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Falklands 40 years on ..

Apparently Drs hour used to be when people would announce their ailments to Drs over open radio and anyone could listen in. Things have developed a bit since then.

We lived in Stanley for two years - I was at MPA but at the time there was no families accommodation there, so people on long tours lived in Stanley and commuted - it's a fantastic place to live, bring up kids, go swimming in the see after work...

Kids go to high school in Stanley, but do A levels in the UK. Serious operations have to go to Chile (weekly flights) but medevacs go anytime. It's a lovel, lovely place. Decent medical center both at Stanley and MPA, schools are good, flying doctor service...

And Yorke Bay has finally been de-mined - great fo picnics and swimming.
I remember I was working on a building site in London at the time. Mainly Irish. A great bunch.

Not great supporters of British armed forces or Thatcher. They called Falkland the Malvinas. Remember one who told me that he went to his local supermarket and make sure his tinned Corn Beef was Argentinian. Coming from a country that had to fight to get its freedom from the British Imperialism they had a different perspective from the flag waving that went on during the Falklands war. As far as they were concerned the Falklands was one of those place the Brits occupied.
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Why is that so funny kebabking ?

You can't see that people might have different views depending on where they are coming from?

Self-determination my old love. You either believe in it or you don't, and if you're a bit selective over who you think should get it, then you don't believe in it.

Which for Irish people honking off about the dastardly Brits, is fucking hilarious.
Mount Pleasant Airfield - it's actually Mount Pleasant Complex these days, but I'm old and have habits...

It's the main UK base base, about 30 miles from Stanley. Huge airfield, barracks, fuel dumps, bomb dumps etc... Everyone lives there, and it's the bridgehead for further reinforcements. It has a school now...

We had heard about those. :eek::D
Self-determination my old love. You either believe in it or you don't, and if you're a bit selective over who you think should get it, then you don't believe in it.

Which for Irish people honking off about the dastardly Brits, is fucking hilarious.

Sorry I don't get you.

From their perspective the British Empire occupied and colonised lands that were nothing to do with actually this island.

They imo rightly wondered why the Falklands was under control of this country.

As it happens I know a Argentinian. Whilst the military dictatorship was appaling and they where glad its gone. On the British its a different story to what I got in school. The British don't have a good record In South America. Nickname for Brits in Argentina is Los Piratos Not a direct colony but the British had influence. To be replaced by the US. Argentinians fought off British invasion at one point.

So the "dastardly Brits" historically had little interest in South American "determination"

Context my old love. Context.
And before the Falklands war I'd never heard of it. One of those places that the got left in "our" hands once the Empire had been lost after WW2.

In hindsight the whole war was barking mad. The UK trying to remain an Imperial power when it was no longer what it once was. A right wing dictatorship trying to show how patriotic it was.

In hindsight it was last gasp of Britain the Imperial player.

Tragic that ordinary people on both sides lost their lives over this.

Saved Thatcher.
They imo rightly wondered why the Falklands was under control of this country.

Surely one so politically aware as yourself would know that the FI is, and was, a self-governing territory? Self governing, and self determination means that territory is under the control of the people who live there - not people who live 300 miles away and who think it ought to be under their control.

You would have thought that people complaining about imperialism would have grasped the basic idea of imperialism...
Surely one so politically aware as yourself would know that the FI is, and was, a self-governing territory? Self governing, and self determination means that territory is under the control of the people who live there - not people who live 300 miles away and who think it ought to be under their control.

You would have thought that people complaining about imperialism would have grasped the basic idea of imperialism...

This really shows that your not interested in any views except from your perspective.

I'm recounting the experience I've had of working on a London building site with immigrant workers whose perspective of British Imperialism isn't about being me being "politically aware" but me coming to London and meeting people ( first and second generation ) immigrants whose views on this country are different to yours.

Its about listening to people who come from different histories and backgrounds to mine.

Also having a friend from Argentina .

These issues aren't as simple or straightforward as you'd like to make out.
Visiting Tierra del Fuego/Ushuaia is an interesting experience (beautiful place, great food etc ) souvenir shops full of "Malvinas" related tat. Big, poignant memorial to the local conscripts in town too.

Competing claims over the islands where there's a population who must have a say are one thing...but South Georgia? South Shetlands? Fighting a war over them? No place to hide for either side.
Surely one so politically aware as yourself would know that the FI is, and was, a self-governing territory? Self governing, and self determination means that territory is under the control of the people who live there - not people who live 300 miles away and who think it ought to be under their control.

You would have thought that people complaining about imperialism would have grasped the basic idea of imperialism

No, the people who live on the Falkland Islands are just imperialist patsys. Las Malvinos really belong to Argentina because in 1480 something the Pope gave then (and loads of that side of the world) to Spain and then Argentina inherited that papal allocation from the Spanish crown. It's perfectly reasonable. Just because a few wanna be brits have farmed them for six generations doesn't override what a 500 year old pope said...

Anyway, everyone knows South Americans can't be imperialists only pale white people from the north western part of the world can do imperialism: get with the programme.
Well from this article the "Brits" did the Argentianins a favour by interfering in their country.

Seeing an business opportunity the British thought they could take Argentina.

This failed but end result was that Argentina people decided on "self determination".

Particularly humiliating for the British forces was that the resistance against them was mixed race and black.

This history every Argentinian knows.

Their defeat by a Spanish-led militia of Indians and blacks was bleakly recorded in the diary of Colonel Lancelot Holland: "Nothing could be more mortifying than our passage through the streets amidst the rabble who had conquered us. They were very dark-skinned people, short and ill-made, covered with rags, armed with long muskets and some a sword. There was neither order nor uniformity among them."
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