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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.


Sieger Suarez Architects and Dezer Development have released details of a 61-storey skyscraper in Miami Beach, which features a lift that allows residents to drive vehicles directly into apartments on all levels.

Possibly driving something through the wall of the lift at ground floor would be an effective way of trapping all the bentleys on the 60 floors above in place, providing a net benefit to society.
Interesting report from Ireland - free public transport won't help reduction in car journeys. - Restricting parking, and increasing fuel cost and restricted road usage will...

Free public transport would mean just 1% reduction in car travel, says report

"...free public transport was more likely to result in fewer people walking and cycling, than a cut to car use."
That report is just regurgitating the results of various previously carried out studies - this is not really new information.
That report is just regurgitating the results of various previously carried out studies - this is not really new information.

Yes - I know it is - it says so in the article... but I was unware of it, so thought of some interest.. Particuarly when I'd thought free public transport might be something that would make a difference..
Well maybe not for you...
It's been discussed on the thread a few times previously, eg

How interesting - however I'm afraid given the prevailing bollocks that has dominated large parts/most of this thread - do you really think me or many other people will have been keeping an eye on all 332 pages of it...
Think it’s very worth pointing out again and good that it’s a study pulling together lots of evidence. It’s always an excuse people give for not giving up cars that public transport is too expensive but as selfish Sue shows it’s bollocks.
^ clicked on that tweet hoping for a lot of entertainment in the replies, but was a little disappointed. Probably worth checking again tomorrow though.
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