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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.


Was just a trick question to check whether this thread had successfully convinced you to fight for the right thing and it's great to see you transformed into someone ready to stand up against selfish motorists in locations reasonably convenient to you.

You seem to think I'm a selfish-motorist supporter, but I'm just a normal motorist like you and beesonthewhatnow.

I only post on this thread to highlight the banning of private car ownership is a silly idea, of the sort espoused by conversationalists solely to gain attention to themselves.
Just up the road from me. It's a nasty road this one.

It was probably someone inspired by teuchter or maomao's direct action posts on this thread, where they advocated puncturing tyres as a form of protest.
Remember everything is just fine as it is.

Here in the UK, 24,530 people were killed or seriously injured on roads in 2020/21, which costs the country around £36bn a year, or around 20% of the current NHS budget

Remember everything is just fine as it is.

Yeah but a cyclist once came up behind me on the pavement and bruised my hand as I was pointing to a bag of kittens at the time so whose the real villain here?

When is an LTN not an LTN.

Edit: when it's a city centre traffic filter apparently

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He’s got a point. What kind of people have a spare grand sitting around to chuck at a vague attempt to stop them having to drive a slightly less convenient route?


When is an LTN not an LTN.

Edit: when it's a city centre traffic filter apparently

to give them a little bit of leeway, this isn't meant to be a 'low traffic neighbourhood' scheme - it's a "circulation plan" that accompanies a number of LTNs that have been put in place. However, when you add on all the other exemptions for residents it's hard to see this having much impact at all - this feels like 'if you live in Oxford, just carry on as before'

Screenshot 2022-08-31 at 14.12.48.png
All people have to do is convince a majority of elected representatives on the local highways authority, shouldn’t be too hard if the proposed change so obviously provides a net benefit.
All people have to do is convince a majority of elected representatives on the local highways authority, shouldn’t be too hard if the proposed change so obviously provides a net benefit.
Well the council changed to Labour earlier this year and the local councillor, Jo Rigby, who’s video it is has been very strong on LTNs has been made chair of the transport committee so 🤞

Weird that anyone would think that’s the best the area an manage which you seem to imply 🤪
I'm sure many on this thread will be happy to see the police finally taking proportionate action against the wielder of a death machine:

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