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FA Cup final: CARDIFF CITY vs Portsmouth. May 17th

FA Cup final: CARDIFF CITY vs Portmsouth - your prediction

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100,000+ on southsea common and parade route to see the boys home.... :D

Most people they've had on there since Henry V sailed to Agincourt from there (which is when it was made Common Land, no less. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it scummers)


Im still occasionally shouting and jumping about :oops:
I thought both fans mixed well before and after the game. I spoke to lots of Pompey all through the day and they were all a nice bunch. Lots if empathy as 1927 said

It was a bit confusing as we were all wearing blue. In the ground they gave us those daft black and yellow flags to wave though.
Just found this posted on a Cardiff City message board!

"yea ok i know its all too easy to dish out the praise afetr we beat you.....but fook that , this comes from the heart and would be said win or lose.

CARDIFF CITY FOOTBALL CLUB, youre supporters were today the best fans ive come across in 40 years of supporting pompey.
i have nothing but respect for the way you stayed behind and clapped us lifting the cup. i have nothing but respect for your fans who approached us and shook our hands afterwards, swapped badges and wished eachother well.

god bless each and every one of you, i now have a second team to support called cardiff.
i'm not into that english/welsh bollocks, its all about your home town team for me, but i will always look for your results in the future and absolutely love it if your in the prem playing us soon.

deepest respect to everyone of you,what a credit to your club you were today, and everyone i have spoken to from pompey is willing you on next season to get promoted.

all the best lads."

I think we did oursleves a few favors yesterday and maybe repaired something of the reputation we had acquired.
Both of our clubs did 1927. I'm pretty sure that the met will have noted that the bad days are behind our clubs.

That said, you've got the jack bastards next season.....:D
I don't hate the Jacks at all, although they've got a few lunkheads who take the rivalry thing way to far (same applies to some City fans too).

I like all Welsh teams to succeed and do well. But not as well as us, natch.

But if we're playing the Jacks, I want us to fucking humiliate them on the pitch.

Not all CCFC fans hate the Jacks. Personally I support them faithfuly, as long as they're not playing us. I think you'll find that many Cardiff fans feel as I do.

Ah, we don't have that. The more misery that can be heaped on the scum after 27 years of giving it the big one to us as we went through a series of disasters :D

It'd be nice to have them in the same division for the derby, but tbh it'd be after about seven or eight years of bouncing between Div 4 and Div 2 :cool:
Ah, we don't have that. The more misery that can be heaped on the scum after 27 years of giving it the big one to us as we went through a series of disasters :D

Yes, I can understand unforgiving rivalry between English clubs, but us Welshies have to stick together. The Swansea rivalry is pretty recent--it was Bristol we hated in the 70's (both teams before the Bristolians start).
Some pics (expect another full length match report from our intrepid reporter soon!)




It was a bit confusing as we were all wearing blue. In the ground they gave us those daft black and yellow flags to wave though.

That was part of the fun of the day. Got on a tube carriage full of Pompey and they welcomed us on with open arms and said hey we can all sing this one together and started chanting blue army. We joined in. It was quite funny but you had to be there.
only 2 arrests, 8 less than 1927

bbc said:
Transport police have praised fans who attended the FA Cup final at Wembley after only two arrests were reported.

Of the 89,000 fans, one Cardiff supporter was arrested on suspicion of assault and a Portsmouth fan was arrested for disorderly behaviour.

Last time Cardiff played in the FA Cup final in 1927, there were 10 arrests for drunken behaviour.
1 each! :D
That's amazing considering the amount of people, booze....etc :D

They should give us a cup final every week to keep us out of trouble :eek:
Dear Paul (and Ed, Marius, Drraig, 1927, Spacemonkey, Phildwyer and all other Bluebirds on here)

I have kept my silence until now after one of the happiest periods of my 40 years so far on this earth was brought to an end on Saturday. Like Marius has admitted, and like some others may have experienced, I took our defeat harder and worse than my pre-match intellectualisation of it made me believe I would. I took it bad, I was truly gutted, not least by the narrow margin of our defeat and some of Portsmouth's relatively negative and cynical tactics (eg Mendes, and Johnson's sly dirtiness throughout). Gosh Diarra was class, though.

What has pulled me through and made me truly delighted and honoured to have been part of this amazing thing is Paul's article on this site today.

Paul, I have never met you mate but I hope I do and when I do I will buy you a beer or two. The sheer eloquence of your article moved me considerably - you are a great writer mate and I am proud to agree with your analysis of our team, our performance, our club, our fans on Saturday who covered themselves in some (rare!) glory inside and outside the stadium.

Your analysis of the need for us to sort the squad out whilst keping Joe and Rambo (some hope) is spot on. Your ability to comunicate what it meant to all of us, and its place in the collective psyche of all of us who follow football in our corner of south Wales, and maybe at all lower (non-Premier League) levels, is spot on.

Sorry if this sounds like I am being obsequious, that is not my intention. I was lucky enough to go to Rounds 3, 5, 6, semi and Final. I had some of my greatest days ever (since 1976) at football. I saw wonderful goals (2 v Wolves, 2 v Boro, Joe v Barnsley, the sheer transcendental joy of which, in the case of Boro and Barnsley, I will take with me to my grave). Saturday was one of the greatest days of my life, the sheer magnitude of which, and our ultimate failure to take the glittering prize, tipped me into the trough of despond.

In the entire torrent of media outpourings around this final, which has been amazing (Lego, making me laugh my head off, Thommo's song making me so proud of him and our players, etc etc), there are two things that moved me deeply. Jonathan Owen's feature on the BBC lead-up to KO on Sat, which put following City into its rightful cultural context (and made me cry last night when I saw it for the first time), and Paul your article.

You have summed up the entire experience for me, and with wicked photos. In my treasured box of programmes, tickets and articles, yours is the only FA Cup Final article I am going to keep. It is brilliant and I just wanted to thank you for summing it up so eloquently.

Thanks mate. With our little picks and shovels, bloody hell, we were there.

PC - I'm genuinely pleased for you and the ed that it all happened mate. the fact I couldn't find it in me to actually support you probably makes you better people than me but that's football eh

Hope to catch up with ya soon mate, been far too long

Placid I understand your despair, but I strangely was not gutted at the whistle. I realised that we had actually achieved something truly remarkable this season, and as I got out of my seat at the end and saw the broken bodies of our team lying on the turf I appreciated that they could not have given anymore.

If you want to talk about absolute 100% gut wrenching emptiness can I just remind you of that night at Ninian when having done the business away we lost in a play-off semi final. That night was the most sickening of my life ever. Four of us sat at the bar in the Ninian Park after the game and looked at our pints for fully 40mins before anyone said a word. I never want to experience anything like that again.
Although I would have liked fowler to be fit and smash in the winner it wasn't to be, I thought cardiff gave a good account of themselves but I was happy to see Harry pick up a cup after far too long.
CCFC players gave no less than 100%.

Oh and Mendes isn't sly and dirty, he's actually just kack at tackling :oops:

See the ginger wizard over in Moscow for a more talented version ;)
We made the FA Cup Final for fuck's sake. The final!!!!
I had a great time and although it was a shame we didn't win the cup, it was still a fantastic day out.

If someone had said to me at the start of the season that Cardiff would be at Wembley twice, I'd assume they were on crack.

But we were there. At the final. Cardiff fucking City FC!
Balbi I never meant Mendes was sly or dirty, hence I didn't apostrophise his name, but it does read like that. What I meant was Mendes, full stop, i.e. his selection in essentially a "1" role behind the midfield 4, and Johnson's sly dirtiness. I didn't like him at all, and he had a shite game. Playing 4-1-4-1 against McPhail, Rae, and with Kanu as your one, struck me as the kind of tactical conservatism that even arch-neocon D Jones would have been proud of. I'm not having a pop, it has served you well, so chwarae teg, fair play to you.

1927 yes mate you are right, I went to both legs of that Stoke play-off you refer to, and the 2nd leg where we lost 2-0 was totally gutting, and sadness redolent of an entirely different era (or so it feels) that we have now thankfully left behind. I drove back to London from Cardiff and the 2 of us in the car never spoke all the way. Good point well made boss.

Biff, if that had been my car I probably would have been tamping mate, to be honest.
Biff, if that had been my car I probably would have been tamping mate, to be honest.

T'weren't us honest:p

I just thought it was a kind of good natured prank in keeping with the mood of the day. I've seen cars proper wrecked after matches and figured pulling a few bits of masking tape off the car as a small price to pay compared to taking the Cup home. I'd like to think the car owner had a smile about it.

It was a shed anyway :D
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