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Expressions or requirements that put you off applying for a job


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I saw one today that was a startup and wanted full-time in the office, which to me said 'we want lots of your life and we won't pay enough to make it worth it'

TBH, any job that I'm going for that wants full time office attendence is probably talking crap because the sort of work I do does not require being in the office at all necessarily. I'd consider 3 days a reasonable maximum really.
And 'we expect you to spend long, long hours working with a load of twats and then we expect you to spend some of the little free time you have got socialising with them and putting up with practical jokes.' Just me?

At the very, very, least it means being expected to spend a lot of time in the pub with them if you want to get anywhere.
One beloved by recruitment agents is 'my client only hires top candidates from top universities/companies.'

Recruitment agent thinks: This flattery thing never fails!

Anyone normal thinks: Well that's a very stupid and narrowminded attitude to have, they must miss out on loads of really good people with that kind of thinking. (And what even is a top candidate/top university/top company anyway?) Fuck that for a game of soldiers. :rolleyes:
I have never really understood the language of job adverts -- I mean, how much are you supposed to take seriously or at least pretend to take seriously, and how much is pure convention? I once saw an advert for a promoter of tourism for Milton Keynes. I could only wonder what the interview would be like -- would everyone be silently sniggering as you outlined your proposals for attracting the previously oblivious hordes of visitors? Perhaps I should have applied to find out. It's the cover letter that would have been the problem.
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