not ironically racist at all...derivative racism that's ironic,try sayin that after a few pints...
I only know one album, which didn't have anything like that on it, nothing o read about them has mentioned it either. I merely said they were legendary, not that I know all their stuff. Please do start another thread on them if you like.
Ps your invite to the show from me has been rescinded.
Lucky i can play my silverfish record at 33pm at home then.
musically,though, fwf aren't very good imo,derivative and ironic are definitely the sails on their wee boat.The guitarist has got some nifty wee derivative rockabilly licks though...the saul boyo seems to be more or less surplus to requirements,he must be the ironic edgy one...this all based on my listening to one ironic song of no depth whatsoever :)
Aww i thought we were gonna talk about the music...anyways the legendary shack shakers've been doin it better for years,so have the cramps, hasil adkins, the legendary stardust cowboy,esquerita and loads of others...listen to them instead kids
I only know one album, which didn't have anything like that on it, nothing o read about them has mentioned it either. I merely said they were legendary, not that I know all their stuff. Please do start another thread on them if you like.
Ps your invite to the show from me has been rescinded.
You are still dodging the issue - trying to argue that they can't be racists because you know them and they are lovely people, which whether true or not is irrelevant.

The issue(s) are did or did not this Saul bloke say that "niggers can't read' or words to that effect? And did he abuse a ESL speaker and state "that nobody speaks english here".

I had a pretty open mind about these alleged incidents as first but the behaviour of the defenders of the band, including their manager, and the continually deliberate avoidance of this question looks increasingly dodgy.
gabi much as I think you were a lot hasty to put 2 and 2 together to make 7 I did think you were being totally sincere and passionate so for that I respect you. Come see them with me next time yr in london... talk to them... I think you will soon see what theyare about is something really good. They're doing a show in December at 100 club with The Rebel of the legendary Country Teasers which is a top line up.

Fair do's, I will. FWIW, if i I was in London I would ask the guy post-gig if what is claimed he said was actually said. I think you should too. If he denies it, then yes - there's only heresay. It was a fairly blistering and definitive accusation from someone who worked at the pub he was barred from though so im more inclined to believe her tbh.

I dont know what ulterior motive she could have for a) making the accusation b) having him barred and c) posting about it on a public bulletin board putting her at risk of legal action
on the menu today:
spam and spam
diarylea slice and spam
spam dairylea slice and spam
white ace cider, spam and spam
dairylea, white ace cider, spam and spam

Baked beans are off.
I heard it. I enjoyed it. They were kinda shy and shambols-new-band in the chats, but they played a blinder.

Off to see them in Hastings tomorrow night.

ska invita : off the menu? Or slipped off the side because of the slippery cheese underneath? Or dry and rotten off? Or off somewhere on their adventures? Or off from the starting gate?
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