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Falklands 40 years on ..

The junta in Argentina stepped up Isabel Peron's war against radical workers and communists, murdering and 'disappearing' tens of thousands of people. US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger advised the junta to wipe out it's opponents quickly before an outcry regarding human rights could grow.
No, some of our atrocities in building and holding empire were abominable and could never seem anything other.

Well of course. Brutality comparisons in terms of imperialist conquests are pretty moot. I went fishing there and managed to catch myself an amateur agitator. The point being, as you suggest, that the Falklands question confounds the anti-imperialists Brit brigade, especially on here, because they don't like to admit the atrocities committed in the formation of todays SA are at least equal to those of any other nations. Then their Falklands analysis nosedives when they bang on about the British “invading” the islands and the proximity of them to Argentina, whilst conveniently forgetting that they were settled by the Brits (without displacing an indigenous population) before Argentina even existed as a nation etc, etc, etc …
Well of course. Brutality comparisons in terms of imperialist conquests are pretty moot. I went fishing there and managed to catch myself an amateur agitator. The point being, as you suggest, that the Falklands question confounds the anti-imperialists Brit brigade, especially on here, because they don't like to admit the atrocities committed in the formation of todays SA are at least equal to those of any other nations. Then their Falklands analysis nosedives when they bang on about the British “invading” the islands and the proximity of them to Argentina, whilst conveniently forgetting that they were settled by the Brits (without displacing an indigenous population) before Argentina even existed as a nation etc, etc, etc …
But the Pope…1480… otherwise you’d have to hold a thought that sometimes the English weren’t the absolute worst people in the entire world at any point after 1066…
Well of course. Brutality comparisons in terms of imperialist conquests are pretty moot. I went fishing there and managed to catch myself an amateur agitator.
Unfortunately for you I'm simply aware of the facts and am aware of the disgusting brutality of all imperialists. Your claim that what the Argentinian junta did was worse than the wost British imperialist endeavours is completely false.
The junta in Argentina stepped up Isabel Peron's war against radical workers and communists, murdering and 'disappearing' tens of thousands of people. US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger advised the junta to wipe out it's opponents quickly before an outcry regarding human rights could grow.
There’s quite a serious discussion to be had, I think I’ve raised it before, that the Falklands war massively strengthened Thatcher at a time when it was promote likely than not she would have lost the next election. It also can be argued that the war was a fairly major factor in the Military dictatorship in Argentina failing. So ignoring British exceptionalism and applying a Benthamist approach:

Do the benefits to the people of Agentina of not living under a military junta outweigh the massive harm done to so many of us in the UK by the changes wrought by Thatcherism? Discuss.
'We' did pay reparations for slavery. It's just 'we' paid them to the people who owned other people rather than to the people who were slaves themselves.
And then made those people invest it or it'd be taxed. So a vast sum went to pay for the railways much of which was lost when the railway bubble burst
Well it would be if I had made any such claim. But your grasp of history doesn’t go any further back than what you can attach your schoolboy level class politics to, does it?
You've probably got more in common politically with the argie junta than me I'm sure.
Now now lads, you've all had your fun, now it's time to take your ball and go in, Mr Gibson needs the pitch for First XI training
Now now lads, you've all had your fun, now it's time to take your ball and go in, Mr Gibson needs the pitch for First XI training

I’m in the First XI. AmateurAgitator is the odd fella who turns up to every match and sits on the boundary doing something with coloured pencils. Nobody knows who he is or why he's there, but he seems to entertain himself and usually keeps his trousers on, so no one pays much attention.
Imperial powers love claiming islands scattered across the globe as it allows them to use them as military bases and extend military reach

Which is the cause of the kerfuffle about the British Indian Ocean Territory, the UPU have decreed that the stamps are no longer valid, which is way beyond their zero authority.

Well of course. Brutality comparisons in terms of imperialist conquests are pretty moot. I went fishing there and managed to catch myself an amateur agitator. The point being, as you suggest, that the Falklands question confounds the anti-imperialists Brit brigade, especially on here, because they don't like to admit the atrocities committed in the formation of todays SA are at least equal to those of any other nations. Then their Falklands analysis nosedives when they bang on about the British “invading” the islands and the proximity of them to Argentina, whilst conveniently forgetting that they were settled by the Brits (without displacing an indigenous population) before Argentina even existed as a nation etc, etc, etc …

Don't be confusing the anti-British lot with facts, their brains explode. :)
How prescient of Sixtus IV to divide the new world between Spain and Portugal before Columbus set sail
Most people in Europe knew that the world was round and that North and South America were there centuries before Columbus discovered ( millions of people living in ) America. As you know.1494 Alexander IV which would have been good going if Chris’s 1493 voyage had been new information…
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