Check your privet hedge
arent they the ones who shop at Sainsbury?
Pfft! Maybe Waitrose if they're slumming it.
arent they the ones who shop at Sainsbury?
arent they the ones who shop at Sainsbury?
Two or more generations of private education.Who exactly are the "upper middle classes" Is it just a way of dividing not only the classes but the classes within the classes? Very confusing.
Brendan O'Neill talking about middle class cults is itI liked this article:
"Let us no longer beat around the bush about these people. This is an upper-middle-class death cult.This is a millenarian movement that might speak of science, but which is driven by sheer irrationalism. By fear, moral exhaustion and misanthropy. This is the deflated, self-loathing bourgeoisie coming together to project their own psycho-social hang-ups on to society at large."
It seems to me that ER's message appeals to the God-shaped hole that many people have in their brains. The same comfort of group identity, the same pleasure in criticising unbelievers, the same slightly kinky hunger for the Apocalypse. ER's hysteria could well turn the general public off the whole project - after all if things are that bad ("18 months to save the planet", Jul 2019), then one quite rational response is a fatalistic shrug.
There is a more attractive and rational narrative, but it's not got that thrilling end-times vibe:
1) Climate Change is a real, albeit slow, process
2) plenty of partial solutions exist (reforestation/rewilding, solar, wind, battery land management, new low-C processes for steel and concrete, electric vehicles, energy efficiency, green/white/solar roofs, agro-voltaics, new small Thorium reactors) which, as a holistic package, can address the problem
3) there need not be economic costs, in fact more jobs might be created. But we do need to abolish fossil fuel subsidies.
4) worst case, there do exist geoengineering fixes (atmospheric sulphur seeding, orbital mirrors, carbon burial, ocean fertilisation) but they are best kept in reserve
5) the UK is a pioneer in decarbonisation: carbon emissions are down to levels last seen in the 1880s, coal is pretty much finished in electricity generation, wind power continues to be rapidly built out
I'm optimistic - in the past year or two, it seems that governments are beginning to take action: www.climatechangenews.com/2019/09/23/russia-formally-joins-paris-climate-agreement/
Brendan O'Neill talking about middle class cults is it
One of the rare times when rain doesn't stop play6pm on day one and >200 arrests so far.
They were country dancing in Victoria Street to keep warm.
I think it's also fairly silly to expect extinction rebellion not to be middle class. It's an abstract and intellectual cause driven through scientific modelling. It would make no sense for them to start campaigning about benefit sanctions. The flipside being that those in direct financial hardship are less likely to want to be involved.But I realise ‘proper protest’ is six people selling shit newspapers outside an event of 30 people who hold very similar, but not quite identical views to the six.
XR are going to fail. They've made certain of that with their dilletante approach to protestI am on a course at the moment that includes lots of info about the climate crisis. Fuck, the figures are scary. The amount of change that needs to happen to keep within 1.5 degrees is absolutely colossal and needs to start right now. If XR fails we really are fucked.
Watched some of the live stream earlier and seemed to have a carnival atmosphere at times.
Yes it is.
My photos don't get this across today. Today they have been trying to get established so its been fraught.
One of the good things about XR is that they think protest should be about joy.
This imo many on left don't consider important.
It is . Protest should be joyful. Joy is going against our present system.
On this I think XR should get some credit.
When they do, perhaps it will get a lot more attention this time round. Perhaps it will take a load of nice middle class people's faces being smashed in. I'm ambivalent on XRs tactics but I'm glad that at least something is building.XR are going to fail. They've made certain of that with their dilletante approach to protest
So many people pooh-poohed the notion the cops could go in hard against xr last time round. And they've not done anything yet to xr like they did to the '09 climate camp in the city
October demos are always full of freshers, and that's not a bad thing. As for the retired folk, I know every journalist is told this is that particular wrinklies first ever protest, but nah, I reckon most of us have been doing it all our adult lives, despite the obvious futilityThe age groups I saw were older people and young people. So retired or students.
Let's not forget that a high amount of said pollution belongs to us - it's the west's consumption emissions.Was there a concentration of the protest around the Chinese embassy as I understand they are one of the worlds worst polluters?
XR are going to fail. They've made certain of that with their dilletante approach to protest
So many people pooh-poohed the notion the cops could go in hard against xr last time round. And they've not done anything yet to xr like they did to the '09 climate camp in the city
Exactly. China's emissions are shit,but per capita, they are less than ours, becuase they make everything for us (western capitalism)Let's not forget that a high amount of said pollution belongs to us - it's the west's consumption emissions.