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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Nice consultation you have there. Would be a shame if something...happened to it.

Open to non residents as well as locals. :)

Looks like lots of paving with a few scraggly weeds, the trees and grass in the background are not part of the scheme.

I don’t know all the details, if this reduces problems elsewhere it could be a good idea.
Here’s some other photos. Would definitely be improved by some rat running SUVs!

I was going to explain the nuances of demand and capacity to you here but thought better of it as you won’t understand.
You haven’t got a clue, like most Daily Mail reading idiots. Luckily most non corrupt as fuck councils are actually acting to improve our roads.
You haven’t got a clue, like most Daily Mail reading idiots. Luckily most non corrupt as fuck councils are actually acting to improve our roads.

Yes, around here they’re widening some and closing off others. You know, taking a reasonable balanced view of things, depending on the circumstances.
Yes, around here they’re widening some and closing off others. You know, taking a reasonable balanced view of things, depending on the circumstances.
So you are open to closing some roads off? Well why don’t you educate yourself before commenting on things. Minor roads in inner city London boroughs should not have traffic routed through them - it’s hardly difficult to understand.
So you are open to closing some roads off? Well why don’t you educate yourself before commenting on things. Minor roads in inner city London boroughs should not have traffic routed through them - it’s hardly difficult to understand.

Where did I say I was against closing off residential roads? I merely suggested I was not invariably in favour of it in every single circumstance.
Where did I say I was against closing off residential roads? I merely suggested I was not invariably in favour of it in every single circumstance.
Great - well why don’t you look at Old Bethnal Green Rd and have an informed opinion. Also, it’d be great to hear why most of the people opposing these schemes, like the mayor, are such terrible people.
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Great - well why don’t you look at Old Bethnal Green Rd and have an informed opinion. Also, it’d ve great to hear why most of the people opposing these schemes, like the mayor, are such terrible people.

It would take at least an hour to gain an informed opinion about a particular road, and that’s only if I had easy access to all the necessary data, which is why I only do it for roads near me.
It would take at least an hour to gain an informed opinion about a particular road, and that’s only if I had easy access to all the necessary data, which is why I only do it for roads near me.
An easy short cut would be to assume the obvious - minor roads should not be for through traffic & if only awful people oppose something, it’s probably a good thing.
I'd like to know why they are moving the cars though. If it's so that other cars can park there, or so that other cars can get past, then they should be done for dumping cars on green space. If it's to make a point about illegal parking the cars should be turned over onto the roadway, and they are free to do what they want to them thereafter as far as I am concerned.
I'd like to know why they are moving the cars though. If it's so that other cars can park there, or so that other cars can get past, then they should be done for dumping cars on green space. If it's to make a point about illegal parking the cars should be turned over onto the roadway, and they are free to do what they want to them thereafter as far as I am concerned.
Fair point - I just quite like that some cars ended up on their roofs tbh.
Fuck me, cars really do live rent free in your head, don't they? The first thing you think about when you wake up, and the last thing before you fall asleep, whilst clearly taking much of your available time in between as well :(
More rude arrogant self-entitled anti-social drivers.

If you’re going to have parking on both sides of roads like this it needs to be an LTN.

I'm sure if an LTN is proposed the smug land-enclosing homeowner filming this will obviously be wiling to hand over his front garden to the public realm to help create a safe cycling route with space also for a re-wilded children's play zone. People choosing to own land adjacent to a busy route near a school would never dream of excluding the public from that land while laughing at people trying to pass by in the space available.
I'm sure if an LTN is proposed the smug land-enclosing homeowner filming this will obviously be wiling to hand over his front garden to the public realm to help create a safe cycling route with space also for a re-wilded children's play zone. People choosing to own land adjacent to a busy route near a school would never dream of excluding the public from that land while laughing at people trying to pass by in the space available.
Fuck me you're thick.
I'm sure if an LTN is proposed the smug land-enclosing homeowner filming this will obviously be wiling to hand over his front garden to the public realm to help create a safe cycling route with space also for a re-wilded children's play zone. People choosing to own land adjacent to a busy route near a school would never dream of excluding the public from that land while laughing at people trying to pass by in the space available.
Surely there’s a better use of the public space currently being used to store cars before we start reclaiming private property?
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