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FA Cup 2023/24

Needed a last gasp equaliser to save embarrassment away at Scarborough. Don't know wtf happened with Shots at Swindon, they were seven nil up at one point.
and had a couple of misses where they just seemed to seize up right in front of goal :(

again though a decent game to watch
I enjoyed that one, too, second half particularly. Sounded like most of the Charlton supporters were cheering the non league side towards the end :thumbs: I spent the first half wondering what the hell CVL stood for, took me ages before I realized :rolleyes:
Great result for Cray Valley. Will they hold the replay at their ground. I assume they would not be able to accommodate TV cameras. A neutral ground perhaps.
Great result for Cray Valley. Will they hold the replay at their ground. I assume they would not be able to accommodate TV cameras. A neutral ground perhaps.

not sure. their ground has a capacity of a few hundred, wouldn't be able to do segregation of crowd (nobody seems quite sure if that's a requirement when it gets to the first round) and would hardly have room for TV.

various speculation on the charlton forum, but don't think anyone knows. welling and dulwich have been suggested as possible neutral grounds, as are the three league grounds nearest, but it's just speculation at the moment.
not sure. their ground has a capacity of a few hundred, wouldn't be able to do segregation of crowd (nobody seems quite sure if that's a requirement when it gets to the first round) and would hardly have room for TV.

various speculation on the charlton forum, but don't think anyone knows. welling and dulwich have been suggested as possible neutral grounds, as are the three league grounds nearest, but it's just speculation at the moment.
I'm sure I've seen cameras on scaffolding gantry's outside the ground filming over the fences.
Bloody hell. I'd never heard of Cray Valley. A new local rivalry. :D

If I were them, I'd ask for a replay at the Valley and take the extra money, I think.
Bloody hell. I'd never heard of Cray Valley. A new local rivalry. :D

If I were them, I'd ask for a replay at the Valley and take the extra money, I think.
I dont believe they get the extra money, there was a change in rules a while ago so any money made over what they would have made at home goes into central pot! That may have changed again tho.
Ah didn't know that. I know it has been done in the past. But I'm not in touch with modern football really...
I think the FA stopped it at one point, because I know Newport weren't allowed to move a game against, I think, Man City, to Cardiff's ground.
Bloody hell. I'd never heard of Cray Valley. A new local rivalry. :D

there was some discussion on charlton life this morning about whether it was the shortest journey* between grounds for a competitive match ever for charlton.

charlton's 1907/08 promotion season in the woolwich + district league, second division, when charlton played on woolwich common, included playing No 1 depot, royal field artillery (who finished mid table), and they probably had their home ground somewhere else on or pretty close to woolwich common.

* - apart from ground sharing years where we the home and away games were at the same place, of course
We hate Cray Valley and we hate Cray Valley. We hate Cray Valley and we hate Cray Valley. We hate Cray Valley and we hate Cray Valley. We are the Cray Valley haters!
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