I'd estimate the running costs of my car to be around 40p per mile. I've had the car years so there's no finance on it but like Elpenor implied, if I had to factor buying a new (to me) one, the cost per mile would be much higher.
I don't tend to compare the relative cost of using the car against other means of transport. My thought processes tend to be;
Can a I walk it or cycle? Then that's what I'll do.
Is it a night out with booze? Then walk, bus or train, which ever is the most appropriate.
Is it a journey into London? Then it's public transport *
Other journeys would most likely be the car as, on the whole, it tends to be more convenient.
* I live a few miles just outside the edge of south London so sometimes might drive the car into the periphery if it's the most convenient method.
I don't tend to compare the relative cost of using the car against other means of transport. My thought processes tend to be;
Can a I walk it or cycle? Then that's what I'll do.
Is it a night out with booze? Then walk, bus or train, which ever is the most appropriate.
Is it a journey into London? Then it's public transport *
Other journeys would most likely be the car as, on the whole, it tends to be more convenient.
* I live a few miles just outside the edge of south London so sometimes might drive the car into the periphery if it's the most convenient method.