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Farmers' market in Brixton

Heh. In mitigation, your honour, my skills of omnipresence aren't what they once were. I simply can't be expected to keep up with these new fangled market areas can I, although I reserve the right to poke fun at Orang, who lives bloody close to the Bazaar really.

Out of interest, why the need and desire for a spearate space? Who's the mover behind this, either at the council or beyond? I've got nothing against the Bazaar, but it seems a potentially harmful addition to Brixton as a whole. I'd like a more integrated approach and an overhaul of the market area, not the council finding new uses for their new square which might harm the existing businesses.

I think the council wants to change the image of the corner and give a focus for the new space outside the Ritzy,we maybe a little way away from the main market,but it is only 30 seconds walk.
Between us and the farmers market we are bringing people into central Brixton at weekends who wouldn't normally be there,so the knock on affect should be good for everyone.
I'd like to share your sunny optimism, but it seems a bit of a logical stretch to me. With the greatest of respect I'd be surprised if anything other than an absolutely minuscule proportion of people buying stuff from Brixton Bazaar have been specifically drawn into Brixton by its charms. I'd even say the same's true of the Farmers Market a large extent - it's likely to be mainly locals already interested in decent food attending, not a new segment of happy shoppers coming in from far and wide. I may have known about the Oval Farmers Market and the French affair in Clapham for example, but I very rarely would make a specific trip over there.

And yep, it's only 30 seconds, but you've got a prime spot and people are lazy. How else can you explain the premium whacked on, for example, the ordinary patties from one of the Bazaar stands - they're 30p more than pretty much everywhere else for a an unassuming patty, microwaved badly. I'd wager it's the convenience of having the thing right without moving from the bus stop more than anything else.

I'd like to believe that the new markets are bringing plenty of new customers in and are boosting the independent sector. And indeed they probably are having some positive effects, but I also suspect there's a hefty amount of cannibalisation and diverted spend away from existing businesses too. The balance seems wrong imo
i think you may be wrong about the first paragraph, tarrannau - people do travel to get nice food - i know i do
I don't doubt folks travel for nice food OU, but I would argue that (in particular) Brixton Bazaar and even the Farmers Market aren't really sufficient incentive to drive visits from outside of the area by themselves. We've fairly surrounded by equivalent Farmers Markets in the more prosperous surrounds, plus there's the 300lb gorilla that is Borough a short hop on the tube away. Brixton Bazaar's likeable enough, but the fact that it's on 3 days a week a few corners away from you and you've barely noticed it doesn't suggest that it's a must-visit attraction for far and wide. It's just got a few nice bits across a few stalls.

I'll take a specific trip to the Farmers Market because I'm a committed local gannet and its nearby, but I'm aware it's often at the cost of some of other purchases I'd have made elsewhere in the market and locally.
Me too, albeit I swap the cycle for public transport. But I don't think we're particularly representative of the norm, nor are we new customers being drawn into Brixton by these new affairs - we already live here.
Oval market offers a tiny range, Borough is too expensive, crowded with tourists and in any case is overrun with building work atm, neither open on a Sunday. So possibly Oval, Kennington and North Clapham residents might make the journey to Brixton.

Not familiar with what Clapham or the south offers or what other markets are open on Sundays.

Public transport on Sunday might be prohibitive for many, but lots of people will travel to potter around a Sunday market.

I could imagine the Brixton Sunday market stretching further down and more 2nd hand/clothes stalls etc. opening, with cafes, music and street food it could become the Camden of the south. Not saying its necessarily desirable but there is the room and the transport links. Who knows, maybe the arcades might eventually open on a Sunday.

I can imagine that if the area is seen to be a Sunday draw the regular market would want a slice of the action.
Please, God, don't let it become the Camden of the South. :eek:

Minnie: there's a Sunday market in Abbeville Rd in Clapham South so I doubt Claphamites will be coming down to Brixton to shop.

In other news, we just had a gorgeous salad for lunch using farmer's market produce - oak leaf lettuce, amazing apples, goat's cheese and cob nuts. With homemade sourdough, which is a lot better than the stuff I tasted at the market. :cool:
They're like a British hazlenut, one if not the only nut which grows natively.

They're a bit meh tbh. It's a shame we can't grow cashews or pistachios
i thought cob nuts were just hazelnuts going by their dialect name? beech nuts are also native to the south of england.
Brixton Farmers' Market

Hi all,

We're reading all your comments with great interest. Being the organisers it's always good to know your thoughts and feelings.

First of all, if you'd like to know anything about the market or you'd like to be kept updated with who comes when, sign up for our email updates at
we don't pass on your details or send you anything else.

Two plant stalls have attended the market. It's now the end of the season and they'll be back next year. In the meantime if we can find nurseries which specialise in bulbs we'll get them along.

Fish - glad that Les has been so well received. He will hopefully now be sharing the market with another fish seller from this w/e so they'll be taking it in turns to attend.

Re. being on Brixton Station Road; It's what was offered to us. We need a certain amount of space and it simply isn't available to us anywhere else and on any other day. We've been told that there's a possibility of moving us to the new square outside the Ritzy when it's finished.

From the postcodes of people who have signed up to receive emails, it looks as if you all come from within the Brixton area. We do have a smaller farmers' market in Clapham; People who live in Clapham use it rather than Brixton it seems. Shops, restaurants, cafes, other market stalls that open at the same time as our farmers' markets often report a surge in income as people who shop at the market will stay in the area to continue to shop/eat/drink. We hope that happens in Brixton.

Brixton pound; All of our managers are involved with Transition Town Brixton and are as keen as I am to work out a way of the market taking the Brixton Pound. Already a few stalls are offering them in change and I hope it increases.

If you buy a product, you don't like it and can tell us why, let us know! We always pass feedback onto stalls. Similarly if you've been to the market and think that there's something missing let us know. We work hard to find producers we think provide good value, high quality products and we visit every farmer, fisherman and producer before they attend.

Cobnuts are very British - if you've never tried them get down to the market whilst they're still in season. Try roasting them and sprinkling with salt or sugar...(shell them first!)

Thanks for supporting the market,

London Farmers' Markets
Re. being on Brixton Station Road; It's what was offered to us. We need a certain amount of space and it simply isn't available to us anywhere else and on any other day. We've been told that there's a possibility of moving us to the new square outside the Ritzy when it's finished.
Noooo! :eek::(
I like the Farmers Market but I can't afford to spend what I'd like to every week, it's as simple as that really. So I just get a couple of things, if I happen to be free on Sunday morning, and make do with Sainsburys or Iceland for the rest of my weekly needs.
Not convinced by a relocation tbh - if one of the perceived benefits is a knock-on effect to local businesses, the new Windrush is a bit cut off from everywhere with the exception of the Ritzy. I'd prefer Station Rd and surrounds to benefit really, preferably opening up a big chunk of more regular stalls at the same time.
If you buy a product, you don't like it and can tell us why, let us know! We always pass feedback onto stalls.

I thought the pasta that was there last Sunday was very below average. We got some ravioli and the pasta was super thick and not much filling.

Everything else I've had has been top.
I thought the flowers I bought from the first stall, with the vegetables on were lovely. Quite cheap and they lasted for about two weeks, pretty things they were too.
Cake was overpriced and not as nice as the overpriced cake I can get at the Oval Farmers market
Plant man was very nice.
fishy business

Hi all,

Here's the email I just sent out to our mailing list, about what's happening at the farmers' market this Sunday:

Dear customers,

This weekend, we have another new stall to introduce to you.

Vicki Ballington and Vince Flowers, aka Channel Fish, are small-scale fishermen from the Brighton coast. They have built up a strong reputation for the immaculate freshness of their fish, over many years of selling on London markets. Their range varies according to the week's catch, so we can never say for certain what they'll have - just that it will be fresh! It's been fine fishing weather on the South coast this week, so you can expect to see a decent haul. Les Lawrence, of Christchurch Fish, will be back next week.

Fans of Cheddar cheese and farmhouse butter will also be happy to know that Greens of Glastonbury have now agreed to attend the market every week except the 4th Sunday of each month, when EFJ Gould Cheesemakers will be attending instead.

Gardeners look out! - it's the last week of Little Coppice Nursery's season this weekend, so time to stock up on their fine range of biodynamically-grown perennials. They are good value, offering 3 perennials for £10 (or even B£10!!). Also be sure to look out for Perry Cook, of Cookoo Box Nursery, as he will be finishing for the end of his season soon too. Perry has an amazing array of chilli plants, herbs and living salads from his Kentish nursery.

Enjoy the market this weekend.


Sarah, Louise, Mark, Bonnie, Cheryl, Mark and Arthur

Brixton Farmers' Market - every Sunday 10am-2pm on Brixton Station Road
Tel. 020 7833 0338

11 O' Donnell Court
Brunswick Centre

We Grow It
We Sell It
Popped along today for some bread, cheese and salad stuff.



Went for the first time today and was quite impressed. Bought a cauliflower, fir apple potatoes, an acorn squash and a small pork belly joint which all came to less than a tenner.
I went today as well and managed to spend around £20, which is quite a feat for me when it comes to food shopping. :D

I got two packs of venison sausages (highly recommended by gaijinboy), some organic shin of beef, garlic, cavolo nero, little gem lettuces, fennel, purple sprouting broccoli, potatoes, apples.
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