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Essential Trump/Alt-Right Ridicule Thread

There’s a nice pro-vaccination meme tho

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Yes, a good precedent. If an unarmed rioter is breaking down a door, the police can shoot to kill.
Wise AntiFa's will remember -- okay, they won't, but they should -- when Fidel turned off the water to Guantanamo. Senator Goldwater said we should send in
the Marines to turn it back on. Castro's response: let Goldwater be in the first wave.
Yes, a good precedent. If an unarmed rioter is breaking down a door, the police can shoot to kill.
She may have been unarmed, but it was an armed mob at the door and I don’t think the peelers took aim at her in particular. Doesn’t really pass the sniff test of ‘excessive use of force’ for me, many other police killings ahead in the line for that one.
She may have been unarmed, but it was an armed mob at the door and I don’t think the peelers took aim at her in particular. Doesn’t really pass the sniff test of ‘excessive use of force’ for me, many other police killings ahead in the line for that one.
Well, we'll have to disagree there. Would you feel the same way, had it been an AntiF/BLM invasion of a Trump-majority Congress? That's the acid test.
For my part, had it been some silly kid AntiFa rioter, I would feel the same way, ie not justified.. To end the life of someone who is not incorrigbly evil is not a good thing.

But in the hyper-partisan atmosphere in the US today, many people feel the way you do, on both sides of the barricades. Too bad.

I may agree about the other police killings, but ... they work in a very nasty environment. Neither you nor I would like to have their job.
Ah so. Well, even if I were -- and all normal males like guns -- I live in the UK ,where the Tories, fearing unrest amongst their own working class after the Russian Revolution [Firearms regulation in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia], have very strict gun laws in place.
If you're very persistent, you can get permission to own a rifle or shotgun. I know three people who do -- one is a farmer, one a genuine shooting enthusiast from a working class background, and the third is a multi- multi- millionaire.

When I visit the States, I sometimes go shooting with relatives, or even go to a shooting range. So maybe that makes me an 'ammosexual', although a 'firm grip' wouldn't really describe mine.

Query: would these folks be 'ammosexuals'? Socialist Rifle Association

Define "normal".
If Jan 6 had been antifa/blm the police would have gone in with batons and guns. That's the difference.
Yep, they’d have been beaten to a pulp for getting within two streets of the place.

My point is that I don’t find it particularly surprising that an armed mob of any flavour trying to batter there way into the debating chamber was met with deadly force, particularly with all the background rhetoric about killing Mike Pence to ‘stop the steal’ etc.. That’s exactly what armed guards are for. And while there are groups or individuals that I might have some sympathy for if they ended this way, a bunch of violent racists going into bat for an authoritarian wannabe oligarch aren’t them.
Yep, they’d have been beaten to a pulp for getting within two streets of the place.

My point is that I don’t find it particularly surprising that an armed mob of any flavour trying to batter there way into the debating chamber was met with deadly force, particularly with all the background rhetoric about killing Mike Pence to ‘stop the steal’ etc.. That’s exactly what armed guards are for. And while there are groups or individuals that I might have some sympathy for if they ended this way, a bunch of violent racists going into bat for an authoritarian wannabe oligarch aren’t them.
It was a mob, but not an armed one. It included some individuals who carried out violent assaults on police officers, and some who took selfies.

My own criterion has been: suppose they had been BLM/AntiFA ... how would I -- a rightwinger -- want to have seen them dealt with?
That's the same way I want to see my own side dealt with. A neutral state, laws applied to everyone equally.
Riule of Law.
A huge conquest in our slow progress up from barbarism.
Define "normal".
I can only give you an operational definition.

Take a group of young people, both sexes, numerous enough to be a representative sample of the whole population. Say, 12 years old.

Give everyone a choice of toys. Dolls, chemistry sets, guns, Lego, etc. I claim that a large proportion, probably a majority, of the boys, will choose the gun.

Or set up a different test: same selection, maybe aged 16. Just a few choices: a day at a firing range, which will include burning through a few magazines with an SA80;
a day at a nursery, taking care of babies; a day learning how to garden; a day seeing how automobiles are assembled; a day at the British Museum;
a day seeing how new dresses are designed. Add your own.

You can only choose one.

I believe that a majority of the boys would go to the firing range. Hey, I could be wrong.
I can only give you an operational definition.

Take a group of young people, both sexes, numerous enough to be a representative sample of the whole population. Say, 12 years old.

Give everyone a choice of toys. Dolls, chemistry sets, guns, Lego, etc. I claim that a large proportion, probably a majority, of the boys, will choose the gun.

Or set up a different test: same selection, maybe aged 16. Just a few choices: a day at a firing range, which will include burning through a few magazines with an SA80;
a day at a nursery, taking care of babies; a day learning how to garden; a day seeing how automobiles are assembled; a day at the British Museum;
a day seeing how new dresses are designed. Add your own.

You can only choose one.

I believe that a majority of the boys would go to the firing range. Hey, I could be wrong.
Gun’s have become fetishised in culture. The point i make with gun nuts is ‘do you like the bolt gun that’s used to stun cattle before slaughter? As in the film ‘No Country for Old Men’? Usually no. Actually no one I’ve made that point too has ever said ‘Yep. Love those bolt guns!’. Try selling a bolt gun to a kid. Both guns and bolt guns do the same thing just one does it up close and personal. You don’t see any Hollywood hero with a bolt gun.

They have there purpose (I’ve fired weapons on a range). Just not what they have in the States. You get too many Kyle Rittenhouses and massacres in general.
Gun’s have become fetishised in culture. The point i make with gun nuts is ‘do you like the bolt gun that’s used to stun cattle before slaughter? As in the film ‘No Country for Old Men’? Usually no. Actually no one I’ve made that point too has ever said ‘Yep. Love those bolt guns!’. Try selling a bolt gun to a kid. Both guns and bolt guns do the same thing just one does it up close and personal. You don’t see any Hollywood hero with a bolt gun.

They have there purpose (I’ve fired weapons on a range). Just not what they have in the States. You get too many Kyle Rittenhouses and massacres in general.
Yes, you may be right.. That's a good example.

I don't think its biological. But little boys like guns, and big trukcs, etc. and girls generally don't, even the ones who grow up to become electrical engineers.
Now .. why thiis is so, is another -- interesting -- matter. It's a commonplace but I think it's some mixture of biologically-rooted impulse, and 'culture', or rather, exposure
to images and ideas. We're still in the Dark Ages here, so far as human behavior is concerned.
Yes, you may be right.. That's a good example.

I don't think its biological. But little boys like guns, and big trukcs, etc. and girls generally don't, even the ones who grow up to become electrical engineers.
Now .. why thiis is so, is another -- interesting -- matter. It's a commonplace but I think it's some mixture of biologically-rooted impulse, and 'culture', or rather, exposure
to images and ideas. We're still in the Dark Ages here, so far as human behavior is concerned.
It’s both. When people say the world would be better if it was run by women i always bring up Thatcher. Guns are a tool. But they are designed to introduce a piece of metal into the target to create trauma. To project force. That’s what they’ve been designed to do. Is that sometimes necessary? In a ‘just’ war against despotism? Yes. Even Chomsky agrees with that. But I’d prefer if kids were interested in Bob The Builder TBH.
Yes, you may be right.. That's a good example.

I don't think its biological. But little boys like guns, and big trukcs, etc. and girls generally don't, even the ones who grow up to become electrical engineers.
Now .. why thiis is so, is another -- interesting -- matter. It's a commonplace but I think it's some mixture of biologically-rooted impulse, and 'culture', or rather, exposure
to images and ideas. We're still in the Dark Ages here, so far as human behavior is concerned.

My girls know how to shoot, my boys don't.

My girl is a civil engineer, so your "labeling" does not work on her.

Stop generalizing....
My girls know how to shoot, my boys don't.

My girl is a civil engineer, so your "labeling" does not work on her.

Stop generalizing....
And you're saying that they are typical of young Americans now?
American boys are no longer interested in guns, and the girls are becoming marksmen and engineers?
It’s both. When people say the world would be better if it was run by women i always bring up Thatcher. Guns are a tool. But they are designed to introduce a piece of metal into the target to create trauma. To project force. That’s what they’ve been designed to do. Is that sometimes necessary? In a ‘just’ war against despotism? Yes. Even Chomsky agrees with that. But I’d prefer if kids were interested in Bob The Builder TBH.
I'm with you there. If I were raising children, I would teach them how to handle firearms safely, including how to shoot, for the same reason I would teach them how to drive, how to administer first
aid, how to cook a meal, how to sew, how to use a saw and a screwdriver and a soldering iron, etc etc etc. We would strip down and re-assemble an internal combustion engine, plant and raise some
of our own food, learn the constellations, make a zinc-dust-and-sulphur rocket. All this regardless of their sex.

The entry of women into formerly all-male occupations -- and the change in their social status that accompanied this -- is one of the great advances of the 20th Century, even more important than the anti-colonial revolution, because it nearly doubles the pool from which scientists, mathematicians and engineers -- the people who really pull our sorry species forward -- can be drawn.

I was delighted when the Fields Medal (the mathematicians' equivalent of the Nobel Prize) was awarded a few years ago to an Iranian woman at Stanford -- a pleasure I shared with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who sent her a congratulatory telegram.

Of course I think Mrs Thatcher (PBUH) is not an exception to the advantages the emancipation of women has brought, but yet another example of it.

But as you disagree, I'll give you a poem, borrowed from Rudyard Kipling, which confirms your misguided prejudice in her case.

When the Himalayan peasant meets the
he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster,
who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends
the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more
deadly than the male.

When Nag the basking cobra hears the
careless foot of man,
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and
avoid it if he can.
But his mate makes no such motion where
she camps beside the trail.
For the female of the species is more
deadly than the male.

When the early Jesuit fathers preached
to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the
vengeance of the squaws.
'Twas the women, not the warriors,
turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
For the female of the species is more
deadly than the male.

Man's timid heart is bursting with the
things he must not say,
For the Woman that God gave him
isn't his to give away;
But when hunter meets with husband,
each confirms the other's tale -
The female of the species is more
deadly than the male.

Man, a bear in most relations -
worm and savage otherwise, -
Man propounds negotiations,
Man accepts the compromise.
Very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact
To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act.

Fear, or foolishness, impels him,
ere he lay the wicked low,
To concede some form of trial even
to his fiercest foe.
Mirth obscene diverts his anger -
Doubt and Pity oft perplex
Him in dealing with an issue -
to the scandal of The Sex!

But the Woman that God gave him,
every fibre of her frame
Proves her launched for one sole issue,
armed and engined for the same,
And to serve that single issue,
lest the generations fail,
The female of the species must be
deadlier than the male.

She who faces Death by torture
for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity -
must not swerve for fact or jest.
These be purely male diversions -
not in these her honour dwells.
She the Other Law we live by,
is that Law and nothing else.

She can bring no more to living than
the powers that make her great
As the Mother of the Infant and the
Mistress of the Mate.
And when Babe and Man are lacking and
she strides unclaimed to claim
Her right as femme (and baron),
her equipment is the same.

She is wedded to convictions -
in default of grosser ties;
Her contentions are her children,
Heaven help him who denies! -
He will meet no suave discussion,
but the instant, white-hot, wild,
Wakened female of the species warring
as for spouse and child.

Unprovoked and awful charges -
even so the she-bear fights,
Speech that drips, corrodes, and poisons -
even so the cobra bites,
Scientific vivisection of one nerve till it is raw
And the victim writhes in anguish -
like the Jesuit with the squaw!

So it comes that Man, the coward,
when he gathers to confer
With his fellow-braves in council,
dare not leave a place for her
Where, at war with Life and Conscience,
he uplifts his erring hands
To some God of Abstract Justice -
which no woman understands.

And Man knows it! Knows, moreover,
that the Woman that God gave him
Must command but may not govern -
shall enthral but not enslave him.
And She knows, because She warns him,
and Her instincts never fail,
That the Female of Her Species is more
deadly than the Male.
Shouldn't you be teaching your kids how to make bombs too? You missed that off alongside cooking and sewing. And perhaps nuclear and biological weapons from everyday ingredients you can find in the kitchen?
I'm Canadian
Ah so. There is a difference, but ... are you saying that they are typical of young Canadians then?
I used to be fascinated by guns as a teenager, I grew out of it.
Yes, most of us do. They just become one other tool of a well-ordered household, held for a just-in-case situation, should
there be some dramatic rupture in the social order, in the case of long arms; and, of course, in the case of handguns,
handy when there is a micro-rupture while you're in a convenience store.

Unless you're a hunter. Personally, I could never see the attraction of killing defenseless animals, just the opposite in fact, but de gustibus and all that.
Ah so. There is a difference, but ... are you saying that they are typical of young Canadians then?

I do not like it when people are assigned little boxes to live in.

Out of curiosity, when did you single out one type of female engineers?
Shouldn't all female engineers be assigned to the same box, or is there a different box for each of the engineering specialties?

When I read about female engineers being singled out, I think of the massacre in Montreal....

Shouldn't you be teaching your kids how to make bombs too? You missed that off alongside cooking and sewing. And perhaps nuclear and biological weapons from everyday ingredients you can find in the kitchen?
Why? Anyone with even a half-way knowledge of chemistry knows that homemade high explosive -- not gunpowder -- is very tricky to make. The Anarchist Cookbook has some recipes, but
I suspect they did for more anarchists than anything else. (You've got to use distilled water, keep the temperature down, etc.

Even if you get ahold of commercially made stuff, as the Weathermen did to make a bomb to kill GI's and their dates at Fort Dix, you've still got to be careful. It really does matter which wire
goes where. They weren't, and ruined some perfectly nice residential property in Greenwich Village. Should have majored in electrical engineering instead of anthropology, I guess.

But what purpose would bombs of any sort serve now? Premature reparations seekers can be dealt with as the marvelous 'Rooftop Koreans' did.

Some patriots, anticipating rocky times ahead as America spirals down, are forming neighborhood protection groups, and practicing in the co ordinated use of their weapons, along with the auxiliary skills and capabilities that would be necessary in abnormal situations (ie 'mostly peaceful protests').

But most of them are smart enough to know that anyone who proposes getting ahold of explosives, or any other 'destructive device' as defined in Federal law, is working for the government.
If they're not smart enough, like those morons in Michigan ... well, Darwinian selection at work.

And were I raising children, of course I would want them to have military skills, obtainable via enlistment in the National Guard, where every patriot should be.
I do not like it when people are assigned little boxes to live in.

Out of curiosity, when did you single out one type of female engineers?
Shouldn't all female engineers be assigned to the same box, or is there a different box for each of the engineering specialties?

When I read about female engineers being singled out, I think of the massacre in Montreal....

Not sure of the point you're making here. Can you clarify?
Not sure of the point you're making here. Can you clarify?

I do not like it when people are assigned little boxes to live in.

Out of curiosity, when did you single out one type of female engineers?
Shouldn't all female engineers be assigned to the same box, or is there a different box for each of the engineering specialties?
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