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Essential Trump/Alt-Right Ridicule Thread

That is truly disturbing. I can't figure out if it's a father contemplating the state of his daughter's genitals or caring so much about the state of Taylor Swift's. Or, perhaps it's just the baldfaced misogyny of the whole thing.
The left hand one shows christian Jennifer Mayer's brain.
ok it's AI and I really shouldn't but from reddit :(

Hey ChatGPT rewrite the bible as if Trump wrote it.

Genesis 1 (Trumpified)

"In the beginning—tremendous beginning, by the way—God, who, frankly, does incredible things, really the best, created the heavens and the earth. And let me tell you, it was a total success. Nobody creates like God does. Believe me.

The earth was a mess, okay? A disaster. Dark, chaotic, you wouldn’t believe it. But then, God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and BOOM! There was light—fantastic light, by the way, just incredible. And God saw the light, and, folks, he said, ‘This light is tremendous, really tremendous.’ He separated the light from the darkness. It was a big, beautiful division, the best division you’ve ever seen.

God called the light ‘Day’—a perfect name, some people say the best name—and the darkness, he called ‘Night.’ And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. Many people are talking about it. A lot of people are saying it’s the greatest first day in history, I can tell you that.”

Revelation 6 (The Four Horsemen)

“Now we get to the seals—huge seals, tremendous seals. When the Lamb, who is doing a fantastic job by the way, opens the first seal, BOOM! A white horse comes out. And the rider has a bow. It’s a strong rider, really a winner. He’s got a crown—obviously a big deal—and he goes out conquering. Nobody conquers like this guy, folks.

Then the second seal—more action. A red horse, a beautiful red, some people say the reddest red ever, shows up. And its rider takes peace from the earth. Believe me, a lot of people are saying this is major. Wars break out. Tremendous chaos.

The third seal? A black horse. It’s about the economy, folks—scales in the rider’s hand, and the prices go through the roof. Wheat, barley—it’s all going up. Just like we’ve seen before, the system’s rigged. But don’t hurt the oil and the wine, alright? Very important.

Then the fourth seal—wow. A pale horse. The rider’s name is Death, and Hades follows him. Not good. They’re given authority over a quarter of the earth, and let me tell you, it’s going to be very, very bad. A lot of death, folks—plagues, famine, the whole thing. Sad!”

Revelation 21 (The New Jerusalem)

“After all the chaos, what do we get? A new heaven and a new earth. It’s beautiful, folks, absolutely beautiful. The old earth? Gone. The sea? It’s history. And then the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven—perfect city, the best city you’ve ever seen. Streets of gold, walls of jewels, nothing like it anywhere else in the world.

God says, ‘I’m making everything new. Write this down, it’s true.’ And you better believe it, folks, because when God says it, it’s going to be huge. No more tears, no more death, no more pain. It’s going to be tremendous. People are going to be talking about it for eternity.”
The master of artulate speech has been at it again

What he actually says in that video clip is even more unhinged than they put into that tweet.

I just transcribed it verbatim.

Read and enjoy...

The very big plant, many countries, they do that and then all of a sudden you hear that they're leaving Milwaukee or they're leaving wherever they may be located. It's very sad to see it. And it's so simple. I mean, you know, this isn't like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon. Where they want it to land. Or he gets the engines back. That was the first I really… so I said, who the hell did that? I saw engines about 3-4 years ago. These things were coming… cylinders... no wings, no nothing. And they're coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Someplace with a circle. Boom! Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right. He'd have 8 circles and he couldn't fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don't know. I don't know… couldn't fill up the 8 circles. I always loved those circles. It was so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did that, that was the best thing about his, the level of that circle was great, but they couldn't get people. So they used to have to press stand in those circles because they couldn't get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. Now we're never going to let that happen again, but we've been abused by other countries, we've been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries. I can't.

:eek: :confused: :facepalm: :D
What he actually says in that video clip is even more unhinged than they put into that tweet.

I just transcribed it verbatim.

Read and enjoy...

The very big plant, many countries, they do that and then all of a sudden you hear that they're leaving Milwaukee or they're leaving wherever they may be located. It's very sad to see it. And it's so simple. I mean, you know, this isn't like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon. Where they want it to land. Or he gets the engines back. That was the first I really… so I said, who the hell did that? I saw engines about 3-4 years ago. These things were coming… cylinders... no wings, no nothing. And they're coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Someplace with a circle. Boom! Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right. He'd have 8 circles and he couldn't fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don't know. I don't know… couldn't fill up the 8 circles. I always loved those circles. It was so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did that, that was the best thing about his, the level of that circle was great, but they couldn't get people. So they used to have to press stand in those circles because they couldn't get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. Now we're never going to let that happen again, but we've been abused by other countries, we've been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries. I can't.

:eek: :confused: :facepalm: :D
He's really not well, is he?
I can't help but speculate that when trump finally shuffles off this mortal coil, a deluge of pretty dark shit is gonna be slowly revealed about him. Perhaps it will start off with one person breaching the dam, which will encourage others, who knows. Or perhaps those who know him the best will circle the wagons to protect his legacy.
I've posted a vid from this guy before, this one's a lot longer so it's understandable if people don't want to watch all of it. Has some new footage though.
Tl:dr man definitely has a problem:

Yet more WTF?!

Someone was pointing out now that his people are basically keeping him away from everyone except the MAGA crowd

I love this quote. :D

And then came the kicker. One of the songs Trump insisted on playing was “Time To Say Goodbye” by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman. He seemed completely unaware of the connotations as he stood there, swayed, and made incomprehensible hand gestures.

It's a favourite at funerals.

Here it is! :D

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