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Fallout 4

I would like a game that was well optimised. Something that plays well on a variety of systems rather than a super computer sized mega rig. It would be a smart move anyway because the masses are buying graphics on board laptops anyway..
I would like a game that was well optimised. Something that plays well on a variety of systems rather than a super computer sized mega rig. It would be a smart move anyway because the masses are buying graphics on board laptops anyway..

If you want to game, don't go with a gpu that isn't either of AMD or nVidia. It has little to do with game developers, it's because Intel do not provide the same level of gpu hardware technology and software support that AMD and nVidia provide for gaming. A games developer cannot force an onboard Intel gpu to do things that it is not designed to do. Games developers are not magicians, might as well ask developers to make a game that will run on your toaster.
I play stuff on an 2013 MBP with intel Iris Pro. So basically graphic on board. And while its not comparable to a proper GPU (company of heroes 2 is not going to happen bootcamp or not) its still good.

My point being that computers are doubling in power every five minutes and soon we will have deep thought style computers in our coffee mugs. But that seems to be an excuse to create massively bloated resource hog games.

I would have thought a canny developer would make something that has decent playability across a lot of hardware. So Fallout 3 can just about work on an HD4000 and happily on an HD5000. Maybe Fallout4 could too...
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I play stuff on an 2013 MBP with intel Iris Pro. So basically graphic on board. And while its not comparable to a proper GPU (company of heroes 2 is not going to happen bootcamp or not) its still good.

My point being that computers are doubling in power every five minutes and soon we will have deep thought style computers in our coffee mugs. But that seems to be an excuse to create massively bloated resource hog games.

That's not really true any more... My PC was pretty much built around Fallout 3 and used sort of medium/high spec stuff available then. Not found a game it won't run yet, usually on reasonable settings.

I would have thought a canny developer would make something that has decent playability across a lot of hardware. So Fallout 3 can just about work on an HD4000 and happily on an HD5000. Maybe Fallout4 could too...

There's always going to be a cut off point though, and logically that will tie in with console releases. The days of games pushing cards that were top end 6 months ago are long gone (thank fuck), but a bit of progress is good.
There's always going to be a cut off point though, and logically that will tie in with console releases. The days of games pushing cards that were top end 6 months ago are long gone (thank fuck), but a bit of progress is good.

Very true. Back in the '90s you could easily blow 2 to 3 weeks wages on a gpu that would be considered low-end and verging on obsolete within a few months. That is the era that spawned the general perception of PC gaming being a money sink for those with comfortable wallets, and back then it was true. Things have changed a lot -component prices have come down a lot and components are relevant for a lot longer, which is a great thing. As you say, a bit of progress is not a bad thing, but thank fuck that things have stabilised a lot.
All this talk of possible Fallout games has got me all nostalgic, just been on Steam and bought Fallout 1,2 and Wasteland
It's all getting a bit serious now, 2 fairly sizable* rumours in the past few weeks, maybe it finally is going to be announced?

*Fairly sizable in the sense we've heard abolsutely nothing since the confirmed leaked documents way back in 2012 or 2013.

This might be the game that finally gets me to upgrade the coal fired behemoth i've got sat under the desk at the moment :D
It's pretty much "OMG Someone's Linkedn profile says they worked on the fallout 4 trailer"
FO4 is on the way, don't panic.

Whose panicking? It's just they've been teasing Fallout 4 for nearly for half a decade now, and there's been "news" posts were aren't news but wild speculation, fan homages, conspiracy theories and outright bullshit.

Sort of like when someone bumps a Fallout thread and you get excited and open the page to discover that theres no actual news of any substance.

Epona you don't know anyone who's guilty of doing that to me do you? :hmm::mad::hmm::mad:
Whose panicking? It's just they've been teasing Fallout 4 for nearly for half a decade now, and there's been "news" posts were aren't news but wild speculation, fan homages, conspiracy theories and outright bullshit.

Sort of like when someone bumps a Fallout thread and you get excited and open the page to discover that theres no actual news of any substance.

Epona you don't know anyone who's guilty of doing that to me do you? :hmm::mad::hmm::mad:

Er.. this thread has been active for a few days, don't accuse me of bumping it!
Fallout 4 is on the way, that I know for 99.9% certain, my only worry is about whether it will be as good as I want it to be (which fills me with fear).
In a way I prefer the way Bethesda do it. Where you sort of forget about it and get on with your life and then suddenly it appears all shiny and within reach. Unlike devs like Paradox that announce things when they're at the drawing board, give regular teasers in the form of diaries throughout production and then just as it comes into reach they realise they underestimated the work involved and move the release slot by a year or so. Then cancel it.
Er.. this thread has been active for a few days, don't accuse me of bumping it!

Er this thread was started two years ago. The latest bump is speculation about the fact that someone posted on Linkedin that they allegedly worked on the Trailer for Fallout 4. So best case scenario is that Fallout 4 is coming but it could be a year away, best case scenario.

Fallout 4 is on the way, that I know for 99.9% certain, my only worry is about whether it will be as good as I want it to be (which fills me with fear).

I dunno I've had my heart broken before.

Fallout 4 vs Cyberpunk 2077

The race is

It does look very very shiny. But the thing is everything in trailer just it makes it look like a rip off. The music sounds like a rip of Tom Yorke's solo output, and the images from the trailer are a complete rip off Bladerunner (naked sexy cyborg? Check. Some kind of cyborg hunting guy with a over large hand gun? Check. Bladerunner style hoover police cars? Oh thats a big check.) Don't get me wrong I've been a fan since the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG, but that game didn't have a original bone in it's body.

I'll check it out though. One of the many things I loved about the Fallout Games is how wonderfully originally the whole series was. Starting from the alternative 19040s where the transistor was never invented, and how American ending up a hundred years cold war with China, a society which some how ended up a culturally stagnate Mc Carthy esque limbo where music and fashion cultural worldviews all locked into a perpetual 1950s twilight. As they end up with robots and ray guns that look like something from Hugo Gernsback. I love the whole post apocalypse retro futurism vibe from the game. That and the Vaults, the psychotic Stanford experiment if it was created by Josef Menegele thing is just a well that the writers can still tap for the new fallout game and they can come up with completely fresh new ideas.

I love the whole Fallout world but in particular fallout new vegas. The Rat Pack meets Mad Max, Meets cheesey sci fi B movie villains and robots, with Oceans eleven casino heists added by holograms, mutants, and undead gouls. With Sci Fi super weapons, the whole Legion of Casear neo fascism, with lashing of John Ford western themes, and letting you play a Sergio Leone style anti hero (okay I may be overdoing this), and the whole game was just very funny.

One things I always disliked about the Cyberpunk games (going back the the RPG) is that it took it's self very very very serious. Almost to the point of being Poe faced.And that trailer with all the slow moe set to some kind of faux Tom Yorke ain't changing my opinion. Even if it is very pretty. I remember the gaming manual for 2020 had random quotes from The Who songs for some reason that eluded me to this day.

Which why if you asked me to pick between Shadowrun and Cyberpunk and I'd always gone with the game that lets me play as the Cybernetic Orc Street Samurai every time thank you.

So to me, Fallout 4 or Cyberpunk 2077. Fallout everytime.
It does look very very shiny. But the thing is everything in trailer just it makes it look like a rip off. The music sounds like a rip of Tom Yorke's solo output, and the images from the trailer are a complete rip off Bladerunner (naked sexy cyborg? Check. Some kind of cyborg hunting guy with a over large hand gun? Check. Bladerunner style hoover police cars? Oh thats a big check.) Don't get me wrong I've been a fan since the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG, but that game didn't have a original bone in it's body.

I'll check it out though. One of the many things I loved about the Fallout Games is how wonderfully originally the whole series was. Starting from the alternative 19040s where the transistor was never invented, and how American ending up a hundred years cold war with China, a society which some how ended up a culturally stagnate Mc Carthy esque limbo where music and fashion cultural worldviews all locked into a perpetual 1950s twilight. As they end up with robots and ray guns that look like something from Hugo Gernsback. I love the whole post apocalypse retro futurism vibe from the game. That and the Vaults, the psychotic Stanford experiment if it was created by Josef Menegele thing is just a well that the writers can still tap for the new fallout game and they can come up with completely fresh new ideas.

I love the whole Fallout world but in particular fallout new vegas. The Rat Pack meets Mad Max, Meets cheesey sci fi B movie villains and robots, with Oceans eleven casino heists added by holograms, mutants, and undead gouls. With Sci Fi super weapons, the whole Legion of Casear neo fascism, with lashing of John Ford western themes, and letting you play a Sergio Leone style anti hero (okay I may be overdoing this), and the whole game was just very funny.

One things I always disliked about the Cyberpunk games (going back the the RPG) is that it took it's self very very very serious. Almost to the point of being Poe faced.And that trailer with all the slow moe set to some kind of faux Tom Yorke ain't changing my opinion. Even if it is very pretty. I remember the gaming manual for 2020 had random quotes from The Who songs for some reason that eluded me to this day.

Which why if you asked me to pick between Shadowrun and Cyberpunk and I'd always gone with the game that lets me play as the Cybernetic Orc Street Samurai every time thank you.

So to me, Fallout 4 or Cyberpunk 2077. Fallout everytime.

The music is by Archive

I meant it as a "who gets completed first", because on one hand there's the "2077 is the release date" joke, on the other, FO4 has been "close to announcement" since I got New Vegas for cheap, which had to be late 2012 at the latest.
Er this thread was started two years ago. The latest bump is speculation about the fact that someone posted on Linkedin that they allegedly worked on the Trailer for Fallout 4. So best case scenario is that Fallout 4 is coming but it could be a year away, best case scenario.

I dunno I've had my heart broken before.

It does look very very shiny. But the thing is everything in trailer just it makes it look like a rip off. The music sounds like a rip of Tom Yorke's solo output, and the images from the trailer are a complete rip off Bladerunner (naked sexy cyborg? Check. Some kind of cyborg hunting guy with a over large hand gun? Check. Bladerunner style hoover police cars? Oh thats a big check.) Don't get me wrong I've been a fan since the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG, but that game didn't have a original bone in it's body.

I'll check it out though. One of the many things I loved about the Fallout Games is how wonderfully originally the whole series was. Starting from the alternative 19040s where the transistor was never invented, and how American ending up a hundred years cold war with China, a society which some how ended up a culturally stagnate Mc Carthy esque limbo where music and fashion cultural worldviews all locked into a perpetual 1950s twilight. As they end up with robots and ray guns that look like something from Hugo Gernsback. I love the whole post apocalypse retro futurism vibe from the game. That and the Vaults, the psychotic Stanford experiment if it was created by Josef Menegele thing is just a well that the writers can still tap for the new fallout game and they can come up with completely fresh new ideas.

I love the whole Fallout world but in particular fallout new vegas. The Rat Pack meets Mad Max, Meets cheesey sci fi B movie villains and robots, with Oceans eleven casino heists added by holograms, mutants, and undead gouls. With Sci Fi super weapons, the whole Legion of Casear neo fascism, with lashing of John Ford western themes, and letting you play a Sergio Leone style anti hero (okay I may be overdoing this), and the whole game was just very funny.

One things I always disliked about the Cyberpunk games (going back the the RPG) is that it took it's self very very very serious. Almost to the point of being Poe faced.And that trailer with all the slow moe set to some kind of faux Tom Yorke ain't changing my opinion. Even if it is very pretty. I remember the gaming manual for 2020 had random quotes from The Who songs for some reason that eluded me to this day.

Which why if you asked me to pick between Shadowrun and Cyberpunk and I'd always gone with the game that lets me play as the Cybernetic Orc Street Samurai every time thank you.

So to me, Fallout 4 or Cyberpunk 2077. Fallout everytime.

I didn't provide the most recent bump to the thread, I was responding to recent posts. Don't wet yourself. ;)
Hmmm the last bioshock game did not live up to hype of the demo released at one of these events I am suspicious. These bastards have broken my heart before with their temptations and lies, and I am afraid to love again.

To be serious though. I do think fallout 4 is on its way, but the issue this will there be a xbox one or ps3 version? I think they did they did as much as they could on the old engine in F:NW but was really creaky and buggy. So I suspect fallout 4 will be next gen release only. Which will bugger me up. Im a mac user and I doubt there will be version for me. So I suspect to play fallout 4 im going to need to invest in new hardware. Well best start saving now.
I expect they're using the Skyrim engine, which was just fine on last gen. And they'll have been making it for a good long time now. But, it depends on what the money people say, and whether they think it's worth releasing on last gen. The difficulties in providing both last gen and new gen support at a good level are numerous. You just have to look at the utter omnishambles that is Dragon Age: Inquisition on last gen machines (cc. Chick Webb)
I dont think they can. Ive read somewhere that said theyve said they've done call they can with the old a
Engine. Both Skryrim and New Vegas were buggy. The character animation for faces was pretty poor. It would make sense that if the are making fallout 4 to use a new engine and make it for the new consoles. Im not a huge gamer and don't pretend to know anything, most of what I'm saying comes from reading articles that float around whenever fallout 4 rumours start to drop, and from talking to my brother
I expect they're using the Skyrim engine, which was just fine on last gen. And they'll have been making it for a good long time now. But, it depends on what the money people say, and whether they think it's worth releasing on last gen. The difficulties in providing both last gen and new gen support at a good level are numerous. You just have to look at the utter omnishambles that is Dragon Age: Inquisition on last gen machines (cc. Chick Webb)
Indeed. They're supposed to have fixed that now but I got the update the other day and still CAN'T READ THE TEXT!!!
I dont think they can. Ive read somewhere that said theyve said they've done call they can with the old a
Engine. Both Skryrim and New Vegas were buggy. The character animation for faces was pretty poor. It would make sense that if the are making fallout 4 to use a new engine and make it for the new consoles. Im not a huge gamer and don't pretend to know anything, most of what I'm saying comes from reading articles that float around whenever fallout 4 rumours start to drop, and from talking to my brother

New Vegas wasn't the same engine as Skyrim, it was an older one, the same one as Fallout 3. And of course they were both buggy, this is Bugthesda!

I agree that they'd be more successful if they focused on new gen and PC though, simply because providing the same quality of experience across generations is going to be very, very difficult. If any game was going to have cross-gen appeal, though, it's a Bethesda game.
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