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Extinction Rebellion

Blocking any oil refinery or power station or other large carbon-emitting facility would still be effective even if the raw materials are delivered by pipeline: doesn't matter. If the staff can't get in then the plant shuts down.

Accept that getting enough people who are prepared to risk almost-certain arrest and jail time for taking part in such an action is the main barrier. But that's precisely what the radical fringe of XR should be agitating for, rather than fucking Covent Garden
XR aren't going to start shutting down refineries and power stations. That's not what they do or are for. It would be a terrific way to get themselves banned as a terrorist group for a start, which the government would absolutely love to do. They even got a whole load of shit for briefly blocking the delivery of Murdoch papers :rolleyes:
Up thread XR were criticised for previous action halting transport. Therefore affecting working class. Closing down oil refineries or power station - this might be perceived as threatening the jobs of those who work at these places.

After all the coal miners industry was closed down and end result is their communities have been destroyed. Boris has been saying in hindsight that was Green.

Just saying to close them down could alienate working people whose lively hood depends on these industries.
Seen what XR have been trying to do in Central London. If they had been able to set up a two week camp then the media etc would have turned up to cover it.

Says something about this country when the State authorities - the Met- see the issue as one of " Sanitising" the space from peaceful XR. This kind of language used by officer as though its normal way to talk I found disturbing.

Seeing the miserable Met and XR together I know which one I prefer.

For just trying to input some fun into protest I think XR should get some credit.

I noticed what the Met are now doing is creating a "sanitised" space. Pushing Joe public further out. So when they move in and start arresting people annoying people like me can't film it. The TV crew were also told to move outside of the sanitised area. Its new tactic from Met to keep people from seeing what they get up to.
They're never going to reach the glory days of the first long campaign with the Berta Cacares in Oxford Circus. Even in November the same year, the fuzz were putting on massive pressure, plenty of absurd arrests, no pretence that they were trying to do anything but get them out. But I would assume that XR know that, and certainly all the people i know involved do.

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The other thing is that London has got head of Met who is real chums with the Tories.

Cressida I shot a Brazilian Dick.

She was best mates with Theresa May and now Priti Patel.

Despite several issues that have happened to this middle class person during her long career in the police her ability to serve her Tory political masters had always stood her in good stead.

The hard-line on dealing with XR would be down to her and her mate Patel.

I haven't noticed mister safe pair of hands Khan say anything so far on XR protests in London.
The other thing is that London has got head of Met who is real chums with the Tories.

Cressida I shot a Brazilian Dick.

She was best mates with Theresa May and now Priti Patel.

Despite several issues that have happened to this middle class person during her long career in the police her ability to serve her Tory political masters had always stood her in good stead.

The hard-line on dealing with XR would be down to her and her mate Patel.

I haven't noticed mister safe pair of hands Khan say anything so far on XR protests in London.
You obviously know nothing of the relationship between the Met (and wider police service) and the spivs in government at the moment. Not sure Patel and Dick would be allowed in the same room together without referees or lawyers just now.
I noticed what the Met are now doing is creating a "sanitised" space. Pushing Joe public further out. So when they move in and start arresting people annoying people like me can't film it. The TV crew were also told to move outside of the sanitised area. Its new tactic from Met to keep people from seeing what they get up to.

It's not a new tactic, it's as old as cops at protests.
You obviously know nothing of the relationship between the Met (and wider police service) and the spivs in government at the moment. Not sure Patel and Dick would be allowed in the same room together without referees or lawyers just now.

Met come under the Home Secretary. I'm not talking about wider police service.

If your not sure why say I obviously nothing?

Either I know nothing and your right or not.
Met come under the Home Secretary. I'm not talking about wider police service.

If your not sure why say I obviously nothing?

Either I know nothing and your right or not.

Nope. Met cone directly under the Mayor of London rather than a PCC. True the Home Office can stick their noses in a little more than with other forces as the MPS have some national remits - although far less now they have lost direct responsibility for terrorism nationally to the CT network.

Lots of politicians and a fair few civil servants would love it if the Home Office was a proper Ministry of the Interior but it’s a long way from that.

Notwithstanding all that, Dick and Patel have an almost broken relationship. Far worse than many Home Secretaries and commissioners.
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Nope. Met cone directly under the Mayor of London rather than a PCC. True the Home Office can stick their noses in a little more than with other forces as the MPS have some national remits - although far less now they have lost direct responsibility for terrorism nationally to the CT network.

Lots of politicians and a fair few civil servants would love it if the Home Office was a proper Ministry of the Interior but it’s a long way from that.

Notwithstanding all that, Dick and Patel have an almost broken relationship. Far worse than many Home Secretaries and commissioners.

On issues like XR it comes under Home Secretary.

Particularly XR as its regarded as bound up with security issues.

Khan can summon Dick to see him as he did after Clapham Common hard line policing but that is afterwards not before.

Do they have broken relationship? Cressida Dick hasn't been forced to go. As she should have at disgraceful scenes at Clapham common. Which were down to her over riding local Lambeth Police. Her main interest in policing is security issues. She isn't some kind of liberal when it comes down to protest.
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On issues like XR it comes under Home Secretary.

Particularly XR as its regarded as bound up with security issues.

Khan can summon Dick to see him as he did after Clapham Common hard line policing but that is afterwards not before.

Do they have broken relationship? Cressida Dick hasn't been forced to go. As she should have at disgraceful scenes at Clapham common. Which were down to her over riding local Lambeth Police. Her main interest in policing is security issues. She isn't some kind of liberal when it comes down to protest.
No it doesn’t. I do t know what areas you do have knowledge of but governance of policing obviously ain’t one. If your going to spout bollocks it can call other things you pontificate on into question, even if you do know what you are talking about there.
Blocking any oil refinery or power station or other large carbon-emitting facility would still be effective even if the raw materials are delivered by pipeline: doesn't matter. If the staff can't get in then the plant shuts down.

Accept that getting enough people who are prepared to risk almost-certain arrest and jail time for taking part in such an action is the main barrier. But that's precisely what the radical fringe of XR should be agitating for, rather than fucking Covent Garden

AFAIK there's never been an effective (or even half effective) blockade of an oil refinery in the UK by any activist group, although there have been attempts. Not saying it's impossible, but currently I'm not sure any group could manage to pull it off tbh.
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I am going to head into town tomorrow and check things out, took a day off. I expect this weekend to have more going on, though I'm sure the cops will too.

OK. Fair enough. It may be new in relation to XR, I thought you meant in relation to protests generally, soz. My bad.
Quite rare for central London protests generally as well IME - normally they just do their stuff, any team dragging someone off gets followed by loads of photogs snapping and filming. As long as you don't get in the way they don't care. (A kettle is different mind.)

I do vaguely remember getting stuck in the area just north of Oxford Circus in the illy there when that got closed off by cops as a sort of processing area - that was at the first big XR fortnight in April 2019. But that was unusual and only in a small area. Normally you could just wander about wherever.

Piers Corbyn turned up at the "blood money" march in the City today (ETA: appeared halfway through to heckle). Who would have thought that a covid denier would also be a climate change denier? :rolleyes: anyway he wasn't exactly very well received and people kept unplugging his mic from the loudhailer, as well as drumming to drown him out.

I learned that there are XR "de-escalation" people in white vests, who get in the way when it looks like a fight is going to start, which sounds hippyish but is actually a good idea if you want to maintain non violence but people are still human and can be provoked. Someone did have a half hearted lunge at him but got nowhere near, though the loudhailer holder of course wanked on about "XR thugs" after that. They went away after a while.

(I also learned that if someone is speaking through a mic connected to a loudhailer it is extremely easy to just reach in and pull the cable.)
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Those cunts aside, it was generally a fair-sized march taking a very unpredictable route through the City from Bank (most people on it didn't know where it was going to go at each turning, let alone the cops) with some red paint related property damage of banks, the theme being "Blood Money". Targets are not short on the ground there. I left after a couple of hours as my feet were killing me, I'm out of practice, though I was glad I'd been doing my cardio as I had to sprint to get to some of it.

There were a lot of cops but generally behaving themselves, didn't see anything egregious.
Yeah, a really good idea if you have people who are good at it. The right body language can go a long way.
I've not seen them on previous actions which made me think that they may have had organised hecklers and opposition recently.

I did notice a dubious looking team from a video channel, the posh boy presenters dressed up in suits, who were challenged on their presence by a couple of folk.
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