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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

"Excuse me madam, would you mind terribly if I asked that you step into that lay-by on your right, in order that I might safely pass you?"
"Oh of course my dear, I'm afraid I didn't hear you behind me, but I shall make my way over there directly"
"Thank you kindly, that is most gracious of you"
"Not at all young man, you go head and mind your way now, I'm sure you faster than I am!"
"Well, you have a nice day now won't you?"
Yep - that’s how the driver should have reacted but sadly most drivers are cunts.

(It’s staged though isn’t it?)
Yep - that’s how the driver should have reacted but sadly most drivers are cunts.

(It’s staged though isn’t it?)
I wondered that but it if it was it fooled the mail - it’s also from 2019 - took place in Wolverhampton apparently

If I was just to leave a valuable piece of private property just lying in the street I think I’d expect it to be vandalised tbh.

When I lock my bike up in the high street I don’t expect it to be vandalised. Really shit attitude to society if you think that’s acceptable tbh.
When I lock my bike up in the high street I don’t expect it to be vandalised. Really shit attitude to society if you think that’s acceptable tbh.
Didn’t say it was acceptable did I. If I leave a bike for days on the street, yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was vandalised. Have you seen the ones outside Brixton Station?
Didn’t say it was acceptable did I. If I leave a bike for days on the street, yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was vandalised. Have you seen the ones outside Brixton Station?

I don’t think as a society we should accept such goings on. There is a bike rack outside my office and if I saw someone wantonly vandalising a bike parked there I would go and have a word with the scumbag who thought it acceptable to damage other people’s lawfully parked vehicle. How about you?
I don’t think as a society we should accept such goings on. There is a bike rack outside my office and if I saw someone wantonly vandalising a bike parked there I would go and have a word with the scumbag who thought it acceptable to damage other people’s lawfully parked vehicle. How about you?
Again - I said expect not accept.

I wouldn’t intervene with someone spraying this message on an SUV as I support it. No need for these ridiculous cars in our cities. Truly selfish behaviour.
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Again - I said expect not accept.

I wouldn’t intervene with someone spraying this message on an SUV as I support it. No need for these ridiculous cars in our cities. Truly selfish behaviour.

if you accept some vandalism due to an ideological position you can't really complain when no one steps in to save your shit from being vandalised, and so society breaks down. Shitty attitude from a me-me-me generation of Thatcher's children :(
Mansion in Ascot, the parents had moved back to Nigeria leaving just the 18 year sooky son in residence. He was a messy fucker and stayed in a bedroom for about a month and then moved to the next one once the first one was filled with shit. Anyway, someone somehow knew him and told him we're having a party in his house. Well, there's me swinging from curtains on the grand staircase, scratching "E's are good" in to a roller in the chauffeur's cottage garage, puking in the indoor pool, that kind of thing. Well the sooky kid fucked off back to Nigeria soon after and so one day I rolled up on my own, went round the back, found a spade and smashed a glass door open. At that exact moment I hear a car pull up round the front, fuck, must be OB and my car's there. I walk round as casually as I can, only to find three mates had had the same idea as me, on the very same day. After that we parked in the golf club opposite and took 2 or 3 pieces a day for a year and half, until the place was empty. Then someone squatted it and it got badly burned one afternoon. Looks from google-earth as if it has been restored;
if you accept some vandalism due to an ideological position you can't really complain when no one steps in to save your shit from being vandalised, and so society breaks down. Shitty attitude from a me-me-me generation of Thatcher's children :(
SUVs are the epitome of Thatcherism especially as her views on bus passengers are so well known.
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