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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I deliberately chose an article from such a publisher to see if everyone would studiously ignore the substance of the argument, which of course they did, as I predicted.
There was no substance to the argument. Nothing that hasn't already been posted on this thread and fully debunked.
There was no substance to the argument. Nothing that hasn't already been posted on this thread and fully debunked.

Could you point me to your previously posted analysis of the ratio of male to female car-abolitionists on this thread, compared to the gender ratio of those who have professed a more nuanced position?
Could you point me to your previously posted analysis of the ratio of male to female car-abolitionists on this thread, compared to the gender ratio of those who have professed a more nuanced position?
I don't believe the Spiked article referred to this thread at all, let alone gender ratios of its contributors.
Everything’s just fine with us allowing cars absolutely everywhere.

They should remove any car parked on a pavement and take it to the crusher. Maybe then return the resultant cube of crushed car to the edge of the road where it previously was as a lesson to selfish drivers.
Why don't they just scrap the VED entirely and move it into fuel duty? Same effect, almost. Arguably better in that it rewards more efficient cars.
Because it's largely about dealing with how to tax the increasing number of electric cars.

And putting it all under fuel duty taxes how much people drive but is indiscriminate about where they drive.
Because it's largely about dealing with how to tax the increasing number of electric cars.

And putting it all under fuel duty taxes how much people drive but is indiscriminate about where they drive.
I suppose it's a better question of why they didn't do it before, since it's only now that it's not such a great idea.
I suppose it's a better question of why they didn't do it before, since it's only now that it's not such a great idea.
One of the arguments against has always been that it's unfair to rural areas, where people generally drive further, and have fewer transport alternatives. That objection applied pre EVs.

I've always thought road pricing is a good option because you can take that kind of thing into account. Of course, motorists don't like this either, claiming privacy concerns as the main reason.
Because it's largely about dealing with how to tax the increasing number of electric cars.

And putting it all under fuel duty taxes how much people drive but is indiscriminate about where they drive.
The sensible thing would be to do the same as they did with Diesel (red for industrial / low taxed) .
You could have red electricity, for the home and business, that is taxed at a lower rate than the stuff used for cars.
Funny how speed is a really important factor for cyclists when they're cycling past cars, like they're so happy that they've chosen a mode of transport that enables them to complete their journey at a faster pace then anyone else.

But whenever cars go fast it's suddenly the most ridiculous thing, these drivers just trying to shave a few minutes off their journeys, what twats!
Funny how speed is a really important factor for cyclists when they're cycling past cars, like they're so happy that they've chosen a mode of transport that enables them to complete their journey at a faster pace then anyone else.

But whenever cars go fast it's suddenly the most ridiculous thing, these drivers just trying to shave a few minutes off their journeys, what twats!
Eh? You’re defending drivers breaking speed limits.

Thought you’d given these threads a rest for a while after you sickening behaviour in the Chris Kaba thread.
Funny how speed is a really important factor for cyclists when they're cycling past cars, like they're so happy that they've chosen a mode of transport that enables them to complete their journey at a faster pace then anyone else.
Tbf when cyclists are passing you slowly enough that you can see that they're happy about it they're normally doing about 10mph. I long ago resolved never to do more than 20 on my bike.
Tbf when cyclists are passing you slowly enough that you can see that they're happy about it they're normally doing about 10mph. I long ago resolved never to do more than 20 on my bike.

Oh I never waste time looking at cyclists' facial expressions when I'm driving, I only know the details because they keep posting about it online.

Also they post stuff like "This driver overtook me but I caught up to them at a red traffic light! What a twat!" but they never say "I overtook this car at a red traffic light but they overtook me when it turned green. I'm such a twat!" which just reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of reality.
"I overtook this car at a red traffic light but they overtook me when it turned green. I'm such a twat!" which just reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of reality.
Drivers always say this because they think they're in a race. The cyclist will still get to their destination faster than if they hadn't jumped the light, the relative position of the driver is irrelevant.
People only moan about drivers breaking speed limits.

When you kept saying he caused the shooting by failing to stop despite it being pointed out to you many times that it looked likely he was never asked to stop. Have some humility.

Nonsense. I said that IF the BBC report was correct and he was being chased by the police, THEN it was likely he committed the crime of failing to stop, failing to stop being a necessary component of a chase.

I didn't say or imply he "caused the the shooting". The fact you so deliberately interpreted my posts as meaning what you wanted them to mean, rather than what the words actually meant, just demonstrates that every single reply of yours to mine on this thread should be disregarded.
Drivers always say this because they think they're in a race. The cyclist will still get to their destination faster than if they hadn't jumped the light, the relative position of the driver is irrelevant.

I wasn't talking about red-light jumping but cyclists catching up at a red light to cars that had previously overtaken them. Apparently this "proves" that the drivers were twats for overtaking them earlier.
I wasn't talking about red-light jumping but cyclists catching up at a red light to cars that had previously overtaken them. Apparently this "proves" that the drivers were twats for overtaking them earlier.
Okay, how do you overtake someone at a red light without jumping it then? Cause that's what you said.
Okay, how do you overtake someone at a red light without jumping it then? Cause that's what you said.

Imagine a queue of stationary cars at a red light. They are all at the light, queuing. If a cyclist overtakes some of these cars, they are overtaking cars at the red light.

I guess you're so used to seeing cyclists jumping red lights that you can't envisage them overtaking a queue of cars at a red light and then stopping at the stop line.
Nonsense. I said that IF the BBC report was correct and he was being chased by the police, THEN it was likely he committed the crime of failing to stop, failing to stop being a necessary component of a chase.

I didn't say or imply he "caused the the shooting". The fact you so deliberately interpreted my posts as meaning what you wanted them to mean, rather than what the words actually meant, just demonstrates that every single reply of yours to mine on this thread should be disregarded.
No - you took the story of a chase hook, line & sinker and shouted down anyone pointing out it may not have been true.

Pro-car culture, anti-cyclist, anti-climate action, a shill for the Met & one of the most disagreeable posters on here.
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