IF I do - I think your thinking might be in serious need of a slight overhaul, m8...
If I understood you correctly: you may think I have not "forced" you sufficiently to "admit" to anything or to "allow" anything new into your thinking, so you feel unobliged to answer my question.
For what it's worth: I tried answering, in good faith, point by point, a helluva lot of Q's, yours amongst others, dealing with the issues, as I saw them arise, not just in this little "debate" of the "faulty telephone" kind [most of the time anyhow]...
In the Human World it's not about power games or hunting, cornering, overpowering, evading, being cunning or being slippery, kinda never allowing for anything new into one's system or whatnot...
It could be [for some] but it doesn't have to be like that [deffo not for all] as a "rule"!
But I suppose to you, being a Darwinist of the sort here discussed, it comes as "natural" and "normal", so you wouldn't know [maybe even feel?] any other way... It seems that then you wouldn't know how to think/feel/behave differently, in an essentially different manner...???
But it is possible to do just that - if you can trust me [that much] on that one...