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    Lazy Llama

Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Lollipop lady feels the need to wear a body cam because of so many terrible drivers 😮‍💨.

Not only do we need to have someone in hi-viz with a huge sign to try and get drivers to obey basic traffic rules we also need to film them now.



Carry out an investigation while replacing the bollard - prob a good idea. Shame they’re needed in the first place because there are so many twatty drivers.
That’s extra great because it’s quite clear the car knows it shouldn’t be there and is accelerating quickly to try and sneak in behind the bus.

Hopefully their car is ruined and it cost them a lot of money. Fuck them.

Pedestrian with pushchair almost hit ✅
Passengers in car injured ✅

But yeah, fuck the driver lol.
Pedestrian with pushchair almost hit ✅
Passengers in car injured ✅

But yeah, fuck the driver lol.
Pedestrian with pushchair almost hit by speeding car and that's the bollard's fault?

Also do you have proof of injuries? I'm fine with light bruising or the odd broken bone.
All of which is the fault of…?

Right, so you're happy to injure innocent people as long as you can blame the driver. Twat.

What do you think the best option to deal with a driver speeding on the motorway is?

1. Ban and/or fine them
2. Chuck a boulder at their car from a bridge and watch them crash
You're fine with 1800 dead a year in the UK because of perceived convenience.


You really, really, need to google the phrase “false equivalence”

Go on then, without making an equivalence to anything at all, explain how the rising bollard situation depicted in that video presents an acceptable risk to those involved compared to the other methods of control.

If you really just want to claim that the risks are aceptable because it's the driver's fault and you enjoy watching the collision, then say so.
The question is not a reasonable one because it ignores the risks that were initially mitigated by the presence of the bollard.

Surely dropping boulders on all speeding cars would reduce speeding far more effectively than bans and fines, with a consequent reduction in the number of innocent victims.
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