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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Nonsense. Some places are sparsely populated to such an extent that a regular network of mostly empty buses would be ridiculous - only personal transport would make sense. This applies to most of the UK in terms of land area.

If you beardy transport yurt weavers had control, we’d have a nationwide network of free maglev trains stopping at every isolated cottage, but no schools or hospitals because there’d be no money or staff left over to run them.
No, if I had my way we’d have the schools, hospitals and transport, but the army would be holding coffee morning cake sales to buy their fucking guns.
No, if I had my way we’d have the schools, hospitals and transport, but the army would be holding coffee morning cake sales to buy their fucking guns.

I think when Putin consequnetly annexes us he'd have different ideas. Maybe we'd get trolleybuses but you'd have to say goodbye to the bike lanes.
A clear majority of Tories would not be willing to switch from driving to walking/cyling/public transport, in order to save the environment and innocent children.

A clear minority of Labour voters take the same attitude.

No surprises there - maps very accurately to the political standpoints of the pro and anti car people here on urban75.

This survey also reveals that less than half of the population (just 47%) are unwilling to give up their cars. Therefore there's a majority who would not be unhappy with us just getting rid of cars. We should get on with it.

Screenshot 2021-10-23 at 11.02.52.jpg

Let's see who it is who most strongly are opposed to giving up driving (aka the dinosaurs). These are all the groups where the dinosaurs are in the majority:

  • Conservative voters
  • Leave voters
  • People over 50
  • Posh people (ABC1)

Again, maps pretty well to what we see here on U75.

Screenshot 2021-10-23 at 11.13.01.jpg
A clear majority of Tories would not be willing to switch from driving to walking/cyling/public transport, in order to save the environment and innocent children.

A clear minority of Labour voters take the same attitude.

No surprises there - maps very accurately to the political standpoints of the pro and anti car people here on urban75.

This survey also reveals that less than half of the population (just 47%) are unwilling to give up their cars. Therefore there's a majority who would not be unhappy with us just getting rid of cars. We should get on with it.

View attachment 293843

No shit, most Labour voters live in cities
No, what the survey reveals is that most people who live in cities could easily give up their cars, but haven't bothered to do so already, presumably for selfish reasons. Meanwhile people who live in the countryside can't easily give up their cars, but despite this many would be prepared to anyway.

The most important thing this survey reveals though is that electric car subsidies primarily benefit wealthy LibDems, and should therefore be abolished.
Let's see who it is who most strongly are opposed to giving up driving (aka the dinosaurs). These are all the groups where the dinosaurs are in the majority:

  • Conservative voters
  • Leave voters
  • People over 50
  • Posh people (ABC1)

Saul & Spy ticking 3 out of 4 there I reckon.
No, what the survey reveals is that most people who live in cities could easily give up their cars, but haven't bothered to do so already, presumably for selfish reasons. Meanwhile people who live in the countryside can't easily give up their cars, but despite this many would be prepared to anyway.

The most important thing this survey reveals though is that electric car subsidies primarily benefit wealthy LibDems, and should therefore be abolished.

So you’re saying you’re a Tory?
Hardly anyone actually lives in the countryside - most are just in endless cul de sacs and golf courses.
80% of the UK population is urban and the vast majority of the rest live in settlements of several thousand people. It's a complete red herring.
So we don’t need to ban cars just ban people living in the countryside! Sorted!

Hardly anyone actually lives in the countryside - most are just in endless cul de sacs and golf courses.
You and teuchter are very similar in this regard. You're both jealous of people who don't live in cities. It's a common phenomenon with city dwellers. They want the best of both worlds but because they can't have it, they throw tantrums and try to ban the countryside.
If I recall correctly, you wanted to borrow from great ethnic cleanings of the past and apply the results to people who don't live within an easy public-transport commute of London.
Setting aside your recollections, which no-one cares about, you are defining "people who don't live within an easy public-transport commute of London" as an ethnicity, yes? Or are you about to backpedal on that?
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