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Essential Trump/Alt-Right Ridicule Thread

If we want to be technical, we're really talking about transcription [reproduce the sound], rather than transliteration [reproduce the letter], since Arabic is an unvocalized language, where the vowel sounds are not written.
But he was just trying to score a point and show how clever he is.

Can't be arsed with this tedium :mad:

Welcome to my ignore list
Thank you for the civil reply. Please don't think that I am not aware of the fact that my own personal efforts to do something, compared to the task, are .... as 1 to 1000 000 000 000.

You counsel political passivity ... leave it to our masters. I urge you to think again.

Yes, I'm just one person.

But .... there are probably thousands of people like me. I say "probably" because I don't know, but I do know that if I am thinking a certain way, it's probably not mainly because of my own brilliant intellect, but because I have been influenced by social trends, ie by other people who feel the same way and in various ways make this known.

I follow the American Right pretty closely, via social media, and in other ways, such as by participation in many conservative and militia forums.

I can tell you that the transformation among them over the last decade has been remarkable. I could re-post hundreds of things people have said in conservative forums and on, on Social Media, and inter-leave them with readers' comments from Mother Jones or TruthOut or CounterPunch, and you would not be able to tell which originated from where.

There are people on the Left who understand this: Michael Moore used to be one; Michael Lind does.

But the curent momentum within the Left is all around identity politics, lubricated by a healthy dose of class snobbery, so no one there seems to trying to take advantage of a development that from their (your?) point of view, ought be manna from heaven.

Just consider: we supported the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, you (the real Left, not Democratic hacks) opposed them (with a few exceptions, such as the late and much-lamented Christopher Hitchens).

You denounced the big corporations, you opposed shipping American jobs abroad, you opposed union-busting ... we supported it.

You were right. We were wrong. Maybe you were right for the wrong reasons (as I think), but at the end of the day, it's what you said and did, not why you said and did it.

So I see a huge opportunity here, to come together for limited aims of which we both approve -- first of all, to try to curb the war machine.

And there is recent precedent at the top: The surviving Koch brother -- one of your (?) side's bête noires -- has joined with George Soros -- one of my side's r bête noires -- to work togetther
to get a non-interventionist foreign policy. See here:
I've alread mentioned a widely-read (on the Right) book by FH Buckley, proposing to turn the Republicans into the American equivalent of their European 'Social Christian' counterparts.

The problem is, these people -- like the people who publish journals on the Right which also favor a restrained foreign policy, like American Conservative and Chronicles of American Culture, are not
'campaigners'. Their concept of political action is to write a paper, and occasionally publish a book.. All worthy and useful things, but ... they don't reach the Republican farmer, auto mechanic, waitress.

There is another consideration, which I won't expand on here. The United States is entering ... has been on ... an unknown, and possibly very unstable political path.

We are in decline, and China is on the way up. The very fact that the American Right is represented by Donald Trump, and the Left, by Joe Biden -- facing men like Putin and Xi, intelligent men commanding powerful, compliant states, and filled with steely determination to gut the Great Satan -- is just a superficial manifestation of something going wrong in the body politic.

People on the Left screech about 'fascism' and 'white supremacy' as being typical of the Right. Their vaporings can be dismissed with a wave of the hand.

But ... the potential is there, let's not kid ourselves. 'Populism' can take a very ugly turn. So far, it hasn't.

However, there are groups on the Right, and some pretty capable ones, not the kiddies and their FBI handlers you see on TV, who would like to make the Left's hysterical accusations into reality.
So far they remain isolated. But this could change.

Suppose there is a dramatic American military humilation abroad, close in time to a big economic collapse. Anyone who knows their history will think: Weimar Germany.
In 1929, the Nazis got 2.5% of the popular vote. Four years later, they got 37%.

Now I have no idea, at the moment, how a group of serious people from Left and Right would actually work together for common aims, how we would decide what to do, and above all, what we would do. This would be something to be discussed. The first thing would be to find more people with the same idea, and construct some sort of framework for discussion.

Anyone who is interested in this idea should PM me.

Well that's a matter of definition. In the broad division of American politics, the Democrats are left of center, the Republicans, right.
Joe Biden is the one the Democrats chose.

What you probably mean is that he is not left enough for you. Well, fair enough But he was the choice of tens of millions
of Americans, and now he has his finger on the nuclear trigger.

Whoever is in office, Republican or Democrat, is subject to huge pressures to do things in our foreign policy that are
unwise. Bush invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama carried on, adding Libya to the list of our triumphs, as did Trump.
There are powerful forces, ranging from huge defense corporations to hundreds of academics who move in and out of
academia and the diplomatic/foreign policy establishment, who will make sure, if they can, that this carries on.

It's not a conspiracy. If you're interested in how American foreign policy is really made, I urge you to read these:

America as a "Phantom Empire"

But .... we have an extraordinary opportunity to mount an effective opposition to this drift towards war, because at the
moment a majority of supporters of the Republican Party and a majority of supporters of the Democratic Party do not want it.

At the moment, this opposition is inchoate, unorganized, unfocussed. These people will go to the primaries and then the elections, and put
in office, or back in office, people who will just carry on the same foreign policy that has been our near-ruin over the past 20 years.

We can do something about. I realize that some, perhaps many, of the people reading this thread are just adolescents who have yet to
take up their adult duties as citizens -- and adolescents, clearly, who are sub-literate products of our failed education system.

But there must be a few adults who would like to explore something that might turn into a serious force -- something that would allow
the voice of the American people to be heard by our rulers, and maybe even put Republicans and Democrats into office who will make
us change course.

But it won't happen if we don't act.
...You do realise that this is not an american message board, right? Plus, one doesn't need to read between the lines to see the contempt that you hold 'the left' in. How exactly are you going to go into coalition (and therefore work closely) with people that you so clearly loathe?
...You do realise that this is not an american message board, right? Plus, one doesn't need to read between the lines to see the contempt that you hold 'the left' in. How exactly are you going to go into coalition (and therefore work closely) with people that you so clearly loathe?
Yes, I know this is mainly a UK board. I live in the UK. But the magic of modern technology means we can do things from a distance ... for example, I know for a fact that Russians did indeed play some role in the American elections in 2016. (Google 'glavset').

I oppose the Left politically. But I have high regard for some people on the Left, whom I think of as misguided, but driven by noble ideals.
And I have contempt for others, who I believe are selfish spoiled brats, middle class snobs who sneer at decent working class people who did not have their advantages, and who are
just self-absorbed virtue-signallers.

But that's irrelevant. You didn't have to love Joseph Stalin, to ally with him against Hitler. That's not how grown-ups work.

The world is in a perilous situation -- held back from war only by the existence of nuclear weapons.

But they might not always be enough to prevent some sort of clash between nuclear-armed powers that can then escalate.. Google 'Vladimir Arkhipov' to see how close we came to a nuclear war during the Cuban MIssile Crisis -- which was provoked because a nuclear power objected to its rival place missiles close to it, which sounds ominously familiar.

And what really drives me is this: I believe our species is on the threshhold of a great leap forward. If we can just avoid a big war, we may see some really dramatic breakthroughs in the next few decades in the field of genetics, as applied to medicine. We may finally make fusion power a reality. The Third World is being pulled into the modern age. But a stupid war could set us back decades, or worse.

I can't understand how anyone who is political cannot be concerned about this.
Yes, I know this is mainly a UK board. I live in the UK. But the magic of modern technology means we can do things from a distance ... for example, I know for a fact that Russians did indeed play some role in the American elections in 2016. (Google 'glavset').

I oppose the Left politically. But I have high regard for some people on the Left, whom I think of as misguided, but driven by noble ideals.
And I have contempt for others, who I believe are selfish spoiled brats, middle class snobs who sneer at decent working class people who did not have their advantages, and who are
just self-absorbed virtue-signallers.

But that's irrelevant. You didn't have to love Joseph Stalin, to ally with him against Hitler. That's not how grown-ups work.

The world is in a perilous situation -- held back from war only by the existence of nuclear weapons.

But they might not always be enough to prevent some sort of clash between nuclear-armed powers that can then escalate.. Google 'Vladimir Arkhipov' to see how close we came to a nuclear war during the Cuban MIssile Crisis -- which was provoked because a nuclear power objected to its rival place missiles close to it, which sounds ominously familiar.

And what really drives me is this: I believe our species is on the threshhold of a great leap forward. If we can just avoid a big war, we may see some really dramatic breakthroughs in the next few decades in the field of genetics, as applied to medicine. We may finally make fusion power a reality. The Third World is being pulled into the modern age. But a stupid war could set us back decades, or worse.

I can't understand how anyone who is political cannot be concerned about this.
Then why the US-Centric messaging? Why the patronising tone? If you are looking to work with those that appear to be your polar oposite, then maybe a major attitude adjustment is in order. "Grown-ups" ffs...
Yes, I know this is mainly a UK board. I live in the UK. But the magic of modern technology means we can do things from a distance ... for example, I know for a fact that Russians did indeed play some role in the American elections in 2016. (Google 'glavset').

I oppose the Left politically. But I have high regard for some people on the Left, whom I think of as misguided, but driven by noble ideals.
And I have contempt for others, who I believe are selfish spoiled brats, middle class snobs who sneer at decent working class people who did not have their advantages, and who are
just self-absorbed virtue-signallers.

But that's irrelevant. You didn't have to love Joseph Stalin, to ally with him against Hitler. That's not how grown-ups work.

The world is in a perilous situation -- held back from war only by the existence of nuclear weapons.

But they might not always be enough to prevent some sort of clash between nuclear-armed powers that can then escalate.. Google 'Vladimir Arkhipov' to see how close we came to a nuclear war during the Cuban MIssile Crisis -- which was provoked because a nuclear power objected to its rival place missiles close to it, which sounds ominously familiar.

And what really drives me is this: I believe our species is on the threshhold of a great leap forward. If we can just avoid a big war, we may see some really dramatic breakthroughs in the next few decades in the field of genetics, as applied to medicine. We may finally make fusion power a reality. The Third World is being pulled into the modern age. But a stupid war could set us back decades, or worse.

I can't understand how anyone who is political cannot be concerned about this.

If you oppose the left, why come blogging here and sneering and patronising about "grown ups" and "misguided" people? Not to mention suspect drivel about "the third world".

You're just another imperialist deciding for the rest of us what's right and wrong.
I'm not surprised by the diet soda. I'm a little surprised by the alcohol in the drinks celebrating Trump, since he's supposedly a tea total. He's probably a tea total in the same way that Don Jr. doesn't use cocaine. Why do would-be dictators always boast about their supposed abstinence?

I forgot abut this - from 2020. I had it on another Trump thread.

If sales of Trump-branded products in the States are similar to the UK/EU, then he's not shifting enough booze to be worried about. Only six bottles of whisky, one pair of socks, one shirt and one bathrobe sold in five years..! Which resulted in his trademarks being pronounced "not in genuine use" and withdrawn! :D
Not sure if this has been shared but it's fascinating listening that intersects with the alt-right, etc all the time.

has to be more to this story guy is saying he is going to prison for a mis coms charge

not normally something you get locked up for :hmm:
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