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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

See, I get weary of people coming back with statements like this, as if I've not realised this. Of course I realise this. This is the whole point. That a large proportion of 80% of people are dependant on owning a car is the problem. That's the problem that needs to be solved. It's not a reason to dismiss attempts to change it.

I agree. But aren't you proposing doing away with cars before that problem is solved?
If you can't see then you shouldn't be driving. Road position is more important than clothing for the visibility and safety of cyclists ...
More typical cycle-twat deflection. Road position is important, nobody has suggested otherwise but so is being seen in good time. We've argued this umpteen times before on here and you lot always go back to that sub-playground guff that CyclingUK released about Hi-Viz a few years ago that any respectably competent cyclists would instantly dismiss as embarassing bollocks. Do we need to do it all over again?
Can also do stuff along the lines of those desk rental spaces. I am slightly appalled at myself for saying that, as they are so transparently a part of the rental economy... But in principle having some office spaces in residential areas isn't a bad idea... help maintain work-life balance, get you out of the house, even if it's a 10 minute walk rather than a long commute. Also gives you the ability to provide some services that might be more difficult for WFH.

Yeah, those are definitely a good supplement to working from home. I've been in a couple and they seem really good, much better than most ordinary offices because they have to make an effort to encourage the users to want to be there.
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Im not trying anything - it’s a perfectly legitimate response to the picture you posted in favour of cycling.

I do enjoy cycling, only I do it at my local country park or putting bikes in back of van and travelling to Hamsterley Forest for their mountain bike trails - and I always wear a helmet, never headphones.
Yes. Criticising a picture of how people ride in what is generally regarded as one of the best places in the world to cycle and has some of the lowest cycling related injury rates is definitely the way to go. Well done.
Because when proper infrastructure exists they’re not needed. Go to Amsterdam or Ghent and tell the people there they should wear a helmet. I’ll hear the laughter from here.
The whole point of a helmet is to protect your head if you come off your bike regardless of what you run into or what runs into you.
Well that electricity has to be generated somewhere. But no, pollution is but one part of a bigger picture of how cars strangle our spaces.
At the moment that pollution is release well above ground level usually in non built up areas so it has a chance to dissipate unlike in town and city centers. Of course if the electricity produced was green then there wouldn't be any pollution at all.
That's the haircut.
Tbf everyone is looking sexier rn. On account of being unable to fuck anyone senseless. :mad::D
The problem with saying that areas are car free except for disabled people, which is what a lot of people say, is that it's not actually physically possible - the area ends up being arranged in such a way that driving a car is extremely slow and dangerous.

I know this is what some people want, of course, it being extremely inconvenient to drive, and to them it really doesn't matter if the inconvenience affects everyone, not just wasteful bastards.

Ghent is the same as other Dutch and Belgian cities - fantastic for cyclists, absolutely fucking shit for people in wheelchairs.

I don't know why they decided to just completely fuck over people with mobility problems when changing to priority for cycles, but they did.

But everyone holds those cities up as examples to follow.

Majorly improving public transport is the main change to make. There's not much point talking about banning cars or even massively discouraging them until there's a viable alternative on offer. The cost of driving lessons, fuel, etc is already a pretty major disincentive.
Then accessibility for everyone must be a priority. Is this a road surface issue? As I do know how difficult it was simply to wheel my son to the shop in his wheel chair.
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The whole point of a helmet is to protect your head if you come off your bike regardless of what you run into or what runs into you.

Off road cycling and cycling in heavy traffic aside head injuries are very rare in bicycle accidents. They're a very common consequence of car accidents though. IF I start commuting by bike in London again I will be wearing a helmet but I won't be listening to advice from any motorist who isn't wearing a full crash helmet.
Off road cycling and cycling in heavy traffic aside head injuries are very rare in bicycle accidents. They're a very common consequence of car accidents though. IF I start commuting by bike in London again I will be wearing a helmet but I won't be listening to advice from any motorist who isn't wearing a full crash helmet.

And who doesn't paint their car hi-vis yellow.
Yes. Criticising a picture of how people ride in what is generally regarded as one of the best places in the world to cycle and has some of the lowest cycling related injury rates is definitely the way to go. Well done.

If you check your post you’ll notice that you didn’t mention where that photo was taken from.

Regardless, wherever that is - the streets must be paved with cotton wool for all those cyclists not to bother wearing helmets, or is not wearing helmets something you condone?
Tbf everyone is looking sexier rn. On account of being unable to fuck anyone senseless. :mad::D

Then accessibility for everyone must be a priority. Is this a road surface issue? As I do know how difficult it was simply to wheel my son to the shop in his wheel chair.

Road surface, pavement width, lack of drop kerbs, and obstructions. Plus obviously there are arrogant twat cyclists just as much as there are drivers and bikes can still hurt you.

The "shared space" outside South Ken tube is lovely for pedestrians now and fine for wheelchairs (ironically, since the station isn't accessible), but in practice it's useless for anything else, even bikes, because, well, it's full of pedestrians.
And who doesn't paint their car hi-vis yellow.
Logical fallacy again. Cars are 4 or 5 times the width of cycle-twats and therefore significantly easier to spot. Modern ones even have lights that come on automatically at dusk to make them even easier for incompetent morons to spot. Personally I couldn't give a toss whether or not cyclists wear helmets. It's your head. Hi Viz should definitely be made compulsory though as it enables me to spot you drunken stoners well in advance, anticipate your impending maladroit manoeuvres, and avoid damaging my paintwork with your iPod-stuffed lycra wear.
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If you check your post you’ll notice that you didn’t mention where that photo was taken from.

Regardless, wherever that is - the streets must be paved with cotton wool for all those cyclists not to bother wearing helmets, or is not wearing helmets something you condone?
Do you drive your van without head protection?
I’m sure beesonthewhatnow used to use exactly the same arguments the petrolheads are using here, so there is hope after all. Can’t wait for Spymaster ’s Damascene conversion and subsequent bragging about being KOTM on Strava and posting pics of himself in tight Lycra

You can’t wait to see spy in tight Lycra? Queue up behind Clair De Lune
Oh, I thought you were (from the quote below). But, if you're saying that the infrastructure should be improved such that the alternatives are better than car ownership before cars are banned, that's slightly less bonkers.

Here is the full quote:
The concise answer is that the aim is a reduction in car dependency. Of course you can't just ban cars and do nothing to change the infrastructure. You also can't change the infrastructure without banning cars. The two have to happen in parallel.

here is another quote from this thread:
There's a fair bit of research that shows that simply providing alternatives doesn't work. You do have to make sure you provide the alternatives, but then you have to actively discourage private car use.
I’m sure beesonthewhatnow used to use exactly the same arguments the petrolheads are using here, so there is hope after all. Can’t wait for Spymaster ’s Damascene conversion and subsequent bragging about being KOTM on Strava and posting pics of himself in tight Lycra

Yes all while shouting loudly about the amazing taste and nutritional benefits of the latest meat-subtitute beanburger. :beer:
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