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Essential Trump/Alt-Right Ridicule Thread

I know it's not the most important thing from the Big Takeover article, but I hadn't seen this guy before reading it and I cannot get over his facial expressions:

When did the GOP all have their common sense deleted. This level of bat-shittery is astounding and the poor benighted souls who have been sucked into the conspiracy and swallowed up by it all will never be right again.

The mass deletions of Trump's media accounts is welcome but really it's 4 years too late and the media giants who didn't act sooner because it suited them and their agendas are just as much to blame.

This could not be more Orwellian. Simon & Schuster is refusing to publish my unsolicited submission of CSI Miami erotic fan fiction. It’s a direct assault on the First Amendment.

The publisher returned my manuscript, noting that it was “amateurish” and “barely intelligible drivel.” They said that my writing was “filled with unnecessary scientific jargon and sexual innuendo,” adding, “we must once again insist, please stop.” It’s their right to think what they think, but they need to respect my First Amendment right to free speech. Who do they think they are, an independent company that can just print the works they want? I thought America was a free market capitalist state, not a totalitarian dystopia.

My novel, Horatio ‘Hornblower’ Caine: Criminally Sexy Investigator, tells the story that network television was afraid to tell. It’s 1,300 pages of graphic sexual encounters and witty one-liners. Is it art? I don’t know. Pornography? Perhaps. A blatant violation of CBS’s intellectual property rights? Most certainly. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that by refusing to stand behind me, by refusing to invest in the publication and distribution of my work, Simon & Schuster is denying my constitutional right to free speech and denying the public their constitutional right to a sexual reimagining of the greatest Miami-based cop show of the 2000s.
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